North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
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North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 58: It is recognised that maximising the development potential of the North East Cambridge area may require a different approach to meeting the sport and open space needs of the new community
Respondent: Sport England
Representation Summary:
With regard to Q58 we therefore support the flexible approach being advocated with regard to meeting sport and open space requirements, though formal sports facilities will need to be provided for.
Full text:
Thank you for consulting Sport England on the above document.
Sport England is broadly supportive of this document which seeks to ensure that adequate provision for formal and informal sport is secured to meet the needs of the new community.
We support a flexible approach to be taken given the nature of the development site, and accept that in some cases off-site provision may be the best option.
With regard to Q58 we therefore support the flexible approach being advocated with regard to meeting sport and open space requirements, though formal sports facilities will need to be provided for.
With regard to Q59, we support a flexible approach to the issue of quality over quantity, as it is essential that any new facilities are provided with good quality facilities, and there may be scope to enhance existing facilities that will meet the needs of the new residents.
With regard to Q60, Sport England supports the emphasis given to informal recreation. Sport England has published 'Active Design' which provides a framework for ensuring new development areas are designed to maximise opportunities for formal and informal activity, and we would support reference being made to this document within the policy or supporting text.
We hope these comments can be given full consideration when the next stage of the plan is drafted.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 59: Should open space provision within the North East Cambridge area prioritise quality and functionality over quantity?
Respondent: Sport England
Representation Summary:
With regard to Q59, we support a flexible approach to the issue of quality over quantity, as it is essential that any new facilities are provided with good quality facilities, and there may be scope to enhance existing facilities that will meet the needs of the new residents.
Full text:
Thank you for consulting Sport England on the above document.
Sport England is broadly supportive of this document which seeks to ensure that adequate provision for formal and informal sport is secured to meet the needs of the new community.
We support a flexible approach to be taken given the nature of the development site, and accept that in some cases off-site provision may be the best option.
With regard to Q58 we therefore support the flexible approach being advocated with regard to meeting sport and open space requirements, though formal sports facilities will need to be provided for.
With regard to Q59, we support a flexible approach to the issue of quality over quantity, as it is essential that any new facilities are provided with good quality facilities, and there may be scope to enhance existing facilities that will meet the needs of the new residents.
With regard to Q60, Sport England supports the emphasis given to informal recreation. Sport England has published 'Active Design' which provides a framework for ensuring new development areas are designed to maximise opportunities for formal and informal activity, and we would support reference being made to this document within the policy or supporting text.
We hope these comments can be given full consideration when the next stage of the plan is drafted.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 60: Should open space provision within the North East Cambridge area seek to provide for the widest variety of everyday structured and unstructured recreational opportunities, including walki
Respondent: Sport England
Representation Summary:
With regard to Q60, Sport England supports the emphasis given to informal recreation. Sport England has published 'Active Design' which provides a framework for ensuring new development areas are designed to maximise opportunities for formal and informal activity, and we would support reference being made to this document within the policy or supporting text.
Full text:
Thank you for consulting Sport England on the above document.
Sport England is broadly supportive of this document which seeks to ensure that adequate provision for formal and informal sport is secured to meet the needs of the new community.
We support a flexible approach to be taken given the nature of the development site, and accept that in some cases off-site provision may be the best option.
With regard to Q58 we therefore support the flexible approach being advocated with regard to meeting sport and open space requirements, though formal sports facilities will need to be provided for.
With regard to Q59, we support a flexible approach to the issue of quality over quantity, as it is essential that any new facilities are provided with good quality facilities, and there may be scope to enhance existing facilities that will meet the needs of the new residents.
With regard to Q60, Sport England supports the emphasis given to informal recreation. Sport England has published 'Active Design' which provides a framework for ensuring new development areas are designed to maximise opportunities for formal and informal activity, and we would support reference being made to this document within the policy or supporting text.
We hope these comments can be given full consideration when the next stage of the plan is drafted.
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