North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

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North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 6: Do you agree with the overarching Objectives? If not, what might you change?

Representation ID: 32997

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Woodland Trust

Representation Summary:

We support objectives 6 and 7 in particular, including the commitment to a net gain in biodiversity. However, net gain must include the protection of irreplaceable habitats such as ancient woodland and ancient or veteran trees.

We would like to see a commitment to planting new trees including street trees, and groups of trees and small woods as part of a network of natural greenspace.


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 67: What approach should the AAP take to ensure delivery of a net gain in biodiversity?

Representation ID: 32998

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Woodland Trust

Representation Summary:

We welcome the mention of trees but would like to see the plan recognise the full range of benefits that they provide and to make a commitment to expansion of tree canopy cover.


North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019

Question 60: Should open space provision within the North East Cambridge area seek to provide for the widest variety of everyday structured and unstructured recreational opportunities, including walki

Representation ID: 33001

Received: 25/03/2019

Respondent: Woodland Trust

Representation Summary:

Natural greenspace, including woodland, should be included where possible in open space provision in new development. Woodland provides a range of benefits for local communities, including being cheaper to manage than many other forms of urban greenspace.

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