Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
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Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
BG/GI: Green infrastructure
Representation ID: 56568
Received: 25/11/2021
Respondent: Gamlingay Parish Council
Greater Cambridge Green Infrastructure Opportunity Mapping- final report 2021- Gamlingay Parish currently split in half with the policy for area 8 Western Gateway. Western side of Gamlingay has valued woodland edge environments bordering Central Bedfordshire (White Wood and Potton Wood). Land also historic acid grassland and heathland environment which would benefit in being included in 8 Western Gateway proposal area. Consider extending the policy area to cover whole of parish up to Central Bedfordshire border.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Sustainability Appraisal
Representation ID: 56569
Received: 25/11/2021
Respondent: Gamlingay Parish Council
Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment evidence supports the principle that SCDC must lower the reliance on the private car- as there are significantly higher carbon dioxide emissions in SCDC area (2016) than the rest of East of England and England in general ( S Cambs 4, East of England 2.3 , England 1.9).
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
Representation ID: 56570
Received: 25/11/2021
Respondent: Gamlingay Parish Council
Support the vision and aims of the plan. Support the identification of new development sites in proximity to main public transport nodes/corridors to ensure options for alternative travel other than the petrol/diesel car.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/JH: New jobs and homes
Representation ID: 56571
Received: 25/11/2021
Respondent: Gamlingay Parish Council
It is important to reduce commuting/long distance commuting by car and to recognise different working patters post covid (i.e working from home).
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/DS: Development strategy
Representation ID: 56572
Received: 25/11/2021
Respondent: Gamlingay Parish Council
Support the policy as it promotes active travel and public transport as the natural choice to try to address the climate crisis, to reduce carbon usage. Green Infrastructure must be delivered before, or alongside new development. Jobs should be where people live (reduce long distance commuting)
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/SH: Settlement hierarchy
Representation ID: 56573
Received: 25/11/2021
Respondent: Gamlingay Parish Council
Support the continuation of a threshold of 30 units of housing developments in minor rural centres.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/SB: Settlement boundaries
Representation ID: 56574
Received: 25/11/2021
Respondent: Gamlingay Parish Council
Support this policy- as it specifically relates to preserving the character of village settlement edges.These areas are being eroded by inappropriate development. Important to reference role of Neighbourhood Plans and Village Design Guides
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
The edge of Cambridge
Representation ID: 56575
Received: 25/11/2021
Respondent: Gamlingay Parish Council
Support the policy- details the importance of sustainable public transport links to key facilities in central Cambridge
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
S/WC: West Cambridge
Representation ID: 56577
Received: 25/11/2021
Respondent: Gamlingay Parish Council
Support the expansion of Cambourne as a sustainable location for an enhanced public transport hub. It is a sustainable location for an EW Rail station. If EW Rail does not happen, however, there is still a need for Cambourne to be a public transport hub to serve its residents and the residents living in the rural hinterland.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
New settlements
Representation ID: 56578
Received: 25/11/2021
Respondent: Gamlingay Parish Council
Reduction in allocating greenfield sites is supported. Development of new settlements should include development of public transport hubs to serve the rural hinterland surrounding the new settlement.