6. Waste recycling

6.1 Introduction

(1)6.1.1 There needs to be an emphasis on developments addressing their own waste implications and having the necessary recycling provision in place to serve the needs of occupiers. Cambridgeshire County Council is the waste planning authority for Cambridge and deals with all strategic waste issues. All development needs to make provision for waste recycling in order to be sustainable.

6.2 Policy Background

6.2.1 NPPF – The NPPF emphasises, at paragraph 156, the need for waste management and the provision of waste management infrastructure.

6.2.2 Cambridge Local Plan 2014 Submission Version:

Policy 85 – Infrastructure Delivery, planning obligations and the Community Infrastructure Levy sets out the justification for planning obligations in connection with new developments.

Policy 57 – Designing new buildings stipulates that new buildings will be supported where they can demonstrate that they successfully integrate functional needs such as refuse and recycling.

Policy 27 – Carbon reduction, community energy networks, sustainable design and construction, and water use requires developers to outline their approach to site waste management, making specific reference to the RECAP Waste Management Design Guide and its associated toolkit.

6.2.3 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Core Strategy 2011:

Policy CS16 – Household Recycling Centres states that new development will contribute to the provision of household recycling centres.
Policy CS28 – Waste Minimisation, re-use, and Resource Recovery requires new development to contribute to the provision of bring sites.
The Core Strategy requires that a RECAP Waste Management Design Guide Toolkit (see below) must be submitted with each planning application.

6.2.4 RECAP Waste Management Design Guide 2012:

This Guide sets out practical information on the provision of waste storage, waste collection, recycling, and bring sites. It includes a Toolkit which provides a framework for developers and planners to assess what contributions will be required towards the provision of Household Recycling Centres and bring sites

6.3 What can be funded by CIL?

6.3.1 Provision for strategic household waste recycling can be considered for CIL funding.

6.4 What can be funded by S.106 planning obligations?

6.4.1 Financial contributions will be required from all developments for the provision of household waste and recycling receptacles on a per dwelling basis and will be used to fund the number of receptacles generated directly by the needs of development.

Table 5: Developer Contributions towards waste receptacles

Houses £80 per house based on 3 x standard bins
Flats £150 per flat (based on provision of large communal Eurobins which are litre for litre more expensive than small bins.)

(1)6.4.2 For large scale developments consideration will be given to the need to incorporate additional mini recycling centres (bring sites) within the development site based on the likely level of additional demand generated by the development. Developments over 200 dwellings will be assessed on an individual basis to consider the potential for underground mini recycling facilities.

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