Appendix 2 – Draft Regulation 123 List

Cambridge City Council
Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Regulation 123 List

(Version to accompany the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule consultation)

The infrastructure listed below will be eligible to be funded through the Community Infrastructure Levy. The Draft Regulation 123 list, as set out below, defines which projects and/or types/sections of infrastructure that the Council will fund through CIL revenues. It will take effect upon the implementation of the Council’s CIL Charging Schedule.

The list is not definitive, and in no order of priorities, as no formal decisions have yet been taken to confirm how CIL funds will be allocated amongst the listed infrastructure projects. It is a list of infrastructure that CIL could be used to fund, subject to Council priorities and the levels of available CIL funding.

Ultimately, it will be necessary to prioritise both within theme areas (e.g. strategic transport) and also between theme areas (e.g. education or community facilities). Factors such as whether an infrastructure element is essential or even required by legal statute or regulation if a development was to go ahead would be taken into account.

CIL Draft Regulation 123 List – Infrastructure types and/or projects that will, or may, be funded in whole or in part by CIL:

Strategic Transport Infrastructure (excluding development specific mitigation works on, or directly related to, a development site)

Education Infrastructure

Strategic household waste recycling facilities

Libraries and lifelong learning facilities

Community Facilities (excluding where a new development leads to the loss of a community facility and re-provision is required on-site or directly related to that site)

Strategic public realm improvements

Indoor Sports Facilities (excluding where a new development leads to the loss of a sports facility and a re-provision is required on-site or directly related to that site)

Outdoor Sports Facilities (excluding where a new development leads to the loss of a sports facility and a re-provision is required on-site or directly related to that site)


Strategic Green Infrastructure

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