Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan - Submission version

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Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan - Submission version

Chapter 6 Planning policies - Transport policies

Representation ID: 168714

Received: 20/04/2021

Respondent: Urban & Civic


Representation Summary:

Policy WAT1
Whilst Map 6.1 accompanying Policy WT1 [now WAT 1] has been modified (Consultation Statement change Ref WT1-6, pg. 120), the alignment still does not reflect that illustrated within the SPD and through the plans accompanying the Outline and Reserve Matters Approval for Key Phase 1 of the Barracks and Airfield Redevelopment.

The text supporting the recommended change in the Consultation Statement indicates that the map has been amended:

“…so that the indicative route illustrates more clearly the indicative route set out in the Waterbeach New Town SPD. Also clarify on the map the route of the new pedestrian access to Denny Abbey along the causeway”.

The route shown does not however reflect the alignment of the ‘Causeway Link’ shown on Figure 31 Indicative Framework Plan of the SPD. The route shown on Map 6.1 reflects the alignment of a primary movement and public transport route, shown on SPD Figure 31.
Map showing this part of submission.
This should be corrected, so the policy documents are consistent and reflect the planning approval.



Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan - Submission version

Chapter 6 Planning policies - Transport policies

Representation ID: 168715

Received: 20/04/2021

Respondent: Urban & Civic


Representation Summary:

Policy WAT1
Policy amended from Reg 14. This change (Consultation Statement change ref WT1-1, pg.66) has been made in response to a representation which indicated that greater priority should be given to non-motorised users and public transport rather than non-vehicular users.

The amended text at (c) now lacks clarity, as a link cannot be created without crossing vehicular thoroughfares. This should be made clear.
The text introduced at (d) is not consistent with the now approved Site Access Strategy for the Barracks and Airfield Redevelopment (approved as a condition 10 discharge on Outline Planning Permission (S/0559/17/OL)) and now being implemented.

This Site Access Strategy provides for managed access but does not entirely preclude some access for private vehicles, which is necessary for some existing residential properties within the Barracks area (notably those on Orchard Drive and the Papworth blocks) and for emergency vehicles. The wording at (d) is not consistent with this and should be adjusted to reflect that there is some flexibility in the scheme being implemented.



Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan - Submission version

Planning policies - Design, Conservation, Heritage, Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity

Representation ID: 168716

Received: 20/04/2021

Respondent: Urban & Civic


Representation Summary:

Policy WAT19
changes made to this policy from Reg 14. U&C’s representations have been noted. Further text has been provided to explain the rationale behind the policy. The ambition to avoid the provision of ‘wet’ drainage basins in isolation, which serve no other purpose, from being defined as public open space is accepted and acknowledged by U&C. Unfortunately, the policy as worded goes much further, and precludes recognition of drainage features that have dual purpose and can make a very positive contribution to amenity and well-being. For this reason, the February 2020 objection, reproduced in column 2, is maintained.



Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan - Submission version

Planning Policies - Housing

Representation ID: 168717

Received: 20/04/2021

Respondent: Urban & Civic


Representation Summary:

Policy WAT23
Amendments made to this policy from Reg 14.
U&C recognise that there is an understandable desire for local people to benefit directly from development occurring upon their doorstep. Nevertheless, the allocation of the Waterbeach New Town in the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan reflects a strategy to focus provision to meet housing need across Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire, in several strategic locations. In this context, the housing needs of all residents within the District and the City can be regarded as having equal priority. The redrafted policy maintains a level of local priority in conflict with the overarching Local Plan Strategy. It is for the District Council to address the implications of this position in their response to the Submission Neighbourhood Plan and consider the implications for the allocation of Affordable Housing to those most in need.


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