South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

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South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

Representation ID: 200092

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

The LLFA have reviewed the Neighbourhood Plan submitted for review under Regulation 14 of Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 and have the following comments:

The inclusion of the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water Supplementary Planning Document, the National Planning Policy Framework, and Cambridge City Council Local Plan Policy 31 and Policy 32 is supported by the LLFA as it covers the importance of managing surface water runoff in new developments using sustainable drainage systems. Cambridge City Local Plan Policy 33 is particularly important for protecting groundwater bodies from pollution. It would be beneficial to include reference to this within the Neighbourhood Plan as South Newnham is located in a Source Protection Zone.

The LLFA is supportive of the promotion of permeable paving as in addition to controlling the rate of surface water leaving the site it also provides water quality treatment. It is also great to see the promotion of green/brown roofs. Other above-ground open SuDS features could be listed such as attenuation basins as these also provide water quality treatment, amenity, and biodiversity benefits.

Some areas of South Newnham are at high risk of surface water flooding. This is highlighted within the Neighbourhood Plan with reference to surface water flood risk maps which allow people to identify the specific locations that are most at risk.

It is acknowledged that Policy SNNP10 refers to Climate Change and the Risk of Local Flooding. It is also recommended that the use of above ground SuDS is encouraged in Policy SNNP10 as these features can enhance landscape character in South Newnham.

The Cambridgeshire County Councils Surface Water Planning Guidance also provides technical guidance for developers.

The LLFA would recommend that Anglian Water, and the Environment Agency as well as any relevant Internal Drainage Board are consulted in relation to flood risk management, to ensure that their comments on this Neighbourhood Plan can be taken into account.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the LLFA on the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan.

The LLFA have reviewed the Neighbourhood Plan submitted for review under Regulation 14 of Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 and have the following comments:

The inclusion of the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water Supplementary Planning Document, the National Planning Policy Framework, and Cambridge City Council Local Plan Policy 31 and Policy 32 is supported by the LLFA as it covers the importance of managing surface water runoff in new developments using sustainable drainage systems. Cambridge City Local Plan Policy 33 is particularly important for protecting groundwater bodies from pollution. It would be beneficial to include reference to this within the Neighbourhood Plan as South Newnham is located in a Source Protection Zone.

The LLFA is supportive of the promotion of permeable paving as in addition to controlling the rate of surface water leaving the site it also provides water quality treatment. It is also great to see the promotion of green/brown roofs. Other above-ground open SuDS features could be listed such as attenuation basins as these also provide water quality treatment, amenity, and biodiversity benefits.

Some areas of South Newnham are at high risk of surface water flooding. This is highlighted within the Neighbourhood Plan with reference to surface water flood risk maps which allow people to identify the specific locations that are most at risk.

It is acknowledged that Policy SNNP10 refers to Climate Change and the Risk of Local Flooding. It is also recommended that the use of above ground SuDS is encouraged in Policy SNNP10 as these features can enhance landscape character in South Newnham.

The Cambridgeshire County Councils Surface Water Planning Guidance also provides technical guidance for developers.

The LLFA would recommend that Anglian Water, and the Environment Agency as well as any relevant Internal Drainage Board are consulted in relation to flood risk management, to ensure that their comments on this Neighbourhood Plan can be taken into account.

Should you wish to further discuss any of the above comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.


South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

Representation ID: 200116

Received: 21/06/2024

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

I refer to the recent consultation on the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan. Please find attached comments I have received from the Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Team relating to heritage assets. These are made to ensure there is consistency and clarity in how different types of heritage assets are described and presented in the Neighbourhood Plan with the aim of avoiding any undue ambiguity.

Full text:

I refer to the recent consultation on the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan. Please find attached comments I have received from the Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Team relating to heritage assets. These are made to ensure there is consistency and clarity in how different types of heritage assets are described and presented in the Neighbourhood Plan with the aim of avoiding any undue ambiguity.

I trust that this will be of assistance to the Neighbourhood Forum as it progresses the Neighbourhood Plan and we would of course be happy to discuss this with them in more detail.

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