Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

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Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations at New Settlements

Representation ID: 168553

Received: 14/10/2019

Respondent: Bloomhall Ltd

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Waterbeach New Town

The Councils' commentary regarding this site is broken into two parts, although it is noted that the figures included in the trajectory are not which adds ambiguity to these. In order to get a better understanding of the likely timescales associated with first completions on this site comparable sites have been considered. With regard to the western portion of the site where there is a resolution to grant planning permission (made in May 2019) it is therefore reasonable to assume that no decision notice will be issued before November 2020. In light of the experience at Northstowe it is also reasonable to assume that it will take a further two years for deliveries to come forward on this site meaning that completions cannot be anticipated until November 2022. Accordingly, the Councils' trajectory is over ambitious and should be amended.

Full text:

The information contained within the uploaded Housing Land Supply Assessment makes clear that the Councils', whether considered separately or jointly, are not able to demonstrate a five year housing land supply of deliverable sites in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF.


Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations at New Settlements

Representation ID: 168554

Received: 14/10/2019

Respondent: Bloomhall Ltd

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Bourn Airfield New Village

The typical lead-in times that the Councils' have published do not include assumptions which relate specifically to strategic sites such as this. The only comparable sites are Cambourne and Northstowe - Phase 1. Taking an average of these two sites, it took 4.8 years from the registration of a planning application to first completions. Accordingly, the earliest monitoring year in which completions can be expected at Bourn Airfield New Village is 2022/2023. Even if it is accepted that the site is deliverable in accordance with the NPPF definition, which is considered to be questionable, the Councils' trajectory would need to be amended as follows to reflect lead in times for similar sites.

Full text:

The information contained within the uploaded Housing Land Supply Assessment makes clear that the Councils', whether considered separately or jointly, are not able to demonstrate a five year housing land supply of deliverable sites in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF.


Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations in the Rural Area

Representation ID: 168555

Received: 14/10/2019

Respondent: Bloomhall Ltd

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Fulbourn & Ida Darwin Hospitals

A resolution to grant outline planning permission was made in August 2017, now more than two years ago. No details have been published regarding the s106 matters that remain outstanding, how these are to be resolved or a timetable for this. It is also noted that the Councils' previous housing trajectory data stated that completions were anticipated on this site in 2020/2021 demonstrating that the Council have been over ambitious in the timescales that they have included for completions from this site previously. The Councils' have not, therefore presented any evidence that housing completions will begin on site within five years.

Full text:

The information contained within the uploaded Housing Land Supply Assessment makes clear that the Councils', whether considered separately or jointly, are not able to demonstrate a five year housing land supply of deliverable sites in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF.


Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations in the Rural Area

Representation ID: 168556

Received: 14/10/2019

Respondent: Bloomhall Ltd

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Cambourne West (land north west of Lower Cambourne)

No reserved matters application has been made for housing as yet although the Council states that this is anticipated in autumn 2019. The information published by the Councils' confirms that the site has multiple landowners. Additionally it confirms that the site is currently controlled by the developers via an option with the land purchase to take place once the reserved matters for housing is approved. This information is clearly contradictory, although it is considered the second statement more accurately sets out the position. There will clearly need to be land deals made outside of the planning process once the first reserved matters for housing is approved. The above clearly calls into the question the deliverability of the site and the information presented does not constitute evidence that housing completions will begin on site within five years. The site should therefore be removed from the trajectory.

Full text:

The information contained within the uploaded Housing Land Supply Assessment makes clear that the Councils', whether considered separately or jointly, are not able to demonstrate a five year housing land supply of deliverable sites in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF.


Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations in the Rural Area

Representation ID: 168557

Received: 14/10/2019

Respondent: Bloomhall Ltd

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Land south of Babraham Road, Sawston

The commentary states that the landowners will be selecting a developer in 2019. As no developer is on board as yet there can be no certainty regarding a scheme that will come forward on the site or the timescales associated with the submission of an application, its determination and the subsequent timescales for the completion of dwellings on site.

There are just two comparable sites Former Bayer CropScience Site, Hauxton and Cambourne - additional 950 dwellings. This gives an average of 7.5 years from the submission of an application to delivery being achieved. As no application has been received by the Council as yet, this site should clearly be removed from the trajectory as it cannot be considered deliverable.

Full text:

The information contained within the uploaded Housing Land Supply Assessment makes clear that the Councils', whether considered separately or jointly, are not able to demonstrate a five year housing land supply of deliverable sites in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF.


Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document

Appendix C: Evidence of Lead-In Times, Lapse Rates and Build Out Rates - Lead-in Times for sites of 10 dwellings or more (net)

Representation ID: 168575

Received: 14/10/2019

Respondent: Bloomhall Ltd

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Given that the Councils' spatial strategies are highly reliant on strategic sites, the lead in times for these sites have been considered further, particularly as it is well documented that such sites are slow to deliver housing. NLP study identifies that the average lead-in time for sites of 2000+ dwellings is just under 7 years from the submission of a planning application, and the lead in time is similar for schemes of 1500-1999 dwellings.

Full text:

The information contained within the uploaded Housing Land Supply Assessment makes clear that the Councils', whether considered separately or jointly, are not able to demonstrate a five year housing land supply of deliverable sites in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF.

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