North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
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North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 4: Have we identified all relevant constraints present on, or affecting, the North East Cambridge area?
Representation Summary:
Brookgate Land Limited consider that paragraph 4.16 (Odour) requires further clarification and comment.
The Councils have commissioned their own independent Odour Impact Assessment, which is being reported through the committee cycle but is not being subject to consultation, despite it being recognised as a key technical evidence base document relevant to the NEC AAP area.
Brookgate Land Limited therefore object to the lack of opportunity for consultation on the findings of the Councils Odour Impact Assessment.
Full text:
Question 4 - Have we identified all relevant constraints present on, or affecting, the North East Cambridge area?
1.2 Brookgate Land Limited consider that paragraph 4.16 (Odour) requires further clarification and comment.
1.3 To support the hotel and office applications, Brookgate Land Limited commissioned Arup to prepare an Odour Assessment Report to assess the odour from the Cambridge Water Recycling Centre. The Report has been shared with the Councils and is publicly available.
1.4 The Arup 2015 report confirms that the entire Phase 1b site is suitable for residential use. This was based on Anglian Water's own monitoring data and included an allowance for higher temperatures in the Summer months to ensure a robust approach.
1.5 The 1.5 ouE/m3 contour line from the Arup report (i.e whereby residential uses are no longer likely to be suitable) is shown by a dotted blue line below [in attached file].
Since the preparation of the above Arup 2015 Odour Assessment, the Councils have commissioned their own independent Odour Impact Assessment, as referred to in paragraph 4.16 of the NEC AAP document. This Assessment involved an odour measurement survey which was conducted at the Water Recycling Centre (WRC) in summer 2017 and the report is dated October 2018. Despite several requests to be provided with copies of the Assessment by Brookgate Land Limited as part of on-going discussions regarding the development potential of the Phase 1b site, the report was only made publicly available on 13 March 2019 when it was released as part of papers for the 20 March 2019 Joint Development Control Committee meeting.
1.7 The Odour Impact Assessment is due to also be reported to the City Planning Committee on 3 April 2019 and the South Cambridgeshire District Planning Committee on 10 April 2019. The Odour Impact Assessment is therefore being reported through the committee cycle but is not being subject to consultation, despite it being recognised as a key technical evidence base document relevant to the NEC AAP area.
1.8 Brookgate Land Limited therefore object to the lack of opportunity for consultation on the findings of the Councils Odour Impact Assessment.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 5: Do you agree with the proposed Vision for the future of the North East Cambridge area? If not, what might you change?
Representation Summary:
Brookgate Land Ltd supports the proposed vision. The AAP area is the largest brownfield site in Cambridge and is extremely well served by existing public transport. It therefore has the potential to transform into a high-quality gateway to the city and act as a catalyst for the regeneration of the wider area.
Full text:
Question 4 - Have we identified all relevant constraints present on, or affecting, the North East Cambridge area?
1.2 Brookgate Land Limited consider that paragraph 4.16 (Odour) requires further clarification and comment.
1.3 To support the hotel and office applications, Brookgate Land Limited commissioned Arup to prepare an Odour Assessment Report to assess the odour from the Cambridge Water Recycling Centre. The Report has been shared with the Councils and is publicly available.
1.4 The Arup 2015 report confirms that the entire Phase 1b site is suitable for residential use. This was based on Anglian Water's own monitoring data and included an allowance for higher temperatures in the Summer months to ensure a robust approach.
1.5 The 1.5 ouE/m3 contour line from the Arup report (i.e whereby residential uses are no longer likely to be suitable) is shown by a dotted blue line below [in attached file].
Since the preparation of the above Arup 2015 Odour Assessment, the Councils have commissioned their own independent Odour Impact Assessment, as referred to in paragraph 4.16 of the NEC AAP document. This Assessment involved an odour measurement survey which was conducted at the Water Recycling Centre (WRC) in summer 2017 and the report is dated October 2018. Despite several requests to be provided with copies of the Assessment by Brookgate Land Limited as part of on-going discussions regarding the development potential of the Phase 1b site, the report was only made publicly available on 13 March 2019 when it was released as part of papers for the 20 March 2019 Joint Development Control Committee meeting.
1.7 The Odour Impact Assessment is due to also be reported to the City Planning Committee on 3 April 2019 and the South Cambridgeshire District Planning Committee on 10 April 2019. The Odour Impact Assessment is therefore being reported through the committee cycle but is not being subject to consultation, despite it being recognised as a key technical evidence base document relevant to the NEC AAP area.
1.8 Brookgate Land Limited therefore object to the lack of opportunity for consultation on the findings of the Councils Odour Impact Assessment.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 6: Do you agree with the overarching Objectives? If not, what might you change?
Representation Summary:
Brookgate Land Limited broadly support the proposed overarching objectives. However Objective 18 should be bolder given that the NEC AAP is the largest brownfield site in the city and is served by excellent public transport infrastructure. Objective 18 should therefore require proposals to make optimal and efficient use of the potential of the site given the highly sustainable nature of the NEC AAP area.
Full text:
Question 4 - Have we identified all relevant constraints present on, or affecting, the North East Cambridge area?
1.2 Brookgate Land Limited consider that paragraph 4.16 (Odour) requires further clarification and comment.
1.3 To support the hotel and office applications, Brookgate Land Limited commissioned Arup to prepare an Odour Assessment Report to assess the odour from the Cambridge Water Recycling Centre. The Report has been shared with the Councils and is publicly available.
1.4 The Arup 2015 report confirms that the entire Phase 1b site is suitable for residential use. This was based on Anglian Water's own monitoring data and included an allowance for higher temperatures in the Summer months to ensure a robust approach.
1.5 The 1.5 ouE/m3 contour line from the Arup report (i.e whereby residential uses are no longer likely to be suitable) is shown by a dotted blue line below [in attached file].
Since the preparation of the above Arup 2015 Odour Assessment, the Councils have commissioned their own independent Odour Impact Assessment, as referred to in paragraph 4.16 of the NEC AAP document. This Assessment involved an odour measurement survey which was conducted at the Water Recycling Centre (WRC) in summer 2017 and the report is dated October 2018. Despite several requests to be provided with copies of the Assessment by Brookgate Land Limited as part of on-going discussions regarding the development potential of the Phase 1b site, the report was only made publicly available on 13 March 2019 when it was released as part of papers for the 20 March 2019 Joint Development Control Committee meeting.
1.7 The Odour Impact Assessment is due to also be reported to the City Planning Committee on 3 April 2019 and the South Cambridgeshire District Planning Committee on 10 April 2019. The Odour Impact Assessment is therefore being reported through the committee cycle but is not being subject to consultation, despite it being recognised as a key technical evidence base document relevant to the NEC AAP area.
1.8 Brookgate Land Limited therefore object to the lack of opportunity for consultation on the findings of the Councils Odour Impact Assessment.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 7: Do you support the overall approach shown in the Indicative Concept Plan? Do you have any comments or suggestions to make?
Representation Summary:
Brookgate Land Limited support the Indicative Concept Plan, particularly in terms of the opportunity for residential-led mixed use development on land they control. The AAP should however be clear that the Indicative Concept Plan only refers to a broad arrangement of uses across the AAP site and is not prescriptive. The Local Authority therefore needs to take a flexible approach to ensure the AAP can adapt to change.
Full text:
Question 4 - Have we identified all relevant constraints present on, or affecting, the North East Cambridge area?
1.2 Brookgate Land Limited consider that paragraph 4.16 (Odour) requires further clarification and comment.
1.3 To support the hotel and office applications, Brookgate Land Limited commissioned Arup to prepare an Odour Assessment Report to assess the odour from the Cambridge Water Recycling Centre. The Report has been shared with the Councils and is publicly available.
1.4 The Arup 2015 report confirms that the entire Phase 1b site is suitable for residential use. This was based on Anglian Water's own monitoring data and included an allowance for higher temperatures in the Summer months to ensure a robust approach.
1.5 The 1.5 ouE/m3 contour line from the Arup report (i.e whereby residential uses are no longer likely to be suitable) is shown by a dotted blue line below [in attached file].
Since the preparation of the above Arup 2015 Odour Assessment, the Councils have commissioned their own independent Odour Impact Assessment, as referred to in paragraph 4.16 of the NEC AAP document. This Assessment involved an odour measurement survey which was conducted at the Water Recycling Centre (WRC) in summer 2017 and the report is dated October 2018. Despite several requests to be provided with copies of the Assessment by Brookgate Land Limited as part of on-going discussions regarding the development potential of the Phase 1b site, the report was only made publicly available on 13 March 2019 when it was released as part of papers for the 20 March 2019 Joint Development Control Committee meeting.
1.7 The Odour Impact Assessment is due to also be reported to the City Planning Committee on 3 April 2019 and the South Cambridgeshire District Planning Committee on 10 April 2019. The Odour Impact Assessment is therefore being reported through the committee cycle but is not being subject to consultation, despite it being recognised as a key technical evidence base document relevant to the NEC AAP area.
1.8 Brookgate Land Limited therefore object to the lack of opportunity for consultation on the findings of the Councils Odour Impact Assessment.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 8: Do you agree that outside of the existing business areas, the eastern part of the North East Cambridge AAP area (i.e. the area east of Milton Road) should provide a higher density mixed us
Representation Summary:
Brookgate Land Limited support the proposal for a higher density mixed use residential led area on land east of Milton Road. This would facilitate a large number of dwellings to be accommodated near the station, increased Offices/RD provision with associated increase in job creation. This represents efficient use of land in a highly sustainable location and creates the opportunity for people to live close to where they work.
A higher density of people also helps to form a critical mass and sense of place to support the range of ancillary retail uses, services and facilities that would come forward alongside the residential and employment accommodation.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 12: What uses or activities should be included within the North East Cambridge AAP area which will create a district of culture, creativity and interest that will help create a successful com
Representation Summary:
The AAP should allow for flexibility for a wide range of supporting uses to come forward. The uses should include those typically understood as necessary for a fully functioning city or district within a city.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 13: Should the AAP require developments in the North East Cambridge AAP area to apply Healthy Towns principles?
Representation Summary:
Planning policies should aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe places. The need to encourage healthy lifestyles and the use of sustainable transport modes will therefore be key in any development proposals within the NEC.
Overarching principles relating to health and wellbeing is therefore welcomed but the AAP needs to remain flexible in terms of any specific policy requirements in order to be able to respond to change.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 15: Should clusters of taller buildings around areas of high accessibility including district and local centres and transport stops form part of the design-led approach to this new city distr
Representation Summary:
Brookgate Land Limited support the proposal for clusters of taller buildings around areas of high accessibility. This permits a development of higher densities and the articulation of nodal points, vistas and landmark buildings to aid legibility and orientation.
Taller buildings would have no impact on any existing residential properties with regard to sunlight and daylight but could a) release significant development pressure from the historic core of the City and b) create an opportunity to define the NE corner of the City with striking buildings visible from the A14.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 16: Should the AAP include any or a combination of the options below to improve pedestrian and cycling connectivity through the site and to the surrounding area?
Representation Summary:
Brookgate Land Limited are supportive of the above. The emphasis of the movement principles must be the promotion of non-car and active modes of travel and delivering a highly connected, and accessible development by walking, cycling and public transport.
Some form of District Centre also needs to be provided within walking distance of Cambridge North station to serve commuters.
North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
Question 17: Should we explore delivery of a cycling and pedestrian bridge over the railway line to link into the River Cam towpath?
Representation Summary:
Yes, additional connectivity would be a positive improvement although there is already a pedestrian and cycle route to the River Cam Tow Path from the south of the NEC via Moss Bank and Fen Road, Furthermore, it should be noted that Network Rail would not likely support a crossing point on land they control.
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