Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

J/NE: New employment and development proposals

Representation ID: 58721

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: TWI

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

The Established Employment Area much be regularised/extended to include the extant consent which was been granted under application S/1110/15/OL. . The proposed alteration to the site boundary



Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

S/SB: Settlement boundaries

Representation ID: 58723

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: TWI

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Requested Change
Employment areas in the Countryside should be referenced under the terms of this policy (Policy S/SB: Settlement boundaries) or supporting text


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

The rural southern cluster

Representation ID: 58726

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: TWI

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Granta Park, Great Abington

The Welding Institute (TWI)

Requested Change
Figure 33: Map shows proposed development sites in the rural southern cluster. Granta Park and The Welding Institute (TWI) is not referenced under the terms of this policy and therefore not reflective of the importance of Granta Park.


Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

J/NE: New employment and development proposals

Representation ID: 58756

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: TWI

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:


TWI requests that full consideration is given to a new policy such as an “opportunity area” that that recognises opportunities afforded through the redevelopment of the site, through both a rationalisation and upgrading of the existing building stock and the opportunities afforded to attract new occupiers through sensitive new development


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