Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Biodiversity and green spaces
Representation ID: 59168
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Agent: NHS Property Services Ltd
Biodiversity and green spaces - general comments We support policies which support general health and well-being, access to green space, and healthy lifestyle choices.
Biodiversity and green spaces - general comments We support policies which support general health and well-being, access to green space, and healthy lifestyle choices.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Wellbeing and inclusion
Representation ID: 59174
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Agent: NHS Property Services Ltd
We support policies for health and wellbeing which reflect the wider determinants of health and promote healthy and green lifestyle choices through well designed places.
We support policies for health and wellbeing which reflect the wider determinants of health and promote healthy and green lifestyle choices through well designed places.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
WS/HD: Creating healthy new developments
Representation ID: 59179
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Agent: NHS Property Services Ltd
There is a well-established connection between planning and health. We support policies which not only facilitate improvements to health infrastructure, but also provide a mechanism to improve people’s health. We request that the Local Plan includes policies for health and wellbeing which reflect the wider determinants of health and promote healthy and green lifestyle choices through well designed places
There is a well-established connection between planning and health. We support policies which not only facilitate improvements to health infrastructure, but also provide a mechanism to improve people’s health. We request that the Local Plan includes policies for health and wellbeing which reflect the wider determinants of health and promote healthy and green lifestyle choices through well designed places
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
WS/CF: Community, sports and leisure facilities
Representation ID: 59183
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Agent: NHS Property Services Ltd
Planning policies should actively support the strategic plans of local health commissioners, and new health facilities to meet the needs of the population should be supported.
It is essential that all planning policies enable flexibility within the NHS estate. Where it can be demonstrated that health facilities will be changed as part of wider NHS estate reorganisation programmes, it should be accepted that a facility is neither needed nor viable for its current use and Planning policies within the Local Plan must support the principle of alternative uses for NHS land and property.
Planning policies should actively support the strategic plans of local health commissioners, and new health facilities to meet the needs of the population should be supported.
There is a well-established connection between planning and health. Planning policies can not only facilitate improvements to health infrastructure, but also provide a mechanism to improve people’s health. We request that the Local Plan includes policies for health and wellbeing which reflect the wider determinants of health and promote healthy and green lifestyle choices through well designed places.
It is essential that all planning policies enable flexibility within the NHS estate. Where it can be demonstrated that health facilities will be changed as part of wider NHS estate reorganisation programmes, it should be accepted that a facility is neither needed nor viable for its current use and Planning policies within the Local Plan must support the principle of alternative uses for NHS land and property. This will ensure that there is not a delay to vital reinvestment in facilities and services for the community.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
WS/MU: Meanwhile uses during long term redevelopments
Representation ID: 59186
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Agent: NHS Property Services Ltd
Support for principle of meanwhile uses, and NHS services being included within this policy.
Emphasise the need for developers to provide (at their own cost) flexible short term solutions for the NHS to deliver services for new residents whilst wider development is taking place.
Support for principle of meanwhile uses, and NHS services being included within this policy.
Emphasise the need for developers to provide (at their own cost) flexible short term solutions for the NHS to deliver services for new residents whilst wider development is taking place.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
WS/HS: Pollution, health and safety
Representation ID: 59189
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Agent: NHS Property Services Ltd
Support policies which seek to improve air quality and improve wider determinants of health through well designed places.
Support policies which seek to improve air quality and improve wider determinants of health through well designed places.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Great places
Representation ID: 59193
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Agent: NHS Property Services Ltd
We support high quality design which understands and responds to the wider determinants of health and promotes healthy and green lifestyle choices through well designed places.
We support high quality design which understands and responds to the wider determinants of health and promotes healthy and green lifestyle choices through well designed places.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Representation ID: 59196
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Agent: NHS Property Services Ltd
In areas of significant housing growth, appropriate funding must be consistently leveraged through developer contributions for health and care services in order to meet growing demand. We request that when setting planning obligation policies, the Council seek to address strategic as well as local priorities in planning obligations and engage the NHS in the process as early as possible.
In areas of significant housing growth, appropriate funding must be consistently leveraged through developer contributions for health and care services in order to meet growing demand. We request that when setting planning obligation policies, the Council seek to address strategic as well as local priorities in planning obligations and engage the NHS in the process as early as possible.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
H/AH: Affordable housing
Representation ID: 59200
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Agent: NHS Property Services Ltd
The affordable housing policy should support the principle of homes for NHS Staff (key workers), and support access for NHS staff to affordable housing, as a priority, where there is an evidenced need.
The affordable housing policy should support the principle of homes for NHS Staff (key workers), and support access for NHS staff to affordable housing, as a priority, where there is an evidenced need.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Representation ID: 59213
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Agent: NHS Property Services Ltd
The significant cumulative impacts of residential developments on healthcare requirements in the area should be recognised and, given their strategic importance, health facilities should be put on a level footing with affordable housing and other infrastructure providers when reviewing, securing and allocating S106 and CIL funds, in order to enable the delivery of vital NHS projects. It is imperative that planning policies are positively prepared, in recognition of their statutory duty to help finance improved healthcare services and facilities through effective estate management.
Infrastructure – general comments In areas of significant housing growth, appropriate funding must be consistently leveraged through developer contributions for health and care services in order to meet growing demand. We request that when setting planning obligation policies, the Council seek to address strategic as well as local priorities in planning obligations and engage the NHS in the process as early as possible.
We note the early ‘Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Supplement’ document, which identifies the need for up to 14.7 GP’s and 3086sqm floorspace for primary health infrastructure in response to the growth proposals.
We are keen to engage with the Council, and their advisors, to review and update these figures once there is clarity over the amount and location of growth proposals, and accurately assess the impact on existing health infrastructure, and what additional capacity (by way of adaptations, extensions and new build facilities) will be required.
A vital part of this is ensuring the NHS continues to receive a commensurate share of S106 and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) developer contributions to mitigate the impacts of growth and help deliver transformation plans.
The significant cumulative impacts of residential developments on healthcare requirements in the area should be recognised and, given their strategic importance, health facilities should be put on a level footing with affordable housing and other infrastructure providers when reviewing, securing and allocating S106 and CIL funds, in order to enable the delivery of vital NHS projects. It is imperative that planning policies are positively prepared, in recognition of their statutory duty to help finance improved healthcare services and facilities through effective estate management.