Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
CC/WE: Water efficiency in new developments
Representation ID: 56974
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the requirements for rainwater harvesting and grey-water harvesting in new developments (possibly only developments over a certain size because of infrastructure requirements?), as this is so hard to retro-fit to existing buildings (page 150).
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the requirements for rainwater harvesting and grey-water harvesting in new developments (possibly only developments over a certain size because of infrastructure requirements?), as this is so hard to retro-fit to existing buildings (page 150).
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
BG/GI: Green infrastructure
Representation ID: 56975
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the requirement for new developments to include green infrastructure and the emphasis on the River Cam corridor and the Gog Magog hills and chalkland fringe. We also stress the importance of maintaining and improving the Hobson’s Brook/Vicar’s Brook Green Corridor. There is a need for the Councils to increase the investment in assets such as Trumpington Meadows Country Park and Hobson's Park and protect them from development. We share the concern about water demand and the risk to the River Cam and other resources including Hobson's Brook from Nine Wells.
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the requirement for new developments to include green infrastructure and the emphasis on the River Cam corridor and the Gog Magog hills and chalkland fringe. We also stress the importance of maintaining and improving the Hobson’s Brook/Vicar’s Brook Green Corridor. There is a need for the Councils to increase the investment in assets such as Trumpington Meadows Country Park and Hobson's Park and protect them from development. We share the concern about water demand and the risk to the River Cam and other resources including Hobson's Brook from Nine Wells.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
BG/GI: Green infrastructure
Representation ID: 56976
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the requirement for new developments to include green infrastructure and the emphasis on the River Cam corridor and the Gog Magog hills and chalkland fringe. We also stress the importance of maintaining and improving the Hobson’s Brook/Vicar’s Brook Green Corridor. There is a need for the Councils to increase the investment in assets such as Trumpington Meadows Country Park and Hobson's Park and protect them from development. We share the concern about water demand and the risk to the River Cam and other resources including Hobson's Brook from Nine Wells.
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the requirement for new developments to include green infrastructure and the emphasis on the River Cam corridor to the south of the city (Infrastructure initiative 2C) and the Gog Magog hills and chalkland fringe (Infrastructure initiative 3).
We also stress the importance of maintaining and improving the Hobson’s Brook/Vicar’s Brook Green Corridor, as a key element in the Green Corridors and Fingers strategy for Cambridge. The corridor is under pressure from committed development including CBC, Cambridge South Station, Hobson’s Park and Nine Wells LNR. We are very concerned at the conversion of parts of the green corridor into sports pitches and associated infrastructure, which has undermined the value of the corridor, and hope that any further planning applications for this type of use will be rejected.
We have welcomed and benefitted from the emphasis on green spaces within the Southern Fringe developments, including Trumpington Meadows Country Park and Hobson's Park. There is a need for the Councils to increase the investment in long-term care of these assets and to protect them from development threats such as Cambridge South Station, and to continue to support groups such as the Wildlife Trust and community initiatives.
The Cambridge Landscape Character Assessment adopted in 2003 should continue to apply as a planning material consideration.
We support the continued initiative for allotments and community gardens (Dispersed initiative 13, page 174).
We stress the concern about the impact of growth on water demand and the risk to the River Cam and other resources including Hobson's Brook from Nine Wells.
We also stress the concern about the potential growth of CBC and the impact this will have on the Gog Magog hills and chalkland fringe.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
BG/TC: Improving Tree Canopy Cover and the Tree Population
Representation ID: 56977
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the need to develop and maintain the tree and hedgerow network. we note the importance of maintaining trees after they have been planted in new developments, given the neglect that has been shown to the planting along Addenbrooke's Road, Hobson's Park and in the Southern Fringe developments.
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the need to develop and maintain the tree and hedgerow network. we note the importance of maintaining trees after they have been planted in new developments, given the neglect that has been shown to the planting along Addenbrooke's Road, Hobson's Park and in the Southern Fringe developments.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
BG/RC: River Corridors
Representation ID: 56978
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy to enhance the River Cam corridor, including to the south of the city. We stress the need to enhance tributaries such as Hobson's Brook. See above.
We support the need to balance tourism with protecting the river environment, noting the need to work with landowners (page 181).
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy to enhance the River Cam corridor, including to the south of the city. We stress the need to enhance tributaries such as Hobson's Brook. See above.
We support the need to balance tourism with protecting the river environment, noting the need to work with landowners (page 181).
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
BG/PO: Protecting open spaces
Representation ID: 56979
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy and the importance of protecting existing open spaces and note the potential for Trumpington Meadows Country Park and Hobson's Park being designated as Local Green Spaces.
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy and the importance of protecting existing open spaces and note the potential for Trumpington Meadows Country Park and Hobson's Park being designated as Local Green Spaces.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
BG/EO: Providing and enhancing open spaces
Representation ID: 56980
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy and stresses its relevance if the CBC development is approved.
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy and stresses its relevance if the CBC development is approved.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
WS/HD: Creating healthy new developments
Representation ID: 56981
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association notes the importance of working with social housing providers with a good track record.
The Trumpington Residents' Association notes the importance of working with social housing providers with a good track record.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
WS/CF: Community, sports and leisure facilities
Representation ID: 56982
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy but stresses the need to provide long-term support for community, sports and leisure facilities, continuing beyond the early stages in a development. Based on our experience in the Southern Fringe, it would have been very beneficial to have greater support for the community development process over a longer period than has been possible through the s106 funding and Council budget. This might have helped mitigate the level of anti-social behaviour that has become a problem in the Southern Fringe developments.
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy but stresses the need to provide long-term support for community, sports and leisure facilities, continuing beyond the early stages in a development. Based on our experience in the Southern Fringe, it would have been very beneficial to have greater support for the community development process over a longer period than has been possible through the s106 funding and Council budget. This might have helped mitigate the level of anti-social behaviour that has become a problem in the Southern Fringe developments.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
WS/MU: Meanwhile uses during long term redevelopments
Representation ID: 56983
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy. In the case of the Southern Fringe developments, there are a number of shop units in the Trumpington Meadows local centre and in Hobson Square that have remained unused for a number of years and where it would have been very beneficial to have opportunities to use them for community and art initiatives.
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy. In the case of the Southern Fringe developments, there are a number of shop units in the Trumpington Meadows local centre and in Hobson Square that have remained unused for a number of years and where it would have been very beneficial to have opportunities to use them for community and art initiatives.