Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
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Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
Question 17
Representation ID: 29368
Received: 06/01/2015
Respondent: Historic England
Agent: Historic England
English Heritage has raised objections the Tall Buildings and Skyline Policy in the local plan and will be seeking amendments to it through the current examination in public (see out letter of 30 Sept 2013). While it might be logical for the issue of tall buildings and skyline to be dealt with in accordance with the eventual policy that emerges from the examination in public, English Heritage believes it is premature to agree at this stage to dealing with this matter in accordance with policy as set out in the Submission version of the Local Plan.
English Heritage has raised objections the Tall Buildings and Skyline Policy in the local plan and will be seeking amendments to it through the current examination in public (see out letter of 30 Sept 2013). While it might be logical for the issue of tall buildings and skyline to be dealt with in accordance with the eventual policy that emerges from the examination in public, English Heritage believes it is premature to agree at this stage to dealing with this matter in accordance with policy as set out in the Submission version of the Local Plan.
Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
Question 18a
Representation ID: 29369
Received: 06/01/2015
Respondent: Historic England
Agent: Historic England
Unfortunately there is no evidence base included with the document to explain the impact that the varying heights of buildings might have on designated heritage assets to the south west, south and east of this site. It is therefore difficult to objectively comment on the potential impact of 16 metre, 24 metre or taller buildings. However, it is likely that new buildings of similar heights to those on the existing Cambridge Business Park would not adversely impact on the setting of nearby heritage assets.
Unfortunately there is no evidence base included with the document to explain the impact that the varying heights of buildings might have on designated heritage assets to the south west, south and east of this site. It is therefore difficult to objectively comment on the potential impact of 16 metre, 24 metre or taller buildings. However, it is likely that new buildings of similar heights to those on the existing Cambridge Business Park would not adversely impact on the setting of nearby heritage assets.
Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
Question 18b
Representation ID: 29370
Received: 06/01/2015
Respondent: Historic England
Agent: Historic England
Unfortunately there is no evidence base included with the document to explain the impact that the varying heights of buildings might have on designated heritage assets to the south west, south and east of this site. The new station is located in the southeast corner of the site and tall buildings in the vicinity of this station would have an increased potential to adversely impact on the character and appearance of the Cambridge central conservation area to the south and the Fen Ditton conservation area to the east and the setting of listed buildings within both conservation areas.
Unfortunately there is no evidence base included with the document to explain the impact that the varying heights of buildings might have on designated heritage assets to the south west, south and east of this site. The new station is located in the southeast corner of the site and tall buildings in the vicinity of this station would have an increased potential to adversely impact on the character and appearance of the Cambridge central conservation area to the south and the Fen Ditton conservation area to the east and the setting of listed buildings within both conservation areas.
Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
Question 18c
Representation ID: 29371
Received: 06/01/2015
Respondent: Historic England
Agent: Historic England
Unfortunately there is no evidence base included with the document to explain the impact that the varying heights of buildings might have on designated heritage assets to the south west, south and east of this site. Without a robust evidence base that clearly demonstrates the impact of buildings of varying heights, English Heritage could not support dealing with bulding heights and skyline in the manner set out in Option C.
Unfortunately there is no evidence base included with the document to explain the impact that the varying heights of buildings might have on designated heritage assets to the south west, south and east of this site. Without a robust evidence base that clearly demonstrates the impact of buildings of varying heights, English Heritage could not support dealing with bulding heights and skyline in the manner set out in Option C.
Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
Question 18d
Representation ID: 29372
Received: 06/01/2015
Respondent: Historic England
Agent: Historic England
Question 18 is concerned with building heights within the area to be covered by the AAP and is divided into 3 parts. Unfortunately there is no evidence base included with the document to explain the impact that the varying heights of buildings might have on designated heritage assets to the south west, south and east of this site. It is therefore difficult to objectively comment on the potential impact of 16 metre, 24 metre or taller buildings.
However, it is likely that new buildings of similar heights to those on the existing Cambridge Business Park would not adversely impact on the setting of nearby heritage assets. But the new station is located in the southeast corner of the site and tall buildings in the vicinity of this station would have an increased potential to adversely impact on the character and appearance of the Cambridge central conservation area (and in particular the eastward arm that extends along the river corridor to the south of this site), the Fen Ditton conservation area to the east and the setting of listed buildings within both conservation areas. Without a robust evidence base English Heritage could not support either Option B or C that would permit a more flexible approach to the issue of building heights within the AAP.
Please see attached letter