Pampisford Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

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Pampisford Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

Pampisford Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

Representation ID: 200138

Received: 24/09/2024

Respondent: Cambridge Past, Present and Future

Representation Summary:

Cambridge Past, Present & Future request that Policy PAM 12 and/or the supporting text make reference to to the Local Nature Recovery Strategy and Cambridge Nature Network.

Referencing the LNRS and the work of the CNN in Section 6.12 of the Neighbourhood Plan will help prioritise and direct biodiversity enhancements so that improvements within the parish are linked to wider biodiversity projects beyond the parish.

Full text:

Cambridge Past, Present & Future is Cambridge’s largest civic society. We are a charity run by local people who are passionate about where they live. We operate in the greater Cambridge area and working with our members, supporters and volunteers we are dedicated to protecting and enhancing the green setting of Cambridge for people and nature.

Cambridge Past, Present & Future request that Policy PAM 12 and/or the supporting text make reference to to the Local Nature Recovery Strategy and Cambridge Nature Network.

Cambridgeshire County Council will be producing a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) which will set priorities for nature recovery. It will identify opportunities and priorities for recovering or enhancing biodiversity.

The LNRS will incorporate the work of the Cambridge Nature Network (CNN). Since 2018 CambridgePPF have been working with the Wildlife Trust, National Trust, local authorities and other organisations to identify a nature recovery network for the Cambridge area. The Cambridge Nature Network includes the best of the remaining habitats within 10km of the city and it identifies the best opportunities and locations for creating new habitats.

The River Cam and its tributaries are one of the nature priority areas in the network. The Neighbourhood Plan area lies between the River Cam Corridor to the west and River Granta corridor to the north-east.

The vision is that the Nature Network will be a mosaic of individual nature parks, nature reserves and farm habitats, linked together by nature-friendly farmland and wildlife-rich towns and villages. As well as being good for wildlife, it will be good for people.

Referencing the LNRS and the work of the CNN in Section 6.12 of the Neighbourhood Plan will help prioritise and direct biodiversity enhancements so that improvements within the parish are linked to wider biodiversity projects beyond the parish.

Suggested amendment
Cambridgeshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy and Cambridge Nature Network
Cambridgeshire County Council are producing a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) ( which will identify opportunities and priorities for recovering or enhancing biodiversity. The Cambridge Nature Network ( identifies the best opportunities and locations for creating new habitats within a 10km ring around Cambridge. The River Cam and its tributaries are one of the nature priority areas. The Neighbourhood Plan area lies between the River Cam Corridor to the west and River Granta corridor to the north-east. Measures for delivering biodiversity enhancements should take into account other projects within the network and where possible create links between habitats.

I trust that you will take our comments into consideration.

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