Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document

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Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document

Figures 129 to 132

Representation ID: 30921

Received: 07/03/2016

Respondent: CRRA

Representation Summary:

The layout for the open space as it currently is depicted was flagged as being inappropriate to achieve its objective as being 'usable' open space during one of the scoping meetings. The linear nature of the space and it being bounded on all 3/4 sides by roads means that it will not provide a safe space for children to play. It is clear that its design is to enable taller development by offsetting the developments through this space.

Full text:

Open Space
The layout for the open space as it currently is depicted was flagged as being inappropriate to achieve its objective as being 'usable' open space during one of the scoping meetings. The linear nature of the space and it being bounded on all 3/4 sides by roads means that it will not provide a safe space for children to play. It is clear that its design is to enable taller development by offsetting the developments through this space.
Road design
Shared usage roads please see that attached report. Given the current levels of maintenance on Romsey's roads we do not feel this is a good idea that should be taken forward - especially as the development forms part of the Chisholm trail route.
Medical Practice and Early years Facility
There is demonstrable need for these services in the community - remove 'if needed' from the text (2.10.1 point 11 page 53)
Road Network
There are inconsistencies in the document to how roads are depicted - or whether they are depicted at all. Page 79 of the document and figure 127 depict a road that is running North South behind the main block of flats. This is not illustrated elsewhere in the document and it is difficult to understand how this works with the street network as currently shown on Figure 123 Access and Movement
Development within the entry way to the site will create a 'over developed' feel to Cromwell Road, and will dangerously limit access onto and off the site by creating 2 tight 90o turnings given the fact that these are proposed for vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access this presents a danger to the road users.
Cycle bridge
At no point during the development of the brief has due consideration been given to the creation of a new and safe cycle crossing for the rail way line - either over or under the tracks. We do not believe that this 'scoping work' has attempted to identify or assess all the opportunities. Stating that there is currently not the funding to undertake this project is an extension of the lack of future planning that has enabled piece-meal development of Cromwell Road to date. The rush to spend 'City Deal' money in the last year is evidence enough that this project could be undertaken at a later date for the benefit of both residents within the city and those who commute by bicycle in. Space needs to be left so that this opportunity can be realised in the future to enable the creation of a more sustainable city.
The document depicts lots of 'on street' parking justified it seems on the basis of this being the standard across much of Romsey. Given much of this road network is forming part of the Chisholm Trail the assumption should be against this; keeping the roads clear for safe passage on bike and by foot. Better design and planning for the provision of parked cars (such as that seen in Accordia development) should be included within this brief.
School Provision
As repeatedly flagged during the development of this brief there is a huge shortage of Primary School places in Romsey, this site represents one of the last remaining opportunities to site a school in a safe residential area away from main roads, the provision of the rail crossing would allow this school to service both Romsey and Petersfield.
Retirement properties
No mention is given to the need for retirement properties in this brief - this was repeatedly raised during the session held. This should be flagged as one of the 'key objectives' for the site.

Overall the plan represents some of the issues raised during the meetings held but avoids some in their entirety. We would like to see these addressed in the revisions to the draft and look forward to working with you on their inclusion.
We feel disappointed with the level of engagement that has been made with the local community - the duration and timing of the 'open event' was not adequate or timely enough for thorough understanding by the residents.
Cromwell Road Residents


Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document


Representation ID: 30922

Received: 07/03/2016

Respondent: CRRA

Representation Summary:

Road design
Shared usage roads please see that attached report. Given the current levels of maintenance on Romsey's roads we do not feel this is a good idea that should be taken forward - especially as the development forms part of the Chisholm trail route.

Full text:

Open Space
The layout for the open space as it currently is depicted was flagged as being inappropriate to achieve its objective as being 'usable' open space during one of the scoping meetings. The linear nature of the space and it being bounded on all 3/4 sides by roads means that it will not provide a safe space for children to play. It is clear that its design is to enable taller development by offsetting the developments through this space.
Road design
Shared usage roads please see that attached report. Given the current levels of maintenance on Romsey's roads we do not feel this is a good idea that should be taken forward - especially as the development forms part of the Chisholm trail route.
Medical Practice and Early years Facility
There is demonstrable need for these services in the community - remove 'if needed' from the text (2.10.1 point 11 page 53)
Road Network
There are inconsistencies in the document to how roads are depicted - or whether they are depicted at all. Page 79 of the document and figure 127 depict a road that is running North South behind the main block of flats. This is not illustrated elsewhere in the document and it is difficult to understand how this works with the street network as currently shown on Figure 123 Access and Movement
Development within the entry way to the site will create a 'over developed' feel to Cromwell Road, and will dangerously limit access onto and off the site by creating 2 tight 90o turnings given the fact that these are proposed for vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access this presents a danger to the road users.
Cycle bridge
At no point during the development of the brief has due consideration been given to the creation of a new and safe cycle crossing for the rail way line - either over or under the tracks. We do not believe that this 'scoping work' has attempted to identify or assess all the opportunities. Stating that there is currently not the funding to undertake this project is an extension of the lack of future planning that has enabled piece-meal development of Cromwell Road to date. The rush to spend 'City Deal' money in the last year is evidence enough that this project could be undertaken at a later date for the benefit of both residents within the city and those who commute by bicycle in. Space needs to be left so that this opportunity can be realised in the future to enable the creation of a more sustainable city.
The document depicts lots of 'on street' parking justified it seems on the basis of this being the standard across much of Romsey. Given much of this road network is forming part of the Chisholm Trail the assumption should be against this; keeping the roads clear for safe passage on bike and by foot. Better design and planning for the provision of parked cars (such as that seen in Accordia development) should be included within this brief.
School Provision
As repeatedly flagged during the development of this brief there is a huge shortage of Primary School places in Romsey, this site represents one of the last remaining opportunities to site a school in a safe residential area away from main roads, the provision of the rail crossing would allow this school to service both Romsey and Petersfield.
Retirement properties
No mention is given to the need for retirement properties in this brief - this was repeatedly raised during the session held. This should be flagged as one of the 'key objectives' for the site.

Overall the plan represents some of the issues raised during the meetings held but avoids some in their entirety. We would like to see these addressed in the revisions to the draft and look forward to working with you on their inclusion.
We feel disappointed with the level of engagement that has been made with the local community - the duration and timing of the 'open event' was not adequate or timely enough for thorough understanding by the residents.
Cromwell Road Residents


Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document


Representation ID: 30923

Received: 07/03/2016

Respondent: CRRA

Representation Summary:

Medical Practice and Early years Facility
There is demonstrable need for these services in the community - remove 'if needed' from the text (2.10.1 point 11 page 53)

Retirement properties
No mention is given to the need for retirement properties in this brief - this was repeatedly raised during the session held. This should be flagged as one of the 'key objectives' for the site.

Full text:

Open Space
The layout for the open space as it currently is depicted was flagged as being inappropriate to achieve its objective as being 'usable' open space during one of the scoping meetings. The linear nature of the space and it being bounded on all 3/4 sides by roads means that it will not provide a safe space for children to play. It is clear that its design is to enable taller development by offsetting the developments through this space.
Road design
Shared usage roads please see that attached report. Given the current levels of maintenance on Romsey's roads we do not feel this is a good idea that should be taken forward - especially as the development forms part of the Chisholm trail route.
Medical Practice and Early years Facility
There is demonstrable need for these services in the community - remove 'if needed' from the text (2.10.1 point 11 page 53)
Road Network
There are inconsistencies in the document to how roads are depicted - or whether they are depicted at all. Page 79 of the document and figure 127 depict a road that is running North South behind the main block of flats. This is not illustrated elsewhere in the document and it is difficult to understand how this works with the street network as currently shown on Figure 123 Access and Movement
Development within the entry way to the site will create a 'over developed' feel to Cromwell Road, and will dangerously limit access onto and off the site by creating 2 tight 90o turnings given the fact that these are proposed for vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access this presents a danger to the road users.
Cycle bridge
At no point during the development of the brief has due consideration been given to the creation of a new and safe cycle crossing for the rail way line - either over or under the tracks. We do not believe that this 'scoping work' has attempted to identify or assess all the opportunities. Stating that there is currently not the funding to undertake this project is an extension of the lack of future planning that has enabled piece-meal development of Cromwell Road to date. The rush to spend 'City Deal' money in the last year is evidence enough that this project could be undertaken at a later date for the benefit of both residents within the city and those who commute by bicycle in. Space needs to be left so that this opportunity can be realised in the future to enable the creation of a more sustainable city.
The document depicts lots of 'on street' parking justified it seems on the basis of this being the standard across much of Romsey. Given much of this road network is forming part of the Chisholm Trail the assumption should be against this; keeping the roads clear for safe passage on bike and by foot. Better design and planning for the provision of parked cars (such as that seen in Accordia development) should be included within this brief.
School Provision
As repeatedly flagged during the development of this brief there is a huge shortage of Primary School places in Romsey, this site represents one of the last remaining opportunities to site a school in a safe residential area away from main roads, the provision of the rail crossing would allow this school to service both Romsey and Petersfield.
Retirement properties
No mention is given to the need for retirement properties in this brief - this was repeatedly raised during the session held. This should be flagged as one of the 'key objectives' for the site.

Overall the plan represents some of the issues raised during the meetings held but avoids some in their entirety. We would like to see these addressed in the revisions to the draft and look forward to working with you on their inclusion.
We feel disappointed with the level of engagement that has been made with the local community - the duration and timing of the 'open event' was not adequate or timely enough for thorough understanding by the residents.
Cromwell Road Residents


Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document

Figure 124 to 128

Representation ID: 30924

Received: 07/03/2016

Respondent: CRRA

Representation Summary:

Road Network
There are inconsistencies in the document to how roads are depicted - or whether they are depicted at all. Page 79 of the document and figure 127 depict a road that is running North South behind the main block of flats. This is not illustrated elsewhere in the document and it is difficult to understand how this works with the street network as currently shown on Figure 123 Access and Movement
Development within the entry way to the site will create a 'over developed' feel to Cromwell Road, and will dangerously limit access onto and off the site by creating 2 tight 90o turnings given the fact that these are proposed for vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access this presents a danger to the road users.

Full text:

Open Space
The layout for the open space as it currently is depicted was flagged as being inappropriate to achieve its objective as being 'usable' open space during one of the scoping meetings. The linear nature of the space and it being bounded on all 3/4 sides by roads means that it will not provide a safe space for children to play. It is clear that its design is to enable taller development by offsetting the developments through this space.
Road design
Shared usage roads please see that attached report. Given the current levels of maintenance on Romsey's roads we do not feel this is a good idea that should be taken forward - especially as the development forms part of the Chisholm trail route.
Medical Practice and Early years Facility
There is demonstrable need for these services in the community - remove 'if needed' from the text (2.10.1 point 11 page 53)
Road Network
There are inconsistencies in the document to how roads are depicted - or whether they are depicted at all. Page 79 of the document and figure 127 depict a road that is running North South behind the main block of flats. This is not illustrated elsewhere in the document and it is difficult to understand how this works with the street network as currently shown on Figure 123 Access and Movement
Development within the entry way to the site will create a 'over developed' feel to Cromwell Road, and will dangerously limit access onto and off the site by creating 2 tight 90o turnings given the fact that these are proposed for vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access this presents a danger to the road users.
Cycle bridge
At no point during the development of the brief has due consideration been given to the creation of a new and safe cycle crossing for the rail way line - either over or under the tracks. We do not believe that this 'scoping work' has attempted to identify or assess all the opportunities. Stating that there is currently not the funding to undertake this project is an extension of the lack of future planning that has enabled piece-meal development of Cromwell Road to date. The rush to spend 'City Deal' money in the last year is evidence enough that this project could be undertaken at a later date for the benefit of both residents within the city and those who commute by bicycle in. Space needs to be left so that this opportunity can be realised in the future to enable the creation of a more sustainable city.
The document depicts lots of 'on street' parking justified it seems on the basis of this being the standard across much of Romsey. Given much of this road network is forming part of the Chisholm Trail the assumption should be against this; keeping the roads clear for safe passage on bike and by foot. Better design and planning for the provision of parked cars (such as that seen in Accordia development) should be included within this brief.
School Provision
As repeatedly flagged during the development of this brief there is a huge shortage of Primary School places in Romsey, this site represents one of the last remaining opportunities to site a school in a safe residential area away from main roads, the provision of the rail crossing would allow this school to service both Romsey and Petersfield.
Retirement properties
No mention is given to the need for retirement properties in this brief - this was repeatedly raised during the session held. This should be flagged as one of the 'key objectives' for the site.

Overall the plan represents some of the issues raised during the meetings held but avoids some in their entirety. We would like to see these addressed in the revisions to the draft and look forward to working with you on their inclusion.
We feel disappointed with the level of engagement that has been made with the local community - the duration and timing of the 'open event' was not adequate or timely enough for thorough understanding by the residents.
Cromwell Road Residents


Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document

4.3.1 - Pedestrian and cycle connectivity and principles

Representation ID: 30925

Received: 07/03/2016

Respondent: CRRA

Representation Summary:

Cycle bridge
At no point during the development of the brief has due consideration been given to the creation of a new and safe cycle crossing for the rail way line - either over or under the tracks. We do not believe that this 'scoping work' has attempted to identify or assess all the opportunities. Stating that there is currently not the funding to undertake this project is an extension of the lack of future planning that has enabled piece-meal development of Cromwell Road to date. The rush to spend 'City Deal' money in the last year is evidence enough that this project could be undertaken at a later date for the benefit of both residents within the city and those who commute by bicycle in. Space needs to be left so that this opportunity can be realised in the future to enable the creation of a more sustainable city.

Full text:

Open Space
The layout for the open space as it currently is depicted was flagged as being inappropriate to achieve its objective as being 'usable' open space during one of the scoping meetings. The linear nature of the space and it being bounded on all 3/4 sides by roads means that it will not provide a safe space for children to play. It is clear that its design is to enable taller development by offsetting the developments through this space.
Road design
Shared usage roads please see that attached report. Given the current levels of maintenance on Romsey's roads we do not feel this is a good idea that should be taken forward - especially as the development forms part of the Chisholm trail route.
Medical Practice and Early years Facility
There is demonstrable need for these services in the community - remove 'if needed' from the text (2.10.1 point 11 page 53)
Road Network
There are inconsistencies in the document to how roads are depicted - or whether they are depicted at all. Page 79 of the document and figure 127 depict a road that is running North South behind the main block of flats. This is not illustrated elsewhere in the document and it is difficult to understand how this works with the street network as currently shown on Figure 123 Access and Movement
Development within the entry way to the site will create a 'over developed' feel to Cromwell Road, and will dangerously limit access onto and off the site by creating 2 tight 90o turnings given the fact that these are proposed for vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access this presents a danger to the road users.
Cycle bridge
At no point during the development of the brief has due consideration been given to the creation of a new and safe cycle crossing for the rail way line - either over or under the tracks. We do not believe that this 'scoping work' has attempted to identify or assess all the opportunities. Stating that there is currently not the funding to undertake this project is an extension of the lack of future planning that has enabled piece-meal development of Cromwell Road to date. The rush to spend 'City Deal' money in the last year is evidence enough that this project could be undertaken at a later date for the benefit of both residents within the city and those who commute by bicycle in. Space needs to be left so that this opportunity can be realised in the future to enable the creation of a more sustainable city.
The document depicts lots of 'on street' parking justified it seems on the basis of this being the standard across much of Romsey. Given much of this road network is forming part of the Chisholm Trail the assumption should be against this; keeping the roads clear for safe passage on bike and by foot. Better design and planning for the provision of parked cars (such as that seen in Accordia development) should be included within this brief.
School Provision
As repeatedly flagged during the development of this brief there is a huge shortage of Primary School places in Romsey, this site represents one of the last remaining opportunities to site a school in a safe residential area away from main roads, the provision of the rail crossing would allow this school to service both Romsey and Petersfield.
Retirement properties
No mention is given to the need for retirement properties in this brief - this was repeatedly raised during the session held. This should be flagged as one of the 'key objectives' for the site.

Overall the plan represents some of the issues raised during the meetings held but avoids some in their entirety. We would like to see these addressed in the revisions to the draft and look forward to working with you on their inclusion.
We feel disappointed with the level of engagement that has been made with the local community - the duration and timing of the 'open event' was not adequate or timely enough for thorough understanding by the residents.
Cromwell Road Residents


Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document

4.3.7 - Car Parking

Representation ID: 30926

Received: 07/03/2016

Respondent: CRRA

Representation Summary:

The document depicts lots of 'on street' parking justified it seems on the basis of this being the standard across much of Romsey. Given much of this road network is forming part of the Chisholm Trail the assumption should be against this; keeping the roads clear for safe passage on bike and by foot. Better design and planning for the provision of parked cars (such as that seen in Accordia development) should be included within this brief.

Full text:

Open Space
The layout for the open space as it currently is depicted was flagged as being inappropriate to achieve its objective as being 'usable' open space during one of the scoping meetings. The linear nature of the space and it being bounded on all 3/4 sides by roads means that it will not provide a safe space for children to play. It is clear that its design is to enable taller development by offsetting the developments through this space.
Road design
Shared usage roads please see that attached report. Given the current levels of maintenance on Romsey's roads we do not feel this is a good idea that should be taken forward - especially as the development forms part of the Chisholm trail route.
Medical Practice and Early years Facility
There is demonstrable need for these services in the community - remove 'if needed' from the text (2.10.1 point 11 page 53)
Road Network
There are inconsistencies in the document to how roads are depicted - or whether they are depicted at all. Page 79 of the document and figure 127 depict a road that is running North South behind the main block of flats. This is not illustrated elsewhere in the document and it is difficult to understand how this works with the street network as currently shown on Figure 123 Access and Movement
Development within the entry way to the site will create a 'over developed' feel to Cromwell Road, and will dangerously limit access onto and off the site by creating 2 tight 90o turnings given the fact that these are proposed for vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access this presents a danger to the road users.
Cycle bridge
At no point during the development of the brief has due consideration been given to the creation of a new and safe cycle crossing for the rail way line - either over or under the tracks. We do not believe that this 'scoping work' has attempted to identify or assess all the opportunities. Stating that there is currently not the funding to undertake this project is an extension of the lack of future planning that has enabled piece-meal development of Cromwell Road to date. The rush to spend 'City Deal' money in the last year is evidence enough that this project could be undertaken at a later date for the benefit of both residents within the city and those who commute by bicycle in. Space needs to be left so that this opportunity can be realised in the future to enable the creation of a more sustainable city.
The document depicts lots of 'on street' parking justified it seems on the basis of this being the standard across much of Romsey. Given much of this road network is forming part of the Chisholm Trail the assumption should be against this; keeping the roads clear for safe passage on bike and by foot. Better design and planning for the provision of parked cars (such as that seen in Accordia development) should be included within this brief.
School Provision
As repeatedly flagged during the development of this brief there is a huge shortage of Primary School places in Romsey, this site represents one of the last remaining opportunities to site a school in a safe residential area away from main roads, the provision of the rail crossing would allow this school to service both Romsey and Petersfield.
Retirement properties
No mention is given to the need for retirement properties in this brief - this was repeatedly raised during the session held. This should be flagged as one of the 'key objectives' for the site.

Overall the plan represents some of the issues raised during the meetings held but avoids some in their entirety. We would like to see these addressed in the revisions to the draft and look forward to working with you on their inclusion.
We feel disappointed with the level of engagement that has been made with the local community - the duration and timing of the 'open event' was not adequate or timely enough for thorough understanding by the residents.
Cromwell Road Residents


Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document


Representation ID: 30927

Received: 07/03/2016

Respondent: CRRA

Representation Summary:

School Provision
As repeatedly flagged during the development of this brief there is a huge shortage of Primary School places in Romsey, this site represents one of the last remaining opportunities to site a school in a safe residential area away from main roads, the provision of the rail crossing would allow this school to service both Romsey and Petersfield.

Full text:

Open Space
The layout for the open space as it currently is depicted was flagged as being inappropriate to achieve its objective as being 'usable' open space during one of the scoping meetings. The linear nature of the space and it being bounded on all 3/4 sides by roads means that it will not provide a safe space for children to play. It is clear that its design is to enable taller development by offsetting the developments through this space.
Road design
Shared usage roads please see that attached report. Given the current levels of maintenance on Romsey's roads we do not feel this is a good idea that should be taken forward - especially as the development forms part of the Chisholm trail route.
Medical Practice and Early years Facility
There is demonstrable need for these services in the community - remove 'if needed' from the text (2.10.1 point 11 page 53)
Road Network
There are inconsistencies in the document to how roads are depicted - or whether they are depicted at all. Page 79 of the document and figure 127 depict a road that is running North South behind the main block of flats. This is not illustrated elsewhere in the document and it is difficult to understand how this works with the street network as currently shown on Figure 123 Access and Movement
Development within the entry way to the site will create a 'over developed' feel to Cromwell Road, and will dangerously limit access onto and off the site by creating 2 tight 90o turnings given the fact that these are proposed for vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access this presents a danger to the road users.
Cycle bridge
At no point during the development of the brief has due consideration been given to the creation of a new and safe cycle crossing for the rail way line - either over or under the tracks. We do not believe that this 'scoping work' has attempted to identify or assess all the opportunities. Stating that there is currently not the funding to undertake this project is an extension of the lack of future planning that has enabled piece-meal development of Cromwell Road to date. The rush to spend 'City Deal' money in the last year is evidence enough that this project could be undertaken at a later date for the benefit of both residents within the city and those who commute by bicycle in. Space needs to be left so that this opportunity can be realised in the future to enable the creation of a more sustainable city.
The document depicts lots of 'on street' parking justified it seems on the basis of this being the standard across much of Romsey. Given much of this road network is forming part of the Chisholm Trail the assumption should be against this; keeping the roads clear for safe passage on bike and by foot. Better design and planning for the provision of parked cars (such as that seen in Accordia development) should be included within this brief.
School Provision
As repeatedly flagged during the development of this brief there is a huge shortage of Primary School places in Romsey, this site represents one of the last remaining opportunities to site a school in a safe residential area away from main roads, the provision of the rail crossing would allow this school to service both Romsey and Petersfield.
Retirement properties
No mention is given to the need for retirement properties in this brief - this was repeatedly raised during the session held. This should be flagged as one of the 'key objectives' for the site.

Overall the plan represents some of the issues raised during the meetings held but avoids some in their entirety. We would like to see these addressed in the revisions to the draft and look forward to working with you on their inclusion.
We feel disappointed with the level of engagement that has been made with the local community - the duration and timing of the 'open event' was not adequate or timely enough for thorough understanding by the residents.
Cromwell Road Residents


Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document


Representation ID: 30928

Received: 07/03/2016

Respondent: CRRA

Representation Summary:

Overall the plan represents some of the issues raised during the meetings held but avoids some in their entirety. We would like to see these addressed in the revisions to the draft and look forward to working with you on their inclusion.
We feel disappointed with the level of engagement that has been made with the local community - the duration and timing of the 'open event' was not adequate or timely enough for thorough understanding by the residents.

Full text:

Open Space
The layout for the open space as it currently is depicted was flagged as being inappropriate to achieve its objective as being 'usable' open space during one of the scoping meetings. The linear nature of the space and it being bounded on all 3/4 sides by roads means that it will not provide a safe space for children to play. It is clear that its design is to enable taller development by offsetting the developments through this space.
Road design
Shared usage roads please see that attached report. Given the current levels of maintenance on Romsey's roads we do not feel this is a good idea that should be taken forward - especially as the development forms part of the Chisholm trail route.
Medical Practice and Early years Facility
There is demonstrable need for these services in the community - remove 'if needed' from the text (2.10.1 point 11 page 53)
Road Network
There are inconsistencies in the document to how roads are depicted - or whether they are depicted at all. Page 79 of the document and figure 127 depict a road that is running North South behind the main block of flats. This is not illustrated elsewhere in the document and it is difficult to understand how this works with the street network as currently shown on Figure 123 Access and Movement
Development within the entry way to the site will create a 'over developed' feel to Cromwell Road, and will dangerously limit access onto and off the site by creating 2 tight 90o turnings given the fact that these are proposed for vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist access this presents a danger to the road users.
Cycle bridge
At no point during the development of the brief has due consideration been given to the creation of a new and safe cycle crossing for the rail way line - either over or under the tracks. We do not believe that this 'scoping work' has attempted to identify or assess all the opportunities. Stating that there is currently not the funding to undertake this project is an extension of the lack of future planning that has enabled piece-meal development of Cromwell Road to date. The rush to spend 'City Deal' money in the last year is evidence enough that this project could be undertaken at a later date for the benefit of both residents within the city and those who commute by bicycle in. Space needs to be left so that this opportunity can be realised in the future to enable the creation of a more sustainable city.
The document depicts lots of 'on street' parking justified it seems on the basis of this being the standard across much of Romsey. Given much of this road network is forming part of the Chisholm Trail the assumption should be against this; keeping the roads clear for safe passage on bike and by foot. Better design and planning for the provision of parked cars (such as that seen in Accordia development) should be included within this brief.
School Provision
As repeatedly flagged during the development of this brief there is a huge shortage of Primary School places in Romsey, this site represents one of the last remaining opportunities to site a school in a safe residential area away from main roads, the provision of the rail crossing would allow this school to service both Romsey and Petersfield.
Retirement properties
No mention is given to the need for retirement properties in this brief - this was repeatedly raised during the session held. This should be flagged as one of the 'key objectives' for the site.

Overall the plan represents some of the issues raised during the meetings held but avoids some in their entirety. We would like to see these addressed in the revisions to the draft and look forward to working with you on their inclusion.
We feel disappointed with the level of engagement that has been made with the local community - the duration and timing of the 'open event' was not adequate or timely enough for thorough understanding by the residents.
Cromwell Road Residents

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