Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

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Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan

Representation ID: 56589

Received: 23/11/2021

Respondent: O'Donovan Holdings Ltd

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

We propose the site Land at Potton Road, Mill Hill, Gamlingay as a further housing allocation (for sustainable affordable housing). The Plan currently has no allocations for affordable housing, this site would provide one.The site is previously-developed land in an accessible location. Development on the site would meet the unmet need for affordable housing locally and also support local facilities.
The recent Housing Needs Survey (2021) supports the need for a further housing allocation, finding that
every year for the next 5-years a minimum of 27 households will be in affordable housing need, 135
households over 5-years.



Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan

Representation ID: 56590

Received: 22/02/2025

Respondent: O'Donovan Holdings Ltd

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

Objective 1 - We support this objective because there is a clear need for sustainable affordable homes, in
particular 1-2-bedroom dwellings and bungalows.

Objective 4 - We support this objective in line with the requirement in the NPPF (2021) at para. 79 for housing
in rural areas to be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities.

Policy GAM1 - We support this draft policy, specifically the requirement for housing development to “provide a
mix of homes, in particular one- or two-bedroom dwellings and bungalows.”

Policy GAM6 – We support the protection of community amenities and facilities.



Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan

Representation ID: 56591

Received: 23/11/2021

Respondent: O'Donovan Holdings Ltd

Agent: Iceni Projects Limited

Representation Summary:

Objective 2 - This objective should include support for rural exception sites to meet a sustainable affordable
housing need, as long as they are well-designed.

Objective 5 - The objective therefore should not be to encourage more parking provision, but rather to provide
levels of parking appropriate to the site and circumstances.

Paragraphs 4.23, 4.31, text box on page 43 and Policies GAM3 and GAM9 - These state that the right place
for new homes is within the village boundary. We object to this because there is no reference to rural exception
sites. These are permitted according to South Cambridgeshire Local Plan Policy H/11, so the text should be amended to reflect this.


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