Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
GP/QP: Establishing high quality landscape and public realm
Representation ID: 57142
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: North Newnham Res.Ass
Audit damaging light schemes. (Burrells Walk).
Inappropriate and controversial degradation of historic character.
Cycle ways- markers and floor-scape must look attractive, fit in with context as well as safe and appealing to use.
No cobbles or sets should be removed in historic core floor-scapes.
Bike racks should be visually assessed in historic core and not over dominate historic areas/ (eg Peas Hill).
Bus lanes – bus shelters. Audit good and bad. improve cleaning maintenance.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
GP/QP: Establishing high quality landscape and public realm
Representation ID: 57143
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: North Newnham Res.Ass
Licensed stall holders contracts review on listed bridges.
No Car parking on Silver street Bridge.
Silver street - priority public realm improvement. Remove clobber . Add to Toilet refurbishment scheme.
PLASTIC & Visual Pollution.
Should there be a policy on removing, reducing use of plastic from City Centre?
Ban plastic ties on railings or any notices. City Centre and CA’s.
Ban plastic art schemes- plastic cows, Xmas trees, Boundary treatments.
Ban plastic wavy flag signs. City Centre Kings parade - looks like a garage forecourt?
Market Square.
Ban plastic wavy flag signs above stall heights. Visually polluting building outlines.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
GP/HA: Conservation and enhancement of heritage assets
Representation ID: 57144
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: North Newnham Res.Ass
A priority is to update Conservation Area Appraisals, using planning experts and community forums.
A priority is to have a full set of Conservation reports on Approach roads from all directions into the City of Cambridge and major towns and villages in County.
Please cross ref West cam site for example.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Representation ID: 57145
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: North Newnham Res.Ass
General comment
Green Belt, City Conservation Areas and all main Historic Approach roads like Madingley Road, Barton road must be protected with principles of enhance and protect in transport strategy. Not destroy roads with bus lanes, lights, gantries and new roundabouts where the car or bus dominates.
The reasons for congestion are historical geography. There is simply not enough public bridges with capacity for cyclists, pedestrians let alone buses or cars, to cross the river Cam, in a medieval City with College privatised land.
There is only one viable solution. Tunnels under City with Cambridge Connect scheme phased in.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
BG/PO: Protecting open spaces
Representation ID: 58299
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: North Newnham Res.Ass
Add Review Sports lighting and loss of darkness. Impact of LED lighting on natural open spaces, sports fields and clubs, green belt, urban fringes and residential areas.
West Cambridge athletics and tennis clubs make parts of Coton corridor like an airport five / six nights a week from artificial sports lighting. Some until 10 at night oct - March. A more balanced provision needed with better technical cowls and restricted times to four days a week ?
New ALAN biodiversity studies implies negative impacts on insects.
Include & inform Sports groups in research.