Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD

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Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD


Representation ID: 31637

Received: 21/08/2017

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

-We thank the developers for acknowledging that, based on preliminary ground investigation works which have been undertaken at the site,, the site could have soil that is affected by contamination which is associated with current and historical land uses.
-Welcome proposed detailed ground investigation works to delineate the extent of contamination at the site.
-EA would expect that all of our previous comments provided will be addressed as part of any works.
-Infiltration drainage is being considered for the proposed development at the site.
-We thank the developers for acknowledging that the shallow groundwater beneath the site will be considered as part of any surface water drainage strategy.
-Infiltration drainage could provide a pathway to the underlying groundwater, or mobilise any potential pre-existing contamination.

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Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD


Representation ID: 31638

Received: 21/08/2017

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

Issues requiring further investigation.
Infiltration sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) such as soakaways, unsealed porous pavement systems or infiltration basins shall only be used where it can be demonstrated that they will not pose a risk to the water environment.
-Infiltration SuDS have the potential to provide a pathway for pollutants and must not be constructed in contaminated ground. They would only be acceptable if a phased site investigation showed the presence of no significant contamination.
- Only clean water from roofs can be directly discharged to any soakaway or watercourse. Systems for the discharge of surface water from associated hard-standing, roads and impermeable vehicle parking areas shall incorporate appropriate pollution prevention measures and a suitable number of SuDS treatment train components appropriate to the environmental sensitivity of the receiving waters.
- The maximum acceptable depth for infiltration SuDS is 2.0 m below ground level, with a minimum of 1.2 m clearance between the base of infiltration SuDS and peak seasonal groundwater levels.
- Deep bore and other deep soakaway systems are not appropriate in areas where groundwater constitutes a significant resource (that is where aquifer yield may support or already supports abstraction).

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Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD


Representation ID: 31639

Received: 21/08/2017

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

EA generally happy with the water quality/wastewater aspects of the draft SPD.
EA fully endorse the statement in Section 5.60: "Ongoing consultation with Anglian Water will be undertaken to ensure the development proposal meets their requirements".
EA would prefer to see an additional "To avoid foul flooding of existing properties, and to avoid pollution of the local water environment, all planning applications should include a Pre-Application Assessment Report from Anglian Water confirming that there is sufficient capacity to accommodate foul drainage from the site or phase of development".

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Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD


Representation ID: 31640

Received: 21/08/2017

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

Outstanding issues: Waste hierarchy and the promotion of waste prevention

The document recognises the importance of both strategic household waste recycling centres and individual household waste and recycling receptacles. It is stated that the requirements for these will come through the financial contributions towards new strategic facilities being delivered off-site and procured by the County Council. The individual household waste will come through financial contributions which will be confirmed at the outline pre-application process. There needs to be consideration of the waste hierarchy and the promotion of waste prevention measures, so opportunities for waste minimisation, reuse and recycling are realised at the earliest stage.

Cambridge City Council should, through the Plan document recognise the requirements of the Waste Planning Authority in identifying potential sites for facilitating waste management operations and wider consideration should also be given to local capacity for managing the waste streams associated with development and occupancy thereafter.

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Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD


Representation ID: 31641

Received: 21/08/2017

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

Outstanding issues: The SPD does not mention provision of potable water supply to the site.

The development lies within the area traditionally supplied by Cambridge Water Company. It is assumed that water will be supplied using existing sources and under existing abstraction licence permissions. The planners should seek advice from the water company to find out whether this is the case, or whether a new source needs to be developed or a new abstraction licence is sought.

We may not be able to recommend a new or increased abstraction licence where water resources are fully committed to existing abstraction and the environment. The location of development should take into consideration the relative availability of existing developed water resources. The timing and cost of infrastructure improvements will be a consideration. This issue should be discussed with the water company.

Every opportunity should be taken to build water efficiency into new developments, and innovative approaches should be encouraged. We support the initiatives mentioned in Section 5.42 which stated that water efficiency and water sensitive design was a key priority for the site.

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