Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD
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Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD
Representation ID: 31779
Received: 28/09/2017
Respondent: NHS England
The proposed development will impact on the NHS funding programme for the delivery of primary healthcare provision within this area and specifically within the health catchment of the development. NHS England would therefore expect these impacts to be fully assessed and mitigated.
Table 1 provides a summary of the capacity position for the GP Catchment Practices (2km radius) once the additional floor space requirements arising from the development proposal are factored in, including an estimate of the costs for providing new floor space and/or related facilities.
There is a capacity deficit in the catchment practices and a developer contribution of £435,252 would be required to mitigate the 'capital cost' to NHS England for the provision of additional primary healthcare services arising directly as a result of the development proposal.
Please see attached letter