(1) Appendix 1: GLOSSARY of key terms
Air Quality Management Areas: Any location within the
boundaries of a Local Authority where the Air Quality
Objectives are not likely to be achieved must be declared as
an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). The area may encompass
just one or two streets, or it could be much bigger. The
Local Authority is subsequently required to put together a
plan to improve air quality in that area - a Local Air
Quality Action Plan.
Built form: Buildings and their structures.
Cambridge Local Plan 2006: This is the currently adopted
Local Plan which sets out the policies and proposals for
developments within Cambridge up until 2016. It includes a
number of detailed policies and allocations where the Council
would like new development to occur.
Cambridge Local Plan 2014 Proposed Submission: Provides the
policies and proposals for accommodating future developments
within Cambridge up until 2031. The Plan is currently the
subject of an independent examination. If found sound, the
Plan will be adopted and will at that point replace the 2006
Local Plan. At this stage, this emerging document is in draft
form only. It includes a number of detailed polices and draft
allocations setting out how and where the Council would like
future development to occur.
Character and Form: A combination of: the layout of buildings
and streets; the height and appearance of the buildings; the
amount and distribution of open space; and the density of a
Concept plan: The concept design represents the initial
response to the project brief.
Development principles: A set of principles which underpin
the redevelopment of the Mill Road Depot site.
Density: Density is a method of measuring the intensity of
development within a specified area. Density is calculated by
dividing the number of homes by the site area in
Design Code: A set of illustrated design rules and
requirements which instruct and advise on the appearance,
layout and form of development.
Framework Plan: A plan used to illustrate how established
development principles and site constraints have directly
informed the design of the masterplan.
Green Belt: A policy for controlling urban growth. The
fundamental aim of green belt policy is to prevent urban
sprawl by keeping land permanently open, and consequently the
most important attribute of green belts is their
Green infrastructure: A strategically planned and delivered
network comprising the broadest range of high quality green
spaces and other environmental features.
Ground run up enclosure: A three-sided, open top facility,
able to accommodate an aircraft while maintenance mechanics
conduct high-power engine run-up inspections.
Hectare: An area of 10,000 square metres
Legibility/Legible: The degree to which a place can be easily
understood and navigated.
Local Plan: Abbreviation used to describe the statutory plan
adopted by the City Council.
Mitigation: The purpose of mitigation is to avoid, reduce and
where possible remedy or offset any significant negative
(adverse) effects on the environment etc. arising from the
proposed development.
Parking Standards: Document setting out maximum permissible
levels of car parking for various land uses, along with
minimum levels of cycle parking.
Planning Applications: There are two possible approaches for
the submission of a planning application. An 'outline'
application establishes the broad principles of a development
and sets development parameters, with more detailed matters
submitted later as 'Reserved Matters' applications.
Alternatively, a 'full application' would provide all details
of the proposed development at the outset.
Public Realm: The areas of city or town (whether publicly or
privately owned) that are available, without charge for
everyone to use or see, including streets, parks and open
Planning and Development Brief: A planning policy document to
help guide the preparation and assessment of future planning
applications for specific sites coming forward for
Planning obligations: an established and valuable mechanism
for securing planning matters arising from a development
proposal. They are commonly used to bring development in line
with the objectives of sustainable development as articulated
through the relevant local, regional and national planning
Radburn layout: A concept for planned housing estates, based
on a design that was originally used in Radburn, New Jersey,
United States.
South Cambridgeshire District Council Core Strategy 2007: The
Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD) sets out the
overall approach to development in the district. It reflects
the strategy in the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Structure
Plan 2003 with the focus on locating new development in the
most sustainable locations, in this case close to Cambridge
and in the proposed new town of Northstowe. These proposals
are developed in detailed Area Action Plans. The emphasis of
the new development is on housing, to help redress the
current imbalance between jobs and houses.
Draft South Cambridgeshire District Local Plan: The Local
Plan is a set of policies and land allocations that will
guide the future of South Cambridgeshire district up to
Sustainability Appraisal (SA): Sustainability Appraisal (SA)
is a compulsory requirement under the 2004 Planning and
Compulsory Purchase Act and the 2001/42/ EEC European
Directive. A process used to appraise planning policy
documents in order to promote sustainable development.
Social, environmental and economic aspects are all taken into
Sustainable Design and Construction SPD: This SPD provides
guidance on the policies within the Cambridge Local Plan 2006
that relate to sustainability.
Sustainable Development: Sustainable Development is a broad
term that encompasses many different aspects and issues from
global to local level. Sustainable development can be
described as 'Development, which meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability for the future
generations to meet their own needs' (after the 1987 Report
of the World Commission on Environment and Development – the
Brundtland Commission).
Sustainable Urban Drainage Strategy (SuDS): Sustainable urban
drainage systems control and slow down surface water run off
by mimicking natural drainage process in built-up areas.
These systems include: areas for surface water storage; areas
for water to infiltrate the ground slowly; and systems for
limiting water flow.
Supplementary Planning Document (SPD): SPDs were established as part of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 in United Kingdom law. They may cover a range of issues, be broadly thematic or site-specific.
Urban morphology: The study of the form of human settlements and the process of their formation and transformation.