Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

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Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 23: Comprehensive and Coordinated Development

Representation ID: 56129

Received: 02/10/2020

Respondent: South Cambridgeshire District Council

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Policy 23 seeks to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated approach to development and regeneration
at North East Cambridge, which is broadly supported. The policy appears to be written more for some
of the larger landowners, such as Anglian Water/Cambridge City Council, Brookgate/Network Rail, The
Crown Estate and Trinity College. Where individual plots become available, such as in the case of
the Landowner/Site, it will be more difficult to show how it complies in the context of part b) of
the policy (wider masterplanning). Consideration should be given to this in the policy.



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 28 – Meanwhile uses

Representation ID: 56130

Received: 02/10/2020

Respondent: South Cambridgeshire District Council

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

The grant of temporary consent for ‘meanwhile’ uses within North East Cambridge is broadly
supported. The ‘meanwhile’ uses could temporarily add to the range of facilities within the area
and could reuse empty or underused land and buildings.



Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan

Policy 29 - Employment and Training

Representation ID: 56131

Received: 02/10/2020

Respondent: South Cambridgeshire District Council

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

The employment, skills and training initiatives associated with development within North East
Cambridge are supported.


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