Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

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Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 10

Representation ID: 29832

Received: 31/01/2015

Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects

Representation Summary:

If, at the current time, it is not feasible to move - or contain to an extent that makes the area habitable - the water recycling centre, then this option would be appropriate as it leaves provisions for sensible future development of the water recycling site. This development could include a major new 'green' area, relating to Fen Road, the river and Milton Country Park. This is a great opportunity for providing the City of Cambridge with a new green lung, which could include appropriate leisure opportunities and help to re-balance the current trend to over-development.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 11

Representation ID: 29833

Received: 31/01/2015

Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects

Representation Summary:

We can see how providing residential accommodation on the site is beneficial, given the City's priority to build housing, without mitigation works to the water recycling centre, however, it is not clear that this would be an attractive place to live - and therefore we are not convinced that this option is appropriate at this time.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 12

Representation ID: 29834

Received: 31/01/2015

Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects

Representation Summary:

Evidence has not been provided to illustrate that the Water Recycling Centre could be suitably contained to make the site an attractive area to live. Subject to this, we would support the proposal for a mixed use site. The current zonal planning of the residential areas as shown on the plan need additional design. It seems a shame not to pull the green protected open space over the busway and give the whole area around the station room to become a series of attractive public spaces relating to the new residential uses.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 13

Representation ID: 29835

Received: 31/01/2015

Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects

Representation Summary:

Evidence has not been provided to illustrate that moving the Water Recycling Centre is financially viable. If this evidence were provided, we would support the proposal for a mixed use site, with more housing meeting the Cities objectives - subject to the issues raised in our 'overarching concerns' about connectivity being addressed. There could be more residential included in this option. Our comments on options three about design of the residential area also relate to this option.The current zonal planning of the residential areas as shown on the plan need a more detailed urban design framework.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 17

Representation ID: 29836

Received: 31/01/2015

Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects

Representation Summary:

We support the addition of tall buildings (over six storeys) on this site.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 19

Representation ID: 29837

Received: 31/01/2015

Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects

Representation Summary:

One of the key objectives of the proposals should be to break down the bounded nature of the site. It would have been useful to illustrate in more detail, and give more importance to, any options that have been explored for the following - in terms of vehicular, pedestrian and cycle routes;
- improvements to the section of Milton Road adjacent to the area
- improvements to, or new, connections into Milton from the site
- connections over the railway
- connections over the river
- connections over the guided busway extension and cycle path to the South
If these have been explored and dismissed, then we should know why.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 14

Representation ID: 29838

Received: 31/01/2015

Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects

Representation Summary:

An alternative way of presenting the proposals would be to view the water recycling centre and aggregate works as landscapes which could be re-claimed as open spaces when it does become feasible for them to down size or move - developing the rest of the site to allow for this.
The proposals do not extend far enough from the boundary of the site, or appear to aspire high enough. This lack of creative vision could result in an area not - lacking in identity and dominated by vehicular traffic - which would be a missed opportunity.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 4

Representation ID: 29839

Received: 31/01/2015

Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects

Representation Summary:

The Action Plan Area should be extended to include Cambridge Science Park and the triangular area south of Chesterton Sidings, as a minimum, in order to fully address site and station .

The East Area Action plan options need to be placed in the context of the wider area to make them legible.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 5

Representation ID: 29840

Received: 31/01/2015

Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects

Representation Summary:

The Action Plan Area should be extended to include Cambridge Science Park and the triangular area south of Chesterton Sidings, as a minimum, in order to fully address site and station .

The East Area Action plan options need to be placed in the context of the wider area to make them legible.


Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options

Question 49

Representation ID: 29841

Received: 31/01/2015

Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects

Representation Summary:

There is a lot of information without clear diagrams explaining the objectives. The four key strategy plans do not visually indicate what the key drivers for development are, or what the wider benefits to the community would be e.g. a new public square, new affordable housing, new connections through the site and beyond. This is embedded in the text, but should be illustrated.
The online commenting procedure is confusing. Some of the questions are direct, some are very open ended - this results in confusion about appropriateness of comments generally.

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