Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

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Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 7a

Representation ID: 29300

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Stanton Shallcross

Representation Summary:

The Science and Business Park's are world-renowned centres of technological and business excellence. In my opinion, the new station will benefit from a name-based affiliation.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 8

Representation ID: 29301

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Stanton Shallcross

Representation Summary:

I am supporting this on the grounds that, given the existing constraints, the planning department focus on cycle and pedestrian infrastructure and priorities this. Most notably, to ensure the new area is easy and safe to get to by bike - be it by those cycling from the city, or coming in from Milton and other surrounding villages. This is crucial, if the council is to limit increased vehicular congestion.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 12

Representation ID: 29302

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Stanton Shallcross

Representation Summary:

We support this option as it will be more considered than 1 and 2. Rushing through plans will not help anyone. We are particularly keen to see industrial traffic moved away from Cowley Road.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 19

Representation ID: 29303

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Stanton Shallcross

Representation Summary:

This is especially important with regards to transport links. The surrounding areas should not be negatively effected by an increase in vehicular traffic. The linking between the new and existing infrastructure must be well thought out, with a particular focus on encouraging people to access the new site by sustainable modes of transport (by bike, bus or on foot) that are/ should be already in place by the time work begins on the new site.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 33

Representation ID: 29304

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Stanton Shallcross

Representation Summary:

Let's not have a concrete jungle. Open spaces will make the area more pleasant to work and live in. Encouragement of wildlife should be a default requirement, with a particular focus on providing habitat for birds, hedgehogs and bees.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 35b

Representation ID: 29305

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Stanton Shallcross

Representation Summary:

Make the area an example of what can be achieved. Cambridge is already a tech and academic hub; and in the next few years will, hopefully, become a model cycling city. Let's merge those three together and show the country what is possible. Silicon Valley-meets-Copenhagen, if you will.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 36b

Representation ID: 29306

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Stanton Shallcross

Representation Summary:

To protect the area from increased congestion, there must be a focus on encouraging people to use sustainable modes of transport. Make the routes safe and easy to use for cyclists and pedestrians, and this will better the journey time and experience for everyone.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 39b

Representation ID: 29307

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Stanton Shallcross

Representation Summary:

The more available cycle parking, the more attractive this area will be to cycle to. Fighting for spaces is already very off-putting to those trying to get to the city centre station, so let's not make the same mistake here.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 40

Representation ID: 29308

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Stanton Shallcross

Representation Summary:

We encourage the planning department to consider pedestrian and cycling infrastructure as two separate priorities. Those on foot do not want to mix with those on bikes, and vice-verca. We would also encourage all infrastructure geared towards cyclists to be given the same right-of-way as vehicular traffic - new cycle routes should not be broken up by side roads.

Three routes into the area that we would like to be looked at:
Milton Road
Green End Road
Fen Road

Improvement to cycling infrastructure here should be considered as part of the plan, encouraging more people to travel by bike.

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