Supporting Evidence Base



Cambridge Local Plan 2018

Adopted Local Plan for Cambridge. Includes Policy 15 – Cambridge Northern Fringe East and new railway station Area of Major Change.

South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018

Adopted Local Plan for South Cambridgeshire. Includes Policy SS/4: Cambridge Northern Fringe East and Cambridge North railway station

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Plan

Cambridgeshire County Council is the Minerals and Waste Local Planning Authority for this area.

The adopted Minerals and Waste Plan comprises a Core Strategy 2011 and Site Specific Proposals Plan 2012.

These plans are under review. The County Council consulted on the Preliminary Draft Local Plan, the first of three rounds of consultation in May to early June 2018.

Cambridge Northern Fringe AAP Issues and Options 1 2014

Prepared in 2014, set out issues and a series of options for future development of the area. Was subject to consultation between December 2014 and February 2015.

Cambridge Northern Fringe AAP Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 2014

This Scoping Report informs the SA process by outlining the scope of the assessment in terms of relevant plans, programmes and policies; key environmental, social and economic evidence base and sustainability issues, opportunities and problems. This information has been used to create an SA framework of objectives to be used to identify the significant sustainability effects of implementing the AAP and the effects of its alternatives.

Cambridge Northern Fringe AAP Issues and Options 1 Interim Sustainability Appraisal 2014

An appraisal of the sustainability effects of the first issues and options. An interim stage of the sustainability appraisal, which must accompany the draft plan.

Cambridge Northern Fringe AAP – Consultation and Engagement Strategy 2014

Sets out Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council joint approach to consulting and engaging the community on the Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP.

Note: The Councils are also preparing a Joint Statement of Community Involvement for consultation in 2019 (see below)

North East Cambridge AAP – Statement of Consultation 2018

Sets out the Councils consultation process for plan making. It includes a summary of representations received in 2014, and how those issues have been considered.

A Statement of Consultation was published in 2014 and has been updated in 2018.

North East Cambridge AAP Issues and Options 2 Interim Sustainability Appraisal 2018

An appraisal of the sustainability effects of the issues and options 2 2018. An interim stage of the sustainability appraisal, which must accompany the draft plan.

Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA) 2018

Considers the impact of proposals on people that live in, work in or visit the area. An EQIA has been carried out on the Issues and Options 2 document.

A Cambridge version and a South Cambridgeshire version of EQIA were published to accompany the 2014 consultation.

Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement 2013

Sets out the Council's general approach to public consultation.

Currently being reviewed towards production of a Joint Statement of Community Involvement. This will be subject to consultation in 2019.

South Cambridgeshire Statement of Community Involvement 2010

Sets out the Council's general approach to public consultation.

Currently being reviewed towards production of a Joint Statement of Community Involvement. This will be subject to consultation in 2019.

2. Policy Context

2.1 This section provides a brief summary of the broader policy context within which the AAP is to be prepared.

National Policy

2.2 The AAP, whilst reflecting local needs and circumstances, must be consistent with national policy prepared by the Government in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2018) and National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG), which identify a range of environmental, social and economic policies that will need to be considered. In preparing this Issues and Options document, regard has been had to the published national planning policies as well as other matters at the national level that might affect the context and content of the AAP. This includes proposed further changes to the regime around development contributions, the introduction of further permitted development rights, proposals for the Cambridge - Milton Keynes - Oxford corridor, and East-West Rail.

2.3 Given that the AAP is at an early stage of preparation, it is expected that any proposals or developments regarding reforms affecting the planning system, as well as development viability, will be able to be taken into account as the Plan is progressed.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

2.4 The devolution deal agreed with the formation of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) included a vision to increase economic output by nearly 100% over the next 25 years, and to accelerate the delivery of new homes and sustainable communities. The CPCA will be producing a Non-Statutory Spatial Plan (NSSP) for the CPCA area.

2.5 To support the NSSP, the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Independent Economic Review (CPIER) was completed in September 2018. This identified that the rate of new homes being built in the county needs to increase to support the number of jobs being created and to tackle the high cost of housing – and that Greater Cambridge must play the pivotal role in generating economic growth across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

2.6 The CPCA are also developing a new Local Transport Plan for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. When adopted this will provide the strategic transport planning framework within which the NEC sites will be brought forward. In the meantime, the Mayor's Interim Transport Strategy Statement (May 2018) provides an indication of the approach to strategic transport planning across the CPCA area.

2.7 The NEC area can play an important role in delivering both housing and jobs in the years ahead.

Local Plans

2.8 Both Councils adopted new Local Plans in 2018. These allocate a range of major development sites in the Greater Cambridge area (see Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1: Major Sites allocated in the Adopted District Local Plans






Orchard Park


New Town north of Waterbeach


Cambridge East – North of Newmarket Road


Cambourne West


Cambridge East – North of Cherry Hinton


Bourn Airfield New Village


Trumpington Meadows


West Cambridge


Clay Farm


North West Cambridge


Cambridge Biomedical Campus


Darwin Green


Land at Worts Causeway

2.9 The NEC area crosses the administrative boundary of Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council. As a result, the planning policies of each Council will apply within their district for those matters not covered with the AAP.

2.10 Both Councils have included a policy on the NEC area within their Local Plans; Cambridge City Council (Policy 15) and South Cambridgeshire District Council (Policy SS/4). Cambridge City Council's policy identifies an 'Area of Major Change' and South Cambridgeshire District Council's policy a 'Major Development Site'.

2.11 The policies allocate the area for a high quality mixed-use development with a range of supporting uses, and state that the jointly prepared AAP will determine site capacities, and the viability, phasing and timescales of development. Both site allocation policies are set out in full in Appendix 1.

2.12 The Councils will be starting an early review of their Local Plans in 2019, and will be preparing a joint Local Plan for the Greater Cambridge area.

Minerals and waste management and transport

2.13 Cambridgeshire County Council is the Minerals and Waste planning authority for the area.The county-wide planning policies that form the context for the AAP are set out in the adopted Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Core Strategy (July 2011) and Site Specific Proposals Plans (February 2012).

2.14 Parts of NEC and its immediate surroundings are the subject of several adopted County minerals, waste management, and transport planning policies. The extents of the County planning designations are shown on the map at Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2: Minerals & Waste Planning Designations applying to North East Cambridge and the surrounding area


2.15 The waste management designations and safeguarding areas relate to the protection of existing waste facilities (Anglian Water's Water Recycling Centre and Veolia's Waste Transfer site, and the Milton Landfill site). These seek to ensure that the future operation of these essential facilities is not prejudiced by future development, which therefore must be compatible with the existing waste management uses. They also relate to finding sites for additional and/or replacement waste facilities in the area i.e. Household Waste Recycling Centre, Inert Waste Recycling and suitable new waste management technologies. The transport designations in the County's Minerals and Waste Plan focus on the retention and safeguarding of the strategic railhead and associated aggregates operations on the Chesterton Rail Sidings.

2.16 The Minerals and Waste plans are currently under review. The County Council consulted on the Preliminary Draft Local Plan, the first of three rounds of consultation in May to early June 2018. A consultation on the draft plan will take place in spring 2019. More information can be found on the County Council's website:

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