North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

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North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 18: Which of the following options would best improve connectivity across Milton Road between Cambridge North Station and Cambridge Science Park?

Representation ID: 33046

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

Last mile links will be vital to the integration within the AAP area and therefore it will be important to ensure that the final solution provides for these linkages without impacting the operation of this important radial route. However, given the potential scale of development and the level of ambition on the travel characteristics across the AAP area, the solution needs to be exemplary. Whilst no option should be ruled out at this stage, segregation of bus, pedestrian and cycle and any future transit solutions across Milton Road is the ideal, and would allow for better streetscape and urban realm.


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 20: Do you agree with proposals to include low levels of parking as part of creating a sustainable new city district focusing on non-car transport?

Representation ID: 33047

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

Yes. Parking policy is directly linked to the number of trips that a development generates and puts onto the external highway network. Given the constraints on the highway network surrounding and running through the AAP area, this is fundamental to making the development acceptable in transport terms.

Consideration of a suitable mix of residential, employment and ancillary uses which minimises the amount of external highway trip generation through a high level of internalisation, is part of the current work to provide further transport evidence to support the development of the AAP


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 21a: In order to minimise the number of private motor vehicles using Milton Road, should Cambridge Science Park as well as other existing employment areas in this area have a reduction in car

Representation ID: 33049

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

Evidence suggests that parking spaces are currently underutilised on the Science Park therefore there is no incentive for people not to drive to and from the site at the moment. Consideration will need to be given as to how parking is controlled on streets adjacent to the AAP area to ensure that people do not simply park off site and walk in.


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 21b: Should this be extended to introduce the idea of a reduction with a more equitable distribution of car parking across both parts of the AAP area?

Representation ID: 33050

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

Both sites within the AAP area should be looking to reduce their availability of parking.


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 22: Should the AAP require innovative measures to address management of servicing and deliveries, such as consolidated deliveries and delivery/collection hubs?

Representation ID: 33052

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

Yes. Any innovative measures that could help to reduce the demand on the highway network in this area should be encouraged.


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 23: Should development within the North East Cambridge area use car barns for the storage of vehicles?

Representation ID: 33053

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

The issue for this site is not car ownership per se, it is the use of cars and the time of day at which they are used. Car barns should not be used as an excuse to increase the level of parking on the site; however if the parking that is permitted is located in such a way that makes foot, bike or public transport the easier mode of transport to use, then this approach should be welcomed. It could also help to reduce the visual dominance of cars in the development.


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 25: As set out in this chapter there are a range of public transport, cycling and walking schemes planned which will improve access to the North East Cambridge area. What other measures shoul

Representation ID: 33054

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

The transport evidence work is exploring what other measures could contribute to making the area more accessible by non-car modes.


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 26: Do you agree that the AAP should be seeking a very low share of journeys to be made by car compared to other more sustainable means like walking, cycling and public transport to and from,

Representation ID: 33055

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

In order for the aspirational levels of development to be achieved, there needs to be a step change in the car mode share for the area to levels that are more akin to those seen in central London. Alternative sustainable means of transport like walking and cycling and public transport to and from, and within the area will play an important part in achieving a low car mode share. Public transport will need to be of sufficient quality and frequency.


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 27: Do you have any comments on the highway 'trip budget' approach, and how we can reduce the need for people to travel to and within the area by car?

Representation ID: 33056

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

A highway 'trip budget' approach rather than the traditional approach of allowing unconstrained vehicular trips to and from the site is considered a practical way to try and deliver the aspirational levels of development on this site through forcing the development to focus on achieving a low car mode share and by optimising the mix and level of development such that external trip generation is minimised.


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 28: Do you agree that car parking associated with new developments should be low, and we should take the opportunity to reduce car parking in existing developments (alongside the other measur

Representation ID: 33057

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Cambridgeshire County Council

Representation Summary:

Yes: see questions 20 and 21
[Question 20: Yes. Parking policy is directly linked to number of trips generated and put onto the external highway network. Given constraints on the highway network surrounding and through the AAP area, this is fundamental to making the development acceptable in transport terms.

Consideration of a mix of residential, employment and ancillary uses minimising external highway trip generation through high level internalisation, is part of the current work to support the development of the AAP]

[Question 21a: Evidence suggests parking spaces are underutilised on Science Park. Currently no incentive not to drive to and from site. Consideration to be given to how parking is controlled on streets adjacent to the AAP area ensuring people don't park off site and walk in.]

[ Question 21b: Both sites within the AAP area should be looking to reduce their availability of parking.]

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