Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD

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Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD

Figure 1 & 2: Mitcham's Corner Opportunity Area designated within the emerging Local Plan and location plan

Representation ID: 31342

Received: 12/10/2016

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

General Comments rather than support or object as required to choose through online response.

We are encouraged to note that you have included some listed and locally listed buildings within the map entitled Figure 1: Mitcham's Corner Opportunity Area designated within the emerging Local Plan. We appreciate that you have not included all of the listed and locally listed buildings within the wider area but request that, as a minimum, the cluster of listed buildings forming Jesus College is identified on this map. Jesus Green forms the southern bank of the River Cam opposite the opportunity area and the significance of this open space should be clearly linked to the setting of the college. The relationship between Jesus College and the development within the opportunity area will need to be considered as part of any subsequent applications for development and this should be reflected within the SPD.

We are pleased to note that the preservation and enhancement of the historic environment is reflected in the vision statement and that this is recognised as an opportunity to promote positive change.

Full text:

We are encouraged to note that you have included some listed and locally listed buildings within the map entitled Figure 1: Mitcham's Corner Opportunity Area designated within the emerging Local Plan. We appreciate that you have not included all of the listed and locally listed buildings within the wider area but request that, as a minimum, the cluster of listed buildings forming Jesus College is identified on this map. Jesus Green forms the southern bank of the River Cam opposite the opportunity area and the significance of this open space should be clearly linked to the setting of the college. The relationship between Jesus College and the development within the opportunity area will need to be considered as part of any subsequent applications for development and this should be reflected within the SPD.

We are pleased to note that the preservation and enhancement of the historic environment is reflected in the vision statement and that this is recognised as an opportunity to promote positive change.


Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD


Representation ID: 31343

Received: 12/10/2016

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Mostly supportive but request changes.

The fourth bullet point should be amended to better bring through the vision statement's aspiration to use the historic environment to bring about positive benefits.

Full text:

We particularly welcome the Context Analysis within Section 2 which outlines the development of the area and that areas of architectural richness and a fine urban grain are identified as a strength of the area in the SWOT analysis on Page 22.

We would encourage that the fourth bullet point under the heading of opportunities be amended to better bring through the vision statement's aspiration to use the historic environment to bring about positive benefits. We suggest that the proposed wording be amended as follows:

* Building on existing assets: conservation area, Opportunities to draw on the contribution made by the historic environment to enhance the character of the place (conservation areas, listed and locally listed buildings, surviving Victorian buildings and street patterns, proximity to river, vibrant community).


Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD

Figure 18: Opportunities and constraints

Representation ID: 31344

Received: 12/10/2016

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Support but request changes (no third option available in representation).

Clarification on Central Conservation Area Boundaries needed. Figure 18 might be more accurately labelled Castle and Victoria Conservation Sub-Area.

We are encouraged to note that Figure 18 includes not only designated and non-designated heritage assets but buildings and high street frontages that are important to the character of the area. This helps users of the document to easily identify the contribution made by these elements of the historic environment and is particularly welcome.

Full text:

Figure 18: Opportunities and constraints is a useful and clear representation of designations affecting the area. We request that the status of the Castle and Victoria Conservation Area be clarified. It is understood that the current situation is that this area actually forms a sub-area of the Central Conservation Area but benefits from its own conservation area appraisal. The yellow shaded area in Figure 18 might be more accurately labelled Castle and Victoria Conservation Sub-Area with the blue line of the Central Conservation Area extended to encompass it.

We are encouraged to note that Figure 18 includes not only designated and non-designated heritage assets but buildings and high street frontages that are important to the character of the area. This helps users of the document to easily identify the contribution made by these elements of the historic environment and is particularly welcome.


Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD


Representation ID: 31345

Received: 12/10/2016

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Supportive but we request changes, again, this option is not available on the online response.

Where Paragraph 3.1.5 references Manual for Streets 2 and lists the benefits of improved streets, we would welcome recognition that better streets can also have a positive benefit for the historic environment: minimising the impact of transport on heritage (Manual for Streets 2, 2010).

We encourage you to draw on Historic England's publication Streets for All: East of England for further guidance. This can be found via the following link:

Where the placemaking objectives for the remodelled gyratory system are set out in Paragraph 3.4.2, we request a further bullet point as follows;

* Preserve and enhance the Central Conservation Area and the wider historic environment and make a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness.

We welcome the design principles as likely to help to achieve a positive contribution to local character.

Full text:

Where Paragraph 3.1.5 references Manual for Streets 2 and lists the benefits of improved streets, we would welcome recognition that better streets can also have a positive benefit for the historic environment: minimising the impact of transport on heritage (Manual for Streets 2, 2010).

We encourage you to draw on Historic England's publication Streets for All: East of England for further guidance. This can be found via the following link:

Where the placemaking objectives for the remodelled gyratory system are set out in Paragraph 3.4.2, we request a further bullet point as follows;

* Preserve and enhance the Central Conservation Area and the wider historic environment and make a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness.

We welcome the design principles as likely to help to achieve a positive contribution to local character.


Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD


Representation ID: 31346

Received: 12/10/2016

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Supportive but request amendments.

We are encouraged that the proposed design guidance seeks to improve the historic street network and increase the quality of the spaces around Mitcham's Corner. We request that the second bullet point in paragraph 4.2.6 be amended as follows;

* Well defined and transparent edges, where appropriate to historic character - for shop windows and cafes to allow activity to be visible from the street, making the public realm feel safer and more welcoming.

Full text:

We are encouraged that the proposed design guidance seeks to improve the historic street network and increase the quality of the spaces around Mitcham's Corner. We request that the second bullet point in paragraph 4.2.6 be amended as follows;

* Well defined and transparent edges, where appropriate to historic character - for shop windows and cafes to allow activity to be visible from the street, making the public realm feel safer and more welcoming.


Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD


Representation ID: 31347

Received: 12/10/2016

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Supportive but request amendments.

There are fourteen headings under Section 4.2: Area Wide Guidance. We request that an additional heading of 'Historic Environment' is added to ensure that the desirability of new development making a positive contribution to the historic environment is communicated fully. We suggest the following wording or similar:

Historic Environment

Conservation of the historic environment can bring wider social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits. Development should seek to draw out opportunities to maintain and enhance surviving buildings of good quality, where these make a positive contribution to the distinctive character of the area.

Development should have regard to its context and wider setting, ensuring the it relates well to all elements of the historic environment including the setting of Jesus College and Jesus Green; the setting and significance of individual listed and locally listed buildings within and adjacent to the opportunity area and to the conservation areas within the locality.

Full text:

There are fourteen headings under Section 4.2: Area Wide Guidance. We request that an additional heading of 'Historic Environment' is added to ensure that the desirability of new development making a positive contribution to the historic environment is communicated fully. We suggest the following wording or similar:

Historic Environment

Conservation of the historic environment can bring wider social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits. Development should seek to draw out opportunities to maintain and enhance surviving buildings of good quality, where these make a positive contribution to the distinctive character of the area.

Development should have regard to its context and wider setting, ensuring the it relates well to all elements of the historic environment including the setting of Jesus College and Jesus Green; the setting and significance of individual listed and locally listed buildings within and adjacent to the opportunity area and to the conservation areas within the locality.


Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD


Representation ID: 31348

Received: 12/10/2016

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Supportive subject to amendments.

We are pleased to note that references to the conservation area are made throughout this section, albeit that there is some uncertainty as to whether this is the Central Conservation Area or the Castle and Victoria Conservation Area. Equally, the need to respond sensitively to views from Jesus Green is noted to have been included.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the site is immediately opposite five Grade II listed structures, identified under three listings:

* The pair of telephone kiosks on Chesterton Road
* Jesus Green Lock
* Jesus Green Bridge
* Jesus Green Lock House

As a result of the change in ground level and proximity of the site to these listed structures, any redevelopment will likely form part of their setting. We strongly recommend that consideration of both the setting and the significance of adjacent listed structures be emphasised in the design guidance for the site, perhaps through incorporation of an additional heading after Paragraph 4.3.29.

Acknowledgement that the site is potentially within the setting of these listed structures should also be incorporated into the site designations.

Full text:

We are pleased to note that references to the conservation area are made throughout this section, albeit that there is some uncertainty as to whether this is the Central Conservation Area or the Castle and Victoria Conservation Area. Equally, the need to respond sensitively to views from Jesus Green is noted to have been included.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the site is immediately opposite five Grade II listed structures, identified under three listings:

* The pair of telephone kiosks on Chesterton Road
* Jesus Green Lock
* Jesus Green Bridge
* Jesus Green Lock House

As a result of the change in ground level and proximity of the site to these listed structures, any redevelopment will likely form part of their setting. We strongly recommend that consideration of both the setting and the significance of adjacent listed structures be emphasised in the design guidance for the site, perhaps through incorporation of an additional heading after Paragraph 4.3.29.

Acknowledgement that the site is potentially within the setting of these listed structures should also be incorporated into the site designations.


Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD


Representation ID: 31349

Received: 12/10/2016

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

As before, we are pleased that reference is made to the fact that the site occupies a prominent location within the conservation area, is noted to be visible in longer range views and that design guidance is provided for its redevelopment.

We also appreciate the emphasis for the retention and adaptive re-use of the Lloyds Bank building and the recognition that unlisted buildings such as this can make a positive contribution to streetscape and local character.

Full text:

As before, we are pleased that reference is made to the fact that the site occupies a prominent location within the conservation area, is noted to be visible in longer range views and that design guidance is provided for its redevelopment.

We also appreciate the emphasis for the retention and adaptive re-use of the Lloyds Bank building and the recognition that unlisted buildings such as this can make a positive contribution to streetscape and local character.


Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD


Representation ID: 31350

Received: 12/10/2016

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Summary of comments, difficult to find logical place for summary due to online submission format, I hope this is of use.

Full text:

In summary, we are pleased that the document is positive in its approach to conservation. We recommend only minor amendments to ensure that the SPD meets the requirements of the NPPF with regard to conserving and enhancing the historic environment as fully as possible. In particular, we request that acknowledgement of the setting and significance of Grade II listed structures in close proximity to Henry Giles House is emphasised within the design guidance.
Finally, we should like to stress that this opinion is based on the information provided by the Council in its consultation. To avoid any doubt, this does not affect our obligation to provide further advice and, potentially, object to specific proposals, which may subsequently arise where we consider that these would have an adverse effect upon the historic environment.

If you have any questions with regards to the comments made then please do get back to me. In the meantime, we look forward to continuing to work with you in enhancing the quality of streetscape and place in this part of Cambridge.

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