Draft Planning Obligations SPD

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Draft Planning Obligations SPD

3.7 Obligation Types

Representation ID: 28540

Received: 14/07/2014

Respondent: The Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

We are confused as to whether your theatres appear anywhere. They are not included in the CIL Rates (para.2.5.2) nor are they included in Table 1, unless that are a Community Facility, which we assume not as Arts and Cultural Facilities are in separate bullet points in para.10.1.1 and there is no definition in the document for the term 'community facilities'.

The community facilities section of Table 1 on page 14 presumably only refers to D1 and D2 as these are CIL rated nil for all other developments on page 9. Where is the sui generis category that is not related to retail?

Theatres are sui generis, but not retail. If they are within the term 'community facilities' then the document should contain a suitable explanation such as community facilities provide for the health and wellbeing, social, educational, spiritual, recreational, leisure and cultural needs of the community.

There is a lack of clarity on this matter

Full text:

We are confused as to whether your theatres appear anywhere. They are not included in the CIL Rates (para.2.5.2) nor are they included in Table 1, unless that are a Community Facility, which we assume not as Arts and Cultural Facilities are in separate bullet points in para.10.1.1 and there is no definition in the document for the term 'community facilities'.

The community facilities section of Table 1 on page 14 presumably only refers to D1 and D2 as these are CIL rated nil for all other developments on page 9. Where is the sui generis category that is not related to retail?

Theatres are sui generis, but not retail. If they are within the term 'community facilities' then the document should contain a suitable explanation such as community facilities provide for the health and wellbeing, social, educational, spiritual, recreational, leisure and cultural needs of the community.

There is a lack of clarity on this matter

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