7. Public Art

7.1 Introduction

(2)7.1.1 Public art provides social, economic and cultural benefits and can improve the quality of the built environment and provide distinction and character. Public art can mitigate the impacts of new development through measures that help to re-establish local identity and sense of place. In this way public art can also be considered a form of community infrastructure that should be funded.

7.1.2 The provision of public art should form an integral element to new development in order to help mitigate its impact on its physical environment and setting.

7.2 Policy background

7.2.1 NPPF - Section 7 of the NPPF states that the Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. It is important to plan positively for high quality and inclusive design for all development, including individual buildings, public and private spaces and wider area development proposals.

7.2.2 Cambridge Local Plan 2014 Submission
Policy 85 – Infrastructure Delivery, planning obligations and the Community Infrastructure Levy sets out the justification for planning obligations in relation to new development.
Policy 56 – Creating successful places states that development proposals should embed public art as an integral part of the proposals as identified through the Council’s Public Art Supplementary Planning Document.

7.2.3 Cambridge City Council Arts Strategy 2011 – 2014; This documents sets out the Councils intention to ensuring that support for the arts is maintained and developed

7.2.4 The Audit and Needs Analysis of Arts Infrastructure in the City of Cambridge 2013; This document looks at priorities in the development of arts infrastructure.

7.3 What can be funded by CIL?

(1)7.3.1 Public art projects required to address the cumulative impact of development, and that have a citywide benefit, could be funded via CIL.

7.4 What can be funded by planning obligations?

(1)7.4.1 S.106 planning obligations will not be used to secure public art. However, all major development of 10 or more dwellings, or a site area of 0.5ha or more will be required to make provision for public art in order to mitigate its impact on its physical environment and setting.

7.4.2 Where public art is required it should be considered as part of the design process and incorporated into the submitted planning application. Public Art is likely to be dealt with by way of a planning condition to reinforce the normal design/development requirements.

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