Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
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Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
1.0 Introduction
Representation ID: 200036
Received: 29/11/2023
Respondent: Linton Parish Council
Section 1.4
LPC believe there is an error with the date? It would not have been possible to put anything in place for Covid in May 2019 – it didn’t arrive until early 2020 in the UK!
Section 1.13
The right type, mix and design of housing should have much stronger local input (can this be mandated?). Developers don’t put the right mix of smaller dwellings that are needed in developments, nor do they consider the needs of the elderly and disabled in their design – the great majority (if not all) properties should be accessible.
Section 1.4
LPC believe there is an error with the date? It would not have been possible to put anything in place for Covid in May 2019 – it didn’t arrive until early 2020 in the UK!
Section 1.13
The right type, mix and design of housing should have much stronger local input (can this be mandated?). Developers don’t put the right mix of smaller dwellings that are needed in developments, nor do they consider the needs of the elderly and disabled in their design – the great majority (if not all) properties should be accessible.
Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
2.0 How can I get involved in the planning process?
Representation ID: 200037
Received: 29/11/2023
Respondent: Linton Parish Council
Section 2.3: Unless it is mandated that developers should work with parish councils and parishioners before submitting ANY plans, we will never be in a situation that truly matches the needs of local people.
Section 2.3
Unless it is mandated that developers should work with parish councils and parishioners before submitting ANY plans, we will never be in a situation that truly matches the needs of local people.
Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
2.0 How can I get involved in the planning process?
Representation ID: 200038
Received: 29/11/2023
Respondent: Linton Parish Council
To reach those without internet access and who may not regularly use spaces such as the railways (eg the elderly), could notice be given in the appropriate news letters and or through local newspapers (eg Linton news). Also, longer time periods should be allowed for consultation, preferably graduated by size of development. This is especially the case when notification letters often take 3 to 5 days of the 21-day period.
Consultation –
To reach those without internet access and who may not regularly use spaces such as the railways (eg the elderly), could notice be given in the appropriate news letters and or through local newspapers (eg Linton news). Also, longer time periods should be allowed for consultation, preferably graduated by size of development. This is especially the case when notification letters often take 3 to 5 days of the 21-day period.
Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
4.0 Methods for community engagement at the planning application stage
Representation ID: 200039
Received: 29/11/2023
Respondent: Linton Parish Council
Section 4.1: Please specify which council is responsible for e.g., minerals, waste, solar (or other energy) farms, infrastructure (schools, hospitals, doctor surgeries, petrol stations etc.) planning applications - a table may be useful with type of application and responsible body.
Section 4.2: Pre application discussion with locals should be mandated if they will affect the area – number of dwellings where this is mandated could vary depending on the size of the village, but most parishes would be interested in all development of, say, 5 or more dwellings (1 or more business units).
Section 4.1
Please specify which council is responsible for e.g., minerals, waste, solar (or other energy) farms, infrastructure (schools, hospitals, doctor surgeries, petrol stations etc.) planning applications - a table may be useful with type of application and responsible body.
Section 4.2
Pre application discussion with locals should be mandated if they will affect the area – number of dwellings where this is mandated could vary depending on the size of the village, but most parishes would be interested in all development of, say, 5 or more dwellings (1 or more business units).
Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
4.0 Methods for community engagement at the planning application stage
Representation ID: 200041
Received: 29/11/2023
Respondent: Linton Parish Council
Sections 4.14 to 4.16: What is the threshold for this to apply? Linton did not see consultation with our youth.
Section 4.17: Linton had issues with the Bartlow Rd developer not communicating with the PC or the residents and not adapting the development to meet local needs. The Horseheath Road developer disregarded PC concerns re the flow of surface water and the consequences were significant. How will the councils ensure that developers take all material concerns on board?
4.14 to 4.16
What is the threshold for this to apply? Linton did not see consultation with our youth.
This did not happen for either of the 2 recent large developments in Linton. In the case of Bartlow Road, the developer refused to meet residents or the PC until after their RM application had been submitted, and only then grudgingly. Even at this stage they could have incorporated changes to meet local need, but they chose to ignore everything they were presented with. In the case of the Horseheath Road development, LPC were consulted about the look of the houses and streets. Some of our concerns were addressed, but our major concern over the flow of surface water was ignored with disastrous consequences. How will the councils ensure that developers take all material concerns on board?
Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
4.0 Methods for community engagement at the planning application stage
Representation ID: 200042
Received: 29/11/2023
Respondent: Linton Parish Council
Table 4: Why is the word ‘or’ rather than ‘and’ used between ‘site notice’ and ‘neighbour notification’? Tree protection feels as though it is being watered down with Parish Council notification effectively optional, and the current tree team not serving TPOs on trees requested for protection by landowners, parishioners and the parish Council.
Table 4
Why is the word ‘or’ rather than ‘and’ used between ‘site notice’ and ‘neighbour notification’? Tree protection feels as though it is being watered down with Parish Council notification effectively optional, and the current tree team not serving TPOs on trees requested for protection by landowners, parishioners and the parish Council.
Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
4.0 Methods for community engagement at the planning application stage
Representation ID: 200043
Received: 29/11/2023
Respondent: Linton Parish Council
Section 4.30: This says nothing about a decision being changed after it was made by a planning committee, as happened with land on Balsham Rd Linton. A refusal was publicly recorded in the planning committee meeting, but the decision Notice was not issued while the applicant was given the opportunity to withdraw the application. This is not transparent!
Section 4.34: None of the timelines detailed in the compliance policy are being followed for breaches raised in Linton.
section 4.30
This says nothing about a decision being changed after it was made by a planning committee, as happened with land on Balsham Rd Linton. A refusal was publicly recorded in the planning committee meeting, but the decision Notice was not issued while the applicant was given the opportunity to withdraw the application. This is not transparent!
Section 4.34
None of the timelines detailed in the compliance policy are being followed for breaches raised in Linton.
Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
5.0 How can the community be involved in the allocation of planning obligation funds?
Representation ID: 200044
Received: 29/11/2023
Respondent: Linton Parish Council
Section 5.5: It is no good only offering offsite BNG in one location across the whole of south Cambs. The net gain opportunities MUST be considered in the same parish as the development first.
The document is well meaning, however it doesn’t describe what residents can do when they feel they are not being listened to, or have been misunderstood.
Section 5.5
It is no good only offering offsite BNG in one location across the whole of south Cambs. The net gain opportunities MUST be considered in the same parish as the development first.
The document is well meaning, however it doesn’t describe what residents can do when they feel they are not being listened to, or have been misunderstood.