Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023

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Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023

1.0 Introduction

Representation ID: 200050

Received: 30/10/2023

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

We support the general aims and approach to the draft Statement of Community Involvement.

We are supportive of the principle of meaningful and early engagement of the general community,
community organisations and statutory bodies in local planning matters, both in terms of shaping
policy and participating in the process of determining planning applications.


Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023

3.0 Our methods for community engagement in planning policy

Representation ID: 200051

Received: 30/10/2023

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Planning Policy/Local Plans: We welcome the acknowledgement of Historic England as a statutory consultee under duty to co-operate at paragraph 3.28 and Appendix 2 p35 as a specific consultation body with respect to Local Plans at paragraph 3.22 /Appendix 2, p33


Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023

4.0 Methods for community engagement at the planning application stage

Representation ID: 200052

Received: 30/10/2023

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Planning Applications:
We welcome reference to consultation with Historic England on planning applications at paragraph 4.20 and Appendix 5 p38.


Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023

6.0 How the local community can prepare a neighbourhood plan or neighbourhood development order

Representation ID: 200053

Received: 30/10/2023

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

With regards to neighbourhood planning, we would welcome notification of proposed neighbourhood planning areas as well as consultation on draft plans. The regulations state that Historic England should be consulted on draft plans where our interests are considered to be affected. We welcome reference to this at paragraph 3.47 and Appendix 2.

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