Biodiversity: The number and variety of plants and animals.

Built form: Buildings and their structures.

Cambridge Local Plan 2006: This is the currently adopted Local Plan which sets out the policies and proposals for developments within Cambridge up until 2016. It includes a number of detailed policies and allocations where the Council would like new development to occur.

Cambridge Local Plan 2014 Proposed Submission: Provides the policies and proposals for accommodating future developments within Cambridge up until 2031. The Plan is currently the subject of an independent examination. If found sound, the Plan will be adopted and will at that point replace the 2006 Local Plan. At this stage, this emerging document is in draft form only. It includes a number of detailed polices and draft allocations setting out how and where the Council would like future development to occur. One such draft allocation is the Mill Road Depot Site (Site R10).

Character and Form: A combination of: the layout of buildings and streets; the height and appearance of the buildings; the amount and distribution of open space; and the density of a development.

Development principles: A set of principles which underpin the redevelopment of the Mill Road Depot site.

Density: Density is a method of measuring the intensity of development within a specified area. Density is calculated by dividing the number of homes by the site area in hectares. The site area includes roads and open spaces.

Framework Plan: A plan used to illustrate how the open space, routes and building frontages work together on the Mill Road Depot site.

Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA): Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRA) are required under European Directive 92/43/ EEC on the “conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora for plans” that may have an impact of European (Natura 2000) Sites. A HRA is the assessment of the impacts of implementing a plan or policy on a Natura 2000 Site. Its purpose is to consider the impacts of a Local Plan document against the conservation objectives of a site.

Hectare: An area of 10,000 square metres.

Legibility/Legible: The degree to which a place can be easily understood and navigated.

Listed Building: A building or structure of special architectural or historic interest and included in a list, approved by the Secretary of State. The owner must get Listed Building Consent to carry out alterations that would affect its character or its setting.

Local Plan: Abbreviation used to describe the statutory plan adopted by the City Council.

Massing: The combined effect of the arrangement, volume and shape of a building or group of elements. This is also called bulk.

Mitigation: The purpose of mitigation is to avoid, reduce and where possible remedy or offset any significant negative (adverse) effects on the environment etc. arising from the proposed development.

Mill Road Conservation Area There are 11 Conservation Areas within Cambridge, as defined by the City Council. These areas are considered to have ‘special architectural or historic interest’ and new developments within them must take this into consideration.

Parking Standards: Document setting out maximum permissible levels of car parking for various land uses, along with minimum levels of cycle parking.

Planning Applications: There are two possible approaches for the submission of a planning application. An ‘outline’ application establishes the broad principles of a development and sets development parameters, with more detailed matters submitted later as ‘Reserved Matters’ applications. Alternatively, a ‘full application’ would provide all details of the proposed development at the outset.

Public Realm: The areas of city or town (whether publicly or privately owned) that are available, without charge for everyone to use or see, including streets, parks and open spaces.

Planning and Development Brief: A planning policy document to help guide the preparation and assessment of future planning applications for specific sites coming forward for redevelopment.

Sustainability Appraisal (SA): Sustainability Appraisal (SA) is a compulsory requirement under the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act and the 2001/42/ EEC European Directive. A process used to appraise planning policy documents in order to promote sustainable development. Social, environmental and economic aspects are all taken into consideration.

Sustainable Development: Sustainable Development is a broad term that encompasses many different aspects and issues from global to local level. Sustainable development can be described as ‘Development, which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability for the future generations to meet their own needs’ (after the 1987 Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development – the Brundtland Commission).

Sustainable Urban Drainage Strategy (SuDS): Sustainable urban drainage systems control and slow down surface water run off by mimicking natural drainage process in built-up areas. These systems include: areas for surface water storage; areas for water to infiltrate the ground slowly; and systems for limiting water flow.

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD): SPDs were established as part of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 in United Kingdom law. They may cover a range of issues, be broadly thematic or site-specific. In the case of the Mill Road Depot site, the SPD is site specific and provides guidance on matters of design, land use and the amount of development appropriate for the site.

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