Draft Affordable Housing SPD

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Draft Affordable Housing SPD


Representation ID: 28639

Received: 14/07/2014

Respondent: Cambridge Past, Present and Future

Representation Summary:

Section 3

Qualifying sites and thresholds: Are these thresholds going to be viable or deliverable at a time when developers are still arguing over affordable housing allocations following the last downturn. DCLG's 'Section 106 affordable housing requirements: Review and appeal' 2013 allows for renegotiating of unaffordable schemes following The Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013, paragraph 7: Modifications or discharge of affordable housing requirements' on existing Section 106 agreements


Draft Affordable Housing SPD


Representation ID: 28640

Received: 14/07/2014

Respondent: Cambridge Past, Present and Future

Representation Summary:

Section 5: Building design
Does the term 'tenure blind' need to be explained further?

Could this section point to case studies of best practice as in section 4? If not individual case studies could a link be given to organisations that provide best practice such as The Design Council http://www.designcouncil.org.uk/our-services/built-environment or the Urban Design Group http://www.udg.org.uk


Draft Affordable Housing SPD


Representation ID: 28641

Received: 14/07/2014

Respondent: Cambridge Past, Present and Future

Representation Summary:

Could this section point to case studies of best practice? If not individual case studies, could a link be given to organisations that provide best practice such as The Design Council or the Urban Design Group or The Landscape Institute.


Draft Affordable Housing SPD


Representation ID: 28642

Received: 14/07/2014

Respondent: Cambridge Past, Present and Future

Representation Summary:

Design review process - our understanding was that schemes were requested by the City Council to come before the panel rather than the choice being that of the applicants. We believe the weblink to Cambridge Association of Architects website is out of date as there appears to be no guidance on how to submit a proposal via that link.

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