Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
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Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
4.7.5 Indictative street typologies
Representation ID: 31058
Received: 21/07/2016
Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects
Orientation (front/back) should be clearly highlighted on the illustrative plan - in order to avoid creating enclosed courtyards giving their back to the street - as might happen around 'Mill Park' (and not be mistaken with the "colleges inspired" inward looking residential courts)
Orientation (front/back) should be clearly highlighted on the illustrative plan - in order to avoid creating enclosed courtyards giving their back to the street - as might happen around 'Mill Park' (and not be mistaken with the "colleges inspired" inward looking residential courts)
Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
Representation ID: 31059
Received: 21/07/2016
Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects
It is proposed to clarify the different street typologies, and define the character of the 'Eagle Foundry Walk' as a more prominent 'boulevard', supported by the shared surface, planting and scale of the taller buildings to the east. It is also proposed to define street along the coach houses as a a more subservient 'mews', and highlight its difference from the above mentioned 'boulevard' to the east
It is proposed to clarify the different street typologies, and define the character of the 'Eagle Foundry Walk' as a more prominent 'boulevard', supported by the shared surface, planting and scale of the taller buildings to the east. It is also proposed to define street along the coach houses as a a more subservient 'mews', and highlight its difference from the above mentioned 'boulevard' to the east
Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
Representation ID: 31060
Received: 21/07/2016
Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects
Further clarity on the variety of streets should be provided here. This section could identify the character of the entrance street from Mill Road, and assign uses and activities it could host.
For example the street could be laid out and paved to encourage a temporary use as a changing market, which may extend into the public open spaces and internal pedestrian/shared surface street.
Further clarity on the variety of streets should be provided here. This section could identify the character of the entrance street from Mill Road, and assign uses and activities it could host.
For example the street could be laid out and paved to encourage a temporary use as a changing market, which may extend into the public open spaces and internal pedestrian/shared surface street.
Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
Representation ID: 31061
Received: 21/07/2016
Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects
Further attention should be given to the location of the coach houses and their height.
1. Most of the coach houses on site are one storey high, and specific recommendations should be made in regards to their extension by adding another floor.
2. According to the illustrative plan, some of the (lower) coach houses are positioned in front of 'Mill Park' - which will obviously raise their value as homes. Therefore further thought should be given to their proposed use (A cafe opening to the park? Art gallery or other use with public benefit?)
Further attention should be given to the location of the coach houses and their height.
1. Most of the coach houses on site are one storey high, and specific recommendations should be made in regards to their extension by adding another floor.
2. According to the illustrative plan, some of the (lower) coach houses are positioned in front of 'Mill Park' - which will obviously raise their value as homes. Therefore further thought should be given to their proposed use (A cafe opening to the park? Art gallery or other use with public benefit?)
Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
Representation ID: 31062
Received: 21/07/2016
Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects
According to the illustrative plan, some of the 3-4 storeys buildings will be facing 'Mill Park', which will obviously raise their value.
Consideration should be given to the impact this may have on the buildings height, whether these buildings should be allowed to go higher, while allowing to release other buildings to different uses, or this may help reduce other buildings' height.
According to the illustrative plan, some of the 3-4 storeys buildings will be facing 'Mill Park', which will obviously raise their value.
Consideration should be given to the impact this may have on the buildings height, whether these buildings should be allowed to go higher, while allowing to release other buildings to different uses, or this may help reduce other buildings' height.
Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
4.6.9 Heritage
Representation ID: 31063
Received: 21/07/2016
Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects
'Long horizontal facades' is not necessarily a negative feature of a building, as long as it is articulated and detailed properly.
This term may do more damage than help, unless design intention is clarified.
'Long horizontal facades' is not necessarily a negative feature of a building, as long as it is articulated and detailed properly.
This term may do more damage than help, unless design intention is clarified.
Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
Figure 43: Illustrative plan
Representation ID: 31064
Received: 21/07/2016
Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects
See comments on the attached file
See comments on the attached file
Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
4.7.4 Long-term phasing
Representation ID: 31065
Received: 21/07/2016
Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects
Additional phasing issue - the use of the ground floors of the higher residential buildings may lend themselves with time to other uses - retail, services or public. In order to enable such future flexibility it is proposed to condition the construction of taller floor to ceiling height for these spaces (say 3-3.5m).
Additional phasing issue - the use of the ground floors of the higher residential buildings may lend themselves with time to other uses - retail, services or public. In order to enable such future flexibility it is proposed to condition the construction of taller floor to ceiling height for these spaces (say 3-3.5m).
Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
Representation ID: 31066
Received: 21/07/2016
Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects
This section will benefit from simple line illustrations of the streets, open spaces, building typologies - in use. Allies and Morrison provided such clear drawings in the Addenbrookes masterplan, and it is recommended to use this tool here to identify the variety and difference envisioned for the site.
This section will benefit from simple line illustrations of the streets, open spaces, building typologies - in use. Allies and Morrison provided such clear drawings in the Addenbrookes masterplan, and it is recommended to use this tool here to identify the variety and difference envisioned for the site.
Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
Representation ID: 31081
Received: 21/07/2016
Respondent: Cambridge Association of Architects
The Chisholm Trail could run along the Boulevard / edge of Eagle Foundry Walk - especially as the trail comes down Ainsworth Street. This would help activate the public green open space in the centre of the site. A cycle route could cut diagonally across the site (through Mill Park, Gatehouse Court or The Limes), to increase cycle connectivity - this is common to a number of successful existing green open spaces in the city.
The Chisholm Trail could run along the Boulevard / edge of Eagle Foundry Walk - especially as the trail comes down Ainsworth Street. This would help activate the public green open space in the centre of the site. A cycle route could cut diagonally across the site (through Mill Park, Gatehouse Court or The Limes), to increase cycle connectivity - this is common to a number of successful existing green open spaces in the city.