Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
BG/BG: Biodiversity and geodiversity
Representation ID: 60332
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: North Newnham Residents Association
On biodiversity, please give great prominence to green networks and allow for damage to designated sites from adjacent development
- please do not make the defra BNG calculations overriding - they are not very sensitive to some important biodiversity considerations
On biodiversity and open space, please give great prominence to green networks and allow for damage to designated sites from adjacent development
- please do not make the defra BNG calculations overriding - they are not very sensitive to some important biodiversity considerations
- on open space please allow for the benefits of only visual accessibility
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
BG/PO: Protecting open spaces
Representation ID: 60333
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: North Newnham Residents Association
On open space, please
- give great prominence to green networks
- allow for the benefits of only visual accessibility
On biodiversity and open space, please give great prominence to green networks and allow for damage to designated sites from adjacent development
- please do not make the defra BNG calculations overriding - they are not very sensitive to some important biodiversity considerations
- on open space please allow for the benefits of only visual accessibility
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Climate change
Representation ID: 60818
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: North Newnham Residents Association
On construction and climate, please allow for urgency of climate crisis - whole life calculations may be looking past the tipping point.
On construction and climate, please allow for urgency of climate crisis - whole life calculations may be looking past the tipping point.