Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/DS: Development strategy
Representation ID: 58400
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Sphere25
Cambridge Science Park (HELAA site 59390)
Whilst the principle of the draft JLP is supported, as an employment destination of local, regional, and national importance, TCC would like it on record that it has deep concerns relating to Cambridge Science Park’s removal as an Employment Allocation within the JLP.
The evidence base is inconsistent, difficult to follow, and in places flawed; CSP is recognised as a crucial element of the Greater Cambridge Economy, and yet excluded from the HELAA and ultimately inclusion within the JLP.
The silence afforded to Cambridge Science Park (other than via removal) is unjustified by the evidence base, and inconsistent with the vast number of strategic and less than strategic employment locations specifically mentioned and supported within proposed policy.
The exclusion of a draft allocation places an undue reliance on an emerging North-East Cambridge
Area Action Plan (NECAAP) being adopted and the Development Consent Order (DCO) for the
relocation of the existing Cowley Road Waste Recycling Centre being achieved. This conflates the delivery of new homes reliant on the DCO with the ongoing growth of employment associated with the existing Cambridge Science Park cluster.
Transport capacity is a key constraint to the delivery of the NECAAP and to date this issue remains unresolved. The deliverability of NECAAP is untested. Whilst TCC supports the successful conclusion of the DCO process and the broad principles of a NECAAP, it is crucial that CSP’s importance is recognised in the emerging JLP.
An allocation provides the supporting policy and development management framework to recognise and harness CSP’s continued evolution and regional role as a significant contributor to employment, research and development for the Cambridge and UK economy. The policy wording as set out above should therefore be (re)instated into the emerging JLP.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/NEC: North east Cambridge
Representation ID: 59269
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Sphere25
The exclusion of a draft allocation for CSPN at this stage is regrettable and it is TCC’s view that following a review of both the supporting evidence bases for the JLP and North East Cambridge Action Plan (NECAAP), that neither documents current aims are deliverable without CSPN being allocated.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
The edge of Cambridge
Representation ID: 60684
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Sphere25
Land East of Impington (HELAA site 40096)
The exclusion of a draft allocation for CSPN at this stage is regrettable and it is TCC’s view that following a review of both the supporting evidence bases for the JLP and North East Cambridge Action Plan (NECAAP), that neither documents current aims are deliverable without CSPN being allocated.
The JLP also does not identify how Cambridge can meet its future job targets or identified need, particularly in the mid-tech sector. To achieve the transport, employment and socio economic aims of the JLP, and separately the NECAAP, a radical reappraisal and interrogation of its supporting evidence base is required. The evidence base is inconsistent and in places flawed.
An allocation for CSPN provides the supporting policy and development management framework to recognise and harness CSP’s continued evolution and regional role as a significant contributor to employment, research and development for the Cambridge and UK economy. Additionally, an allocation for CSPN provides the capacity to deliver on the JLP’s stated employment aims. Its allocation is also an exciting opportunity to keep Cambridge at the forefront of innovation, securing a mid-tech future for Cambridge, the region, and the UK as a Scientific Superpower.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/DS: Development strategy
Representation ID: 60685
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Sphere25
Cambridge Science Park North (HELAA site 40096)
Overall, we believe there is a significant chance that the forecast within the ELEDES underestimates the demand for commercial floorspace across Greater Cambridge, and particularly demand for the mid-tech floorspace supported at Cambridge Science Park North.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Sustainability Appraisal
Representation ID: 60686
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Sphere25
Comments are made in the attached document regarding the assessment of the Cambridge Science Park North site (HELAA site 40096 - Land East of Impington)
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/NEC: North east Cambridge
Representation ID: 60687
Received: 13/12/2021
Respondent: Trinity College
Agent: Sphere25
Without significant interventions such as those which may be delivered by Cambridge Science Park North (Land East of Impington (HELAA site 40096)), a reduction in vehicle trips at CSP, sufficient to allow the delivery of the wider NECAAP will be difficult to deliver.