Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

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Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 1: A comprehensive approach at North East Cambridge

Representation ID: 55990

Received: 05/10/2020

Respondent: Turnstone Estates Limited

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

The comprehensive approach towards development and regeneration at North East Cambridge
is broadly supported. However, a comprehensive approach must include the appropriate phasing
of redevelopment sites to ensure that existing and proposed uses are compatible, and the
successful relocation of existing businesses to suitable alternative sites



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 6a: Distinctive design for North East Cambridge

Representation ID: 55991

Received: 05/10/2020

Respondent: Turnstone Estates Limited

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

The aspiration for development at North East Cambridge to provide distinctive, high quality and
contemporary design is broadly supported. The design criteria identified in Policy 6a are
supported, and could be achieved for the redevelopment of the Tarmac site provided if the
existing operations can be successfully relocated.



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 6b: Design of mixed-use buildings

Representation ID: 55992

Received: 05/10/2020

Respondent: Turnstone Estates Limited

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Policy 6b identifies general criteria for the design of mixed-use buildings, all of which are
supported. The criteria requiring the design and construction of buildings to be adaptable and
flexible is particularly supported. The Tarmac site is identified within a development parcel for
business and housing uses. The exact mix of these uses would be determined once the
relocation strategy for the Tarmac site is known.



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 7: Legible streets and spaces

Representation ID: 55993

Received: 05/10/2020

Respondent: Turnstone Estates Limited

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

The aspiration to create high quality, inclusive and attractive streets and spaces within North East
Cambridge is broadly supported.



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 8: Open spaces for recreation and sport

Representation ID: 55994

Received: 05/10/2020

Respondent: Turnstone Estates Limited

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Policy 8 expects major new development to provide for open space and recreation facilities.
Figure 19 shows a linear park along the frontage of Cowley Road, which includes the proposed
development parcel where Tarmac site is located. The delivery of open space and recreation
facilities in North East Cambridge is broadly supported



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 9: Density, heights, scale and massing

Representation ID: 55995

Received: 05/10/2020

Respondent: Turnstone Estates Limited

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Figure 21 shows proposed building heights and Figure 23 shows proposed densities for the
different development parcels within the AAP area. The development parcel that includes the
Tarmac site indicates building heights of 4 to 5 storeys and a maximum of 6 storeys, and a
density of 225 dwellings per hectare. In contrast the adjacent development parcels show taller
building heights and higher densities, but there is no evidence provided to explain the differing
building heights or densities. For example, the development parcels to the west, north and south
show building heights of between 5 to 6 storeys and 6 to 8 storeys (with maximum building
heights of 8 to 10 storeys) and densities of between 260 and 300 dwellings per hectare.
It is requested that the building heights and densities for the development parcel that includes the
Tarmac site are increased to be consistent with adjacent parcels; a building height of 6 to 8
storeys and a density of 300 dwellings per hectare would be appropriate. The development
parcel that includes the Tarmac site is located within close proximity to a proposed mobility hub, it
would be accessible by walking, cycling and public transport including Cambridge Guided
Busway and Cambridge North Station, and it would be well related to the proposed District
Centre. The location and future accessibility of the Tarmac site supports additional development
at this parcel in the form of taller buildings.



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 10b: District Centre

Representation ID: 55996

Received: 05/10/2020

Respondent: Turnstone Estates Limited

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Figure 24 shows the proposed location of new centres for North East Cambridge, which includes
a new District Centre on Cowley Road which would be located opposite the development parcel
that includes the Tarmac site. The location and mix of uses included within the proposed District
Centre are supported.



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 12a: Business

Representation ID: 55997

Received: 05/10/2020

Respondent: Turnstone Estates Limited

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

The proposed development parcel containing the Tarmac site is identified for business (B1) and
housing uses. Policy 12a sets out the approach to the delivery of business uses in North East
Cambridge. It is noted that Policy 12a proposes a flexible approach including for business types
and sizes, other types of uses to provide an appropriate mix, and adaptable buildings that can be
reused for other uses. It is considered that this flexible approach is appropriate at this stage
because it is likely that market demand and economics for different types of uses will change
during the lifetime of AAP. The redevelopment of the Tarmac site could accommodate a mix of
types of business and housing uses consistent with those identified for the Cambridge Business
Park area as defined in Policy 12a, but the exact mix of these uses would be determined once
the relocation strategy for the Tarmac site is known.



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 14: Social, community and cultural Infrastructure

Representation ID: 55998

Received: 05/10/2020

Respondent: Turnstone Estates Limited

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

The inclusion of additional social, community and cultural facilities within the North East
Cambridge area is supported.



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 15: Shops and local services

Representation ID: 55999

Received: 05/10/2020

Respondent: Turnstone Estates Limited

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

The inclusion of additional shops and local services, including within the proposed District Centre
on Cowley Road, is supported.


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