Pampisford Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

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Pampisford Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

Pampisford Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

Representation ID: 200141

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: British Horse Society

Representation Summary:

Comments on behalf of the British Horse Society:



It is acknowledged at both national and local level that equestrians are NMU's. We support many of the comments about the cycling provision being inadequate and unsafe. Equestrians are considered equally vulnerable road users as cyclists in the Road User Hierarchy. The Highway Code states that cyclists should not undertake equestrians.

Provision of roadside cycling routes which exclude equestrians leaves horse and their riders, as well as other road users, in more danger. It brings fast-moving cyclists on the inside of equestrians forced to travel in the traffic flow, Horses are not trained to expect traffic on their inside and may be startled by cyclists and swing out into the path of vehicles. If the cycling provision is built to accommodate cargo, hand propelled and recumbent bikes, then it will be wide enough to include equestrians.

Equestrians are entitled to use the whole of the highway which comprises the carriageway and the verge. Construction of a cycle path on the verge should be subject to a TRO which requires consultation with Stakeholders including the BHS. The BHS would require equestrian inclusion on any safe paths provided on the verge.

A route which is currently signed for pedestrians and cyclists only and should be available to equestrians is the path from the edge of the village on Babraham Road along Sawston Road to Babraham. Part of this route is in Pampisford and part in Babraham. The path should be upgraded to bridleway status and this should be included within the Plan 'wish list. There is a possibility that the CSET project will address this incorrect signage. This path is so dangerous, it was used to highlight the danger of excluding equestrians from safe off-road access in a BHS safety leaflet. See attached.

Since the preparation of the NP Plan, a bridleway has been created in the Parish. See attached an image of the bridleway.

There is a clear opportunity to improve both the PROW network for both cyclists and equestrians by upgrading two footpaths to bridleways with appropriate surfacing for all users - not tarmac. Footpaths 179/1 Pampisford leading to footpaths 12/9 and 12/8 Babraham, and footpath 179/2 Pampisford. See attached an image of the footpaths.

Should CSETs be delivered, then there will be further opportunities for links from these two new bridleways with the proposed bridleway running alongside the busway. See attached an Image of the CSET Better Public Transport Route.

Whilst the upgrades are not within the gift of this Plan, they should be included on the 'wish list' for future opportunities.

Full text:

Thank you for including Equestrians in the Plan. Comments on Behald of the Biritsh Horse Society:

Comments on behalf of the British Horse Society:

It is acknowledged at both national and local level that equestrians are NMU's.
We support many of the comments about the cycling provision being inadequate and unsafe. Equestrians are considered equally vulnerable road users as cyclists in the Road User Hierarchy. The Highway Code states that cyclists should not undertake equestrians.

Provision of roadside cycling routes which exclude equestrians leaves horse and their riders, as well as other road users, in more danger. It brings fast-moving cyclists on the inside of equestrians forced to travel in the traffic flow, Horses are not trained to expect traffic on their inside and may be startled by cyclists and swing out into the path of vehicles. If the cycling provision is built to accommodate cargo, hand propelled and recumbent bikes, then it will be wide enough to include equestrians.

Equestrians are entitled to use the whole of the highway which comprises the carriageway and the verge. Construction of a cycle path on the verge should be subject to a TRO which requires consultation with Stakeholders including the BHS. The BHS would require equestrian inclusion on any safe paths provided on the verge.

A route which is currently signed for pedestrians and cyclists only and should be available to equestrians is the path from the edge of the village on Babraham Road along Sawston Road to Babraham. Part of this route is in Pampisford and part in Babraham. The path should be upgraded to bridleway status and this should be included within the Plan 'wish list. There is a possibility that the CSET project will address this incorrect signage. This path is so dangerous, it was used to highlight the danger of excluding equestrians from safe off-road access in a BHS safety leaflet. See attached.

Since the preparation of the NP Plan, a bridleway has been created in the Parish.

(Image attached)

There is a clear opportunity to improve both the PROW network for both cyclists and equestrians by upgrading two footpaths to bridleways with appropriate surfacing for all users - not tarmac. Footpaths 179/1 Pampisford leading to footpaths 12/9 and 12/8 Babraham, and footpath 179/2 Pampisford.

(Image attached)

Should CSETs be delivered, then there will be further opportunities for links from these two new bridleways with the proposed bridleway running alongside the busway.

(Image attached)

Whilst the upgrades are not within the gift of this Plan, they should be included on the 'wish list' for future opportunities.

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