Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
How much development and where?
Representation ID: 58651
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Wates Developments Ltd
Agent: Boyer Planning
Support intention to direct development to where it has least climate impact, where active and public transport is natural choice, where green infrastructure can be delivered alongside new development, and where jobs, services and facilities can be located near to where people live. Aligns with NPPF and principles of sustainable development.
Across rural areas, owing to their location, communities are not usually served by public transport links that are as well connected or indeed frequent as urban areas. However reduced services should not be seen as a barrier or restriction to growth as rural areas provide a variety of other services and facilities and work as a network to meet local needs.
Land East of Cambridge Road, Melbourn offers a sustainable location for residential development. Site’s position on edge of Melbourn provides local public transport connections and pedestrian and cycle links, as well as proximity to nearby local amenities including jobs, services and facilities within village centre.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
How much development and where?
Representation ID: 58652
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Wates Developments Ltd
Agent: Boyer Planning
We support the principle of this strategy and consider it aligns with NPPF and principles of sustainable development.
Across rural areas communities are not usually served by public transport links that are as well connected or frequent as urban areas. Should not be seen as a barrier or restriction to growth as rural areas provide a variety of other services and facilities and work as a network to meet local needs.
Strategy is currently too restrictive for development in rural areas and provides a barrier to sustainable rural growth. Does not comply with NPPF Paragraph 68 in respect of providing for a sufficient mix of sites.
Land West of London Road, Fowlmere, offers a sustainable location for development, scored positively in HELAA assessment (Site ref: 40116). Site benefits from good transport links, including bus services, which connect the Site to other settlements benefitting from train stations.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/JH: New jobs and homes
Representation ID: 58659
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Wates Developments Ltd
Agent: Boyer Planning
Summary: Land west of London Road, Fowlmere (HELAA site 40116)
Background studies found that standard housing figure would not support number of jobs expected to arise between 2020 and 2041 and risks increasing longer distance commuting. OAN therefore calculated above standard housing figure, based upon most likely level of future jobs. Approach is supported and accords with NPPF Paragraph 61, it is considered future jobs forecast provides exceptional circumstances to justify higher level of homes based upon current and future demographic trends and market signals, taking into consideration Greater Cambridge economy is dynamic and does not align with national or regional job forecasts.
Agree Plan should provide flexibility to facilitate higher job growth. Clear evidence that historically employment growth has been higher than predicted. Notwithstanding recent introduction of Use Class E, which may see greater movement between previous Class B Uses and additional employment sites coming forward, thereby increasing need for housing land.
Without adequate flexibility, Plan runs risk of restricting jobs growth and failing to meet economic objectives of sustainable development, NPPF Paragraphs 8(a) and 82.
Will be necessary to provide flexibility in delivery of additional homes to support additional jobs and reduce levels of commuting and resulting impacts on climate change and congestion.
Acknowledged intending to allocate sites to provide 10% buffer, flexibility to support higher jobs growth should also be incorporated to ensure Plan meets criterion c) of NPPF Paragraph 82.
Additional contingency site allocations should be included within housing trajectory. Will ensure Plan is positively prepared, justified and effective. Land to East Side of Cambridge Road Melbourn offers sustainable location for development and is immediately available for development.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/DS: Development strategy
Representation ID: 58668
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Wates Developments Ltd
Agent: Boyer Planning
Land west of London Road, Fowlmere (HELAA site 40116)
Supported that sites should be developed that can be well-integrated with existing communities to reinforce distinctive character of city, towns and villages. Supported that in urban areas, sites should be developed at densities making effective use of land. However, focus on higher development density should not restrict development in sustainable locations in smaller settlements, where high density development may not be appropriate. Do not agree with statement on page 30, high quality development can achieve carbon neutrality and provide enhancements for nature and wildlife, along with wealth of other benefits.
Strategy relies on existing and previously identified sites from Local Plans and outstanding planning permissions, with 13 ‘new’ sites. Many are large scale which means they take longer to be brought forward. Concerns with deliverability of Cambridge Airport and ambitious that will deliver 350 homes per year from 2031/2. Lack of detail to demonstrate intensified rates of development at Northstowe and Waterbeach is achievable. North-East Cambridge is dependent on relocating the existing Waste Water Treatment works.
Whilst 10% buffer seeks to provide flexibility to deal with unforeseen circumstances, 10% is not considered sufficient - increased to minimum 20% and further sites allocated.
Concerns regarding heavy reliance on windfall. Settlement boundaries have been tightly drawn, insufficient flexibility for (greenfield) sites to come forward.
Allocation of sustainable sites at lower order settlements will ensure strategy is plan-led, NPPF Paragraph 15, and growth is supported by appropriate infrastructure. Re-allocating a proportion of windfall growth to sustainable sites will provide greater level of certainty.
Whilst villages should not be primary focus for growth, strategy is too restrictive and cannot be supported. Appropriate village development can be sustainable in terms of transport and carbon emissions and provide infrastructure requirements, e.g. Land West of London Road, Fowlmere.
Concerns regarding robustness of strategy and ability to bring sufficient land forward for development at sufficient rate to address OAN over plan period as required by NPPF Paragraph 23.
Smaller sites can be brought forward quicker and provide greater certainty of delivery, particularly in early part of plan period. NPPF Paragraph 79 maintain vitality of rural communities and provide opportunities for villages to grow and thrive, especially where this will support local services.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/JH: New jobs and homes
Representation ID: 58683
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Wates Developments Ltd
Agent: Boyer Planning
Summary: Land to the east of Cambridge Road, Melbourn (HELAA site 47757)
Background studies found that standard housing figure would not support number of jobs expected to arise between 2020 and 2041 and risks increasing longer distance commuting. OAN therefore calculated above standard housing figure, based upon most likely level of future jobs. Approach is supported and accords with NPPF Paragraph 61, it is considered future jobs forecast provides exceptional circumstances to justify higher level of homes based upon current and future demographic trends and market signals, taking into consideration Greater Cambridge economy is dynamic and does not align with national or regional job forecasts.
Agree Plan should provide flexibility to facilitate higher job growth. Clear evidence that historically employment growth has been higher than predicted. Notwithstanding recent introduction of Use Class E, which may see greater movement between previous Class B Uses and additional employment sites coming forward, thereby increasing need for housing land.
Without adequate flexibility, Plan runs risk of restricting jobs growth and failing to meet economic objectives of sustainable development, NPPF Paragraphs 8(a) and 82.
Will be necessary to provide flexibility in delivery of additional homes to support additional jobs and reduce levels of commuting and resulting impacts on climate change and congestion.
Acknowledged intending to allocate sites to provide 10% buffer, flexibility to support higher jobs growth should also be incorporated to ensure Plan meets criterion c) of NPPF Paragraph 82.
Additional contingency site allocations should be included within housing trajectory. Will ensure Plan is positively prepared, justified and effective. Land to East Side of Cambridge Road Melbourn offers sustainable location for development and is immediately available for development.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/SH: Settlement hierarchy
Representation ID: 58686
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Wates Developments Ltd
Agent: Boyer Planning
Land west side of London Road, High Street, Fowlmere (HELAA site 40116)
Development should be assigned across settlement hierarchy, with development proportionate to provision of services and facilities and public transport network. Policy direction includes restrictions on indicative maximum scheme sizes for each settlement tier. Coupled with overall development strategy for only small number of allocations within rural area, ability for sustainable developments to come forward is overly restrictive.
Applying restrictions on development is not considered justified, as sustainability of settlements and availability of suitable sites can vary between settlements within same tier. More appropriate to identify additional site allocations within villages, considering each rural settlement on individual basis. Government’s objective of significantly boosting supply of homes (NPPF Paragraph 60).
New development can increase sustainability of existing settlements through provision of additional, or enhancing existing, services and facilities, and have a positive impact upon long term viability through supporting rural schools and facilities.
Fowlmere is “Group Village”. Concerned by lack of assessment in terms of its ability to accommodate growth.
Settlement hierarchy divides Group Villages into two key categories - with and without good transport links. Significant concerns with simplistic approach to categorising settlements and their ability to accommodate development.
Group Villages with very good public transport were assessed using points system, with only those considered to have good existing or proposed sustainable transport links assessed further in terms of their ability to accommodate development.
Failure of evidence base to consider all modes of transport and bus services within Fowlmere and its connectivity to surrounding settlements represents a flaw. Modes should not be viewed in isolation, rather should be viewed collectively, bus and train links. Resulted in sites within Fowlmere not being properly considered.
Fowlmere is desirable and sustainable employment location, not reliant on private car and sustainable modes of transport are available.
To ensure employment growth is supported by sufficient housing Fowlmere should accommodate housing sites, to meet criterion c) NPPF Paragraph 82. Land West of London Road Fowlmere lies adjacent to the employment opportunities at Manor Farm Business Park, offers a sustainable and suitable location for development and is immediately available.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/DS: Development strategy
Representation ID: 58693
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Wates Developments Ltd
Agent: Boyer Planning
Land east side of Cambridge Road, Melbourn (HELAA site 58693)
Supported that sites should be developed that can be well-integrated with existing communities to reinforce distinctive character of city, towns and villages. Supported that in urban areas, sites should be developed at densities making effective use of land. However, focus on higher development density should not restrict development in sustainable locations in smaller settlements, where high density development may not be appropriate. Do not agree with statement on page 30, high quality development can achieve carbon neutrality and provide enhancements for nature and wildlife, along with wealth of other benefits.
Strategy relies on existing and previously identified sites from Local Plans and outstanding planning permissions, with 13 ‘new’ sites. Many are large scale which means they take longer to be brought forward. Concerns with deliverability of Cambridge Airport and ambitious that will deliver 350 homes per year from 2031/2. Lack of detail to demonstrate intensified rates of development at Northstowe and Waterbeach is achievable. North-East Cambridge is dependent on relocating the existing Waste Water Treatment works.
Whilst 10% buffer seeks to provide flexibility to deal with unforeseen circumstances, 10% is not considered sufficient - increased to minimum 20% and further sites allocated.
Concerns regarding heavy reliance on windfall. Settlement boundaries have been tightly drawn, insufficient flexibility for (greenfield) sites to come forward.
Allocation of sustainable sites at lower order settlements, including Minor Rural Centres, will ensure strategy is plan-led, NPPF Paragraph 15, and growth is supported by appropriate infrastructure. Re-allocating a proportion of windfall growth to sustainable sites will provide greater level of certainty.
Whilst villages should not be primary focus for growth, strategy is too restrictive and cannot be supported. Appropriate village development can be sustainable in terms of transport and carbon emissions and provide infrastructure requirements, e.g. land to east side of Cambridge Road, Melbourn.
Concerns regarding robustness of strategy and ability to bring sufficient land forward for development at sufficient rate to address OAN over plan period as required by NPPF Paragraph 23.
Smaller sites can be brought forward quicker and provide greater certainty of delivery, particularly in early part of plan period. NPPF Paragraph 79 maintain vitality of rural communities and provide opportunities for villages to grow and thrive, especially where this will support local services.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/SH: Settlement hierarchy
Representation ID: 58695
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Wates Developments Ltd
Agent: Boyer Planning
Land to the west of Cambridge Road, Melbourn (HELAA site 40490)
Development should be assigned across settlement hierarchy, with development proportionate to provision of services and facilities and public transport network. Policy direction includes restrictions on indicative maximum scheme sizes for each settlement tier. Coupled with overall development strategy for only small number of allocations within rural area, ability for sustainable developments to come forward is overly restrictive.
Applying restrictions on development is not considered justified, as sustainability of settlements and availability of suitable sites can vary between settlements within same tier. More appropriate to identify additional site allocations within villages, considering each rural settlement on individual basis. Government’s objective of significantly boosting supply of homes (NPPF Paragraph 60).
New development can increase sustainability of existing settlements through provision of additional, or enhancing existing, services and facilities, and have a positive impact upon long term viability through supporting rural schools and facilities.
Melbourn is ‘Minor Rural Centre’. Endorse its recognition as a sustainable location and able to accommodate additional residential growth.
Evident Melbourn is capable of accommodating larger sites, with proposed allocation for 120 dwellings at land to west of Cambridge Road (Policy S/RRA/CR). Do not support overly prescriptive restriction on quantum of dwellings to come forward within this tier in Settlement Hierarchy, which does not align with its position and identification as largest district within the south west of the district.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/SB: Settlement boundaries
Representation ID: 58701
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Wates Developments Ltd
Agent: Boyer Planning
Land east side of Cambridge Road, Melbourn (HELAA site 47757)
Policy direction to include settlement boundaries around settlements is supported. Play an important role in controlling development, however they should not be used for preventing otherwise sustainable development. Noted boundaries will be defined to take into account present extent of built-up area and planned new development. However, proposed strategy to restrict dwellings in certain tiers of settlement hierarchy and low number of site allocations proposed for rural areas will prevent sustainable development being brought forward unless further sites are allocated and included within settlement boundary.
Should Councils wish to continue to apply heavy reliance on windfall development to accommodate growth, settlement boundaries will need to be drawn more loosely, particularly beyond outer Green Belt boundary, to allow for speculative development.
Cambridge South new station is anticipated to increase capacity along existing rail line, through settlements such as Meldreth. Such infrastructure will increase sustainability of existing settlements such as Melbourn, enabling further development. Land to East Side of Cambridge Road offers sustainable location for residential growth located along Melbourn Greenway, which will enhance linkages between Melbourn and Cambridge, providing green active travel into and out of city and Melbourn Science Park, for walkers, cyclists and horse riders.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/SB: Settlement boundaries
Representation ID: 58702
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Wates Developments Ltd
Agent: Boyer Planning
Land west side of London Road, High Street, Fowlmere (HELAA site 40116)
Policy direction to include settlement boundaries around settlements is supported. Play an important role in controlling development, however they should not be used for preventing otherwise sustainable development.
Noted boundaries will be defined to take into account present extent of built-up area and planned new development. However, proposed strategy to restrict dwellings in certain tiers of settlement hierarchy and low number of site allocations proposed for rural areas will prevent sustainable development being brought forward unless further sites are allocated and included within settlement boundary.
Should Councils wish to continue to apply heavy reliance on windfall development to accommodate growth, settlement boundaries will need to be drawn more loosely, particularly beyond outer Green Belt boundary, to allow for speculative development.
Boundary for Fowlmere is tightly drawn restricting additional greenfield sites to come forward as windfall development. If unchanged, it is assumed windfall development is anticipated to be delivered through brownfield sites. No clear opportunities for redevelopment of previously developed land, only one ‘Call for Site’.
Suggests very limited opportunity for additional growth within Fowlmere and we raise concerns with regards to strategy, which could be detrimental to vitality of Group Villages.
Land West of London Road Fowlmere lies adjacent to existing settlement boundary and employment opportunities at Manor Farm Business Park to north, is suitable for development and is immediately available.