Draft Caldecote Village Design Guide SPD

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Draft Caldecote Village Design Guide SPD

1. Foreword and Introduction

Representation ID: 167904

Received: 30/05/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

Sport England supports the development of safe pedestrian and cycle routes through all new developments, but the reference should be widened to refer also to the need to design new development to improve opportunities for all types of formal and informal sport and physical activity.

Full text:

Sport England supports the development of safe pedestrian and cycle routes through all developments, but the reference should be widened to refer also to the need to design new development to improve opportunities for all types of formal and informal sport and physical activity..
Sport England, in conjunction with Public Health England, has produced 'Active Design' (October 2015), a guide to planning new developments that create the right environment to help people get more active, more often, in the interests of health and wellbeing. The guidance sets out ten key principles for ensuring new developments incorporate opportunities for people to take part in sport and physical activity. The Active Design principles are aimed at contributing towards the Government's desire for the planning system to promote healthy communities through good urban design. Sport England would commend the use of the guidance in the master planning process for new residential developments, and the document should be referenced in these village design guides. The document can be downloaded via the following link: http://www.sportengland.org/activedesign


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