Fulbourn Neighbourhood Plan - submission version

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Fulbourn Neighbourhood Plan - submission version

Fulbourn Neighbourhood Plan - Submission version

Representation ID: 59334

Received: 30/12/2021

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

Polcies FUL/03 and FUL/04

Generally supportive of the content of policies FUL/03 ‘Creating a connected GI network’ and FUL/04 ‘Protection and enhancement of natural environment.’

The Fulbourn Neighbourhood Plan area although mostly at low risk of fluvial flooding, does have some areas of Flood Zone 2 and 3 (medium and high risk of flooding from watercourses/rivers) along the drains and at the top of the boundary of the area adjacent to Bottisham/Quy/Wilbraham main river. The area also has sensitivity in terms of groundwater, there are chalk formations forming the bedrock and a groundwater Source Protection Zone. Therefore policy FUL/04 could have included some local principles around avoiding and managing flood risk and protecting water quality whether surface water or groundwater. We appreciate there may be limited scope to incorporate amendments at this stage and there is also opportunities to incorporate the necessary policy principles and requirements within the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan, which will also be of benefit to this area.

Full text:

Thank you for notifying us of the consultation above.

We are generally supportive of the content of policies FUL/03 ‘Creating a connected GI network’ and FUL/04 ‘Protection and enhancement of natural environment.’

The Fulbourn Neighbourhood Plan area although mostly at low risk of fluvial flooding, does have some areas of Flood Zone 2 and 3 (medium and high risk of flooding from watercourses/rivers) along the drains and at the top of the boundary of the area adjacent to Bottisham/Quy/Wilbraham main river. The area also has sensitivity in terms of groundwater, there are chalk formations forming the bedrock and a groundwater Source Protection Zone. Therefore policy FUL/04 could have included some local principles around avoiding and managing flood risk and protecting water quality whether surface water or groundwater. We appreciate there may be limited scope to incorporate amendments at this stage and there is also opportunities to incorporate the necessary policy principles and requirements within the emerging GC Local Plan, which will also be of benefit to this area.

We have no further comments.

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