Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
WS/HS: Pollution, health and safety
Representation ID: 56984
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association is concerned that the need to minimise light pollution should not be used as a reason to not light pedestrian desire lines. This would contradict the stated aim of reducing car use because it would drive people back to driving rather than using unlit footpaths (page 201).
The Trumpington Residents' Association is concerned that the need to minimise light pollution should not be used as a reason to not light pedestrian desire lines. This would contradict the stated aim of reducing car use because it would drive people back to driving rather than using unlit footpaths (page 201).
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Great places
Representation ID: 56985
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association notes that one of the descriptions of a great place is that it locates jobs near to homes, rather than the usual description of locating homes near to jobs (page 205, top bullet point).
The Trumpington Residents' Association notes that one of the descriptions of a great place is that it locates jobs near to homes, rather than the usual description of locating homes near to jobs (page 205, top bullet point).
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
GP/LC: Protection and enhancement of landscape character
Representation ID: 56986
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy. We stress the importance of the River Cam and Hobson's Brook green corridors and the landscape south of CBC around White Hill.
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy. We stress the importance of the River Cam and Hobson's Brook green corridors and the landscape south of CBC around White Hill.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
GP/GB: Protection and enhancement of the Cambridge green belt
Representation ID: 56987
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association strongly supports the policy. We stress the importance of the Green Belt to the south of the city and the way it fulfils the policy, including the land to the south of Addenbrooke's Road/Glebe Farm and to the south of CBC plus the River corridor and Hobson's Brook corridor. We are very concerned at the threat to the Green Belt of the CBC proposals. We are also seriously concerned at the threat to the Green Belt policy and the setting of the city that would have been the case if Site 056 had been approved.
The Trumpington Residents' Association strongly supports the policy. We stress the importance of the Green Belt to the south of the city and the way it fulfils the policy, including the land to the south of Addenbrooke's Road/Glebe Farm and to the south of CBC plus the River corridor and Hobson's Brook corridor. We are very concerned at the threat to the Green Belt of the CBC proposals. We are also seriously concerned at the threat to the Green Belt policy and the setting of the city that would have been the case if Site 056 had been approved.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
GP/QD: Achieving high quality development
Representation ID: 56988
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy but stresses the importance of build quality and the inability of the Councils to intervene and enforce planning conditions when developers build sub-standard homes, based on our experience with the developments in the Southern Fringe where the quality has been very poor in many cases.
This draft policy seems focussed on external appearance and not on 'live-ability'. A nice-looking roof line is one thing, a properly installed roof is quite another.
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy but stresses the importance of build quality and the inability of the Councils to intervene and enforce planning conditions when developers build sub-standard homes, based on our experience with the developments in the Southern Fringe where the quality has been very poor in many cases.
This draft policy seems focussed on external appearance and not on 'live-ability'. A nice-looking roof line is one thing, a properly installed roof is quite another.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
GP/QP: Establishing high quality landscape and public realm
Representation ID: 56989
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy but stresses the need for developers to fulfil their planning obligations in terms of the correct provision of infrastructure such as paths and the timely provision of infrastructure and public realm facilities. We stress the importance of proper 'home zones' with a 20 mph speed limit from the outset of a development. We are very concerned that it can take years before the roads in a development are adopted and the 20 mph policy can be implemented. The approach to urban design of reducing pavements can have limited impact on driving speeds.
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy but stresses the need for developers to fulfil their planning obligations in terms of the correct provision of infrastructure such as paths and the timely provision of infrastructure and public realm facilities, where the developments in the Southern Fringe have fallen well short of expectations.
We wonder whether financial penalties be levied on developers if they do not meet their obligations?
We stress the importance of designating proper 'home zones' with a 20 mph speed limit from the outset of a development. From our experience in the Southern Fringe, we are very concerned that it can take years before the roads in a development are adopted and the city-wide 20 mph policy can be implemented. The approach to urban design of reducing the occurrence of pavements can have limited impact on driving speeds.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
GP/HA: Conservation and enhancement of heritage assets
Representation ID: 56990
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The recent experience in conservation areas such as Barrow Road has resulted in the Trumpington Residents' Association being concerned about the way in which rebuilding and densification can have a negative impact on a conservation areas. The current policy should be reviewed to give greater control over significant changes within a coherent area.
The recent experience in conservation areas such as Barrow Road has resulted in the Trumpington Residents' Association being concerned about the way in which rebuilding and densification can have a negative impact on a conservation areas. The current policy should be reviewed to give greater control over significant changes within a coherent area.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
J/NE: New employment and development proposals
Representation ID: 56991
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association is concerned that there seems to be no mechanism for the Councils to control the extent of growth and the risks that high growth brings to the local society and the pressure it places for more homes. As there is an existing large capacity for employment development, we challenge the need for CBC to expand at its current location when there are other areas close to CBC that could be used. This policy makes no reference to development within the Green Belt: there should be an explicit reference against development in the Green Belt.
The Trumpington Residents' Association is concerned that there seems to be no mechanism for the Councils to control the extent of growth and the risks that high growth brings to the local society and the pressure it places for more homes. There is a risk that if the number of jobs grows at a faster rate than projected, there will be a demand for even more homes than currently planned.
We stress the large capacity for employment development that already exists and challenge the need for CBC to expand into the Green Belt when there are other areas close to CBC that could be used.
There are references to development being permitted outside the Green Belt but this policy makes no reference to development within the Green Belt (page 229). There should be an explicit reference against development in the Green Belt. Note that the proposed expansion of CBC - one of the areas said to be with 'significant opportunities' - would be within the Green Belt (page 230).
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
J/AL: Protecting the best agricultural land
Representation ID: 56992
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
If the policy is to protect the best land, the Trumpington Residents' Association questions how the expansion of CBC fits in with this? The proposed expansion area includes high quality category 2/3 agricultural land. The development would undermine the principle of protecting the best agricultural land (Policy J/AL, page 235, and the Jobs Topic Paper, page, 21). The National Planning Policy Framework states "Where significant development is demonstrated to be necessary, areas of poorer quality land should be preferred to those of a higher quality".
If the policy is to protect the best land, the Trumpington Residents' Association questions how the expansion of CBC fits in with this? The proposed expansion area includes high quality category 2/3 agricultural land. The development would undermine the principle of protecting the best agricultural land (Policy J/AL, page 235, and the Jobs Topic Paper, page, 21). The National Planning Policy Framework states "Where significant development is demonstrated to be necessary, areas of poorer quality land should be preferred to those of a higher quality".
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
H/AH: Affordable housing
Representation ID: 56994
Received: 09/12/2021
Respondent: Trumpington Residents Association
The Trumpington Residents' Association supports the policy and the need for affordable housing. However, we are very aware that 'affordable housing' is not affordable to many people. There is the continued need for social housing at reasonable rents. We question the service that is provided by the affordable housing organisations and their failure to enforce rental agreements and take responsibility for fighting ASB. We are also concerned that the housing organisations are allowed to sell on their housing stock to other providers and the effect this can have on fragmenting the housing system.
The Trumpington Residents' Association strongly supports the policy and the need for affordable housing, including the reference to 40% affordable housing on sites with 10 or more homes. However, we are very aware that so-called 'affordable housing' is not affordable to many people who may be driven out of the housing market by escalating house prices. There is the continued need for social housing at reasonable rents.
We question the service that is provided by the affordable housing organisations such as BPHA and Flagship and their failure to enforce rental agreements and take responsibility for fighting anti-social behaviour.
We are also concerned that the housing organisations are allowed to sell on their housing stock to other providers and the effect this can have on fragmenting the housing system in areas such as the Southern Fringe.