Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.
Agricultural land/pasture
The site is the subject of a historic application fore residential development that was considered under application reference SC/0263/65. Given the historic nature of this application it is not considered to be of particular relevance to the current proposals for the site.
Proposed development of approximately 30 dwellings including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping, and improvements to the site access. The proposed development could include for self-build/custom-build housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Fowlmere. South Cambridgeshire is a vanguard authority for self/custom-build housing. There are a significant number of people seeking self build plots, and that demand is not currently being met. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.
The site could accommodate 30 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Rectory Lane. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The sites eastern boundary falls within flood zones 2 and 3 although the majority of the site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. Proposals for the site could be developed to ensure that no development falls within the areas which are identified as being at risk from flooding. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site falls within Fowlmere Conservation Area. A heritage assessment would be required to assess the impacts of the proposed development on the surrounding area but it is considered that a scheme for the site can be developed that would not result in any harm to heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Fowlmere and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Fowlmere, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Agricultural land/pasture
The land owned by EDBF at the site comprises a total of 76.84 Ha. The site promoted for development is the eastern field located immediately adjacent to Fulbourn, which is 18 Ha in size. The proposed development is for approximately 540 dwellings including affordable dwellings, plots for self-build/custom-build housing and associated infrastructure. The proposed development would include a primary school, local centre, community facilities, open space and other green infrastructure, and a new vehicular access.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Fulbourn. Fulbourn is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing has been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Fulbourn including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The land owned by EDBF at the site comprises a total of 76.84 Ha. The site promoted for development is the eastern field located immediately adjacent to Fulbourn, which is 18 Ha in size. The site could accommodate approximately 540 dwellings. The site is likely to accommodate a significant amount of new green infrastructure and strategic landscaping, and as such only part of the site would accommodate built development. The quantum of development reflects the character of the site and surroundings and its current location in the Green Belt. Further design work will be required to confirm the quantum of development at the site.
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A vehicular access to the site will be required for the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
There are changes in the topography at the site, which will influence the design and layout of the proposed development and the areas for green infrastructure and strategic landscaping.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. A landscape assessment will need to be undertaken for the site in order to inform the design and layout of the proposed development and the areas for strategic landscaping. The Windmill located within the site is a Grade II Listed Building. An assessment of the impact of development on this heritage asset will need to be undertaken. The assessments of landscape and heritage impacts could reduce the quantum and location of development at the site. It is requested that the opportunity to restrict development to the land immediately adjacent to Fulbourn should also be assessed.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Fulbourn and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Fulbourn, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Land off Fulbourn Old Drift, Fulbourn, Cambridge
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Agricultural land/pasture
Employment development for Class B1 office and research and development uses as an extension to Capital Park, including a new vehicular access and landscaping.
The proposed development would provide additional employment opportunities adjacent to the existing business park at Capital Park. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.
To be determined. The type and size of employment buildings would be similar to those within Capital Park.
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A new vehicular access to the site will be required. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. An arboricultural assessment and tree survey will need to be undertaken for the site. It should be possible for most of the hedgerows and trees at the site boundary to be retained within the proposed development, and a landscape strategy will be prepared to provide additional planting at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market because it is located adjacent to Capital Park, and is on the edge of Cambridge and close to Fulbourn.
Paddock (Site A) off Frog Lane and Allotments (Site B) off Toft Lane, Great Wilbraham
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Paddock and allotments
Residential development for approximately 18 dwellings, with open space and green infrastructure, and vehicular access. The site could also include plots for self/custom-building housing. It is proposed that the proposed dwellings would be located on the site of the current allotments, with the remainder of the site retained for open space and green infrastructure.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Great Wilbraham. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development could support the existing services and facilities in the village, including the school, village shop and public house. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The existing Important Countryside Frontage on Frog Lane would be retained.
The Paddock land off Frog Lane falls with Flood Zones 2 and 3. The land adjoining Frog Lane is designated as an Important Countryside Frontage. There are trees within the site. It is anticipated that the proposed dwellings would be located on the current site of the allotments. The proposed development site equates to approximately 0.6 Ha and could accommodate approximately 18 dwellings based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare.
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The existing vehicular access off Toft Lane would need to be upgraded to accommodate development at the site. A pedestrian/cycle access could be provided off Frog Lane. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The Allotments (Site B) is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The Paddocks fall within Flood Zones 2 and 3. It is proposed that the Paddocks would be used for open space and green infrastructure, and no built development is proposed in areas at high risk of flooding. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the sites will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed developments will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment will need to be undertaken of the trees and hedgerows at the sites. There are two listed buildings located directly opposite the frontage off Frog Lane; Rookery Farmhouse (Grade II) and Barn at Rookery Farmhouse (Grade II). It is proposed that development would not be located on this frontage and the existing Important Countryside Frontage designation would be retained. An assessment of the impact of the proposed development on these heritage assets will need to be undertaken.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Great Wilbraham.
Agricultural land/pasture
Provision of approximately 22 dwellings including affordable dwellings and open space. The site could also include plots for self/custom-building housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Graveley. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Graveley, including the public house and small businesses.
The site could accommodate approximately 22 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing farm access to the site from Church Lane. A new vehicular access will need to be provided to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development. It is considered that sufficient land is available within the site to provide suitable access arrangements and widen Church Lane.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment will need to be undertaken for the proposed development. It is likely that the trees on the southern boundary will need to be removed to accommodate a new access to the site. It is likely that the trees and hedges on the northern, eastern and western boundaries would be retained within the proposed development. The proposed development would include additional planting. There are listed buildings within Graveley, including Parish Church of St Botolph (Grade II*) located to the south east of the site. An assessment of the impact of development on the setting of heritage assets will need to be undertaken.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Graveley, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Pasture/amenity land/allotments
Provision of approximately 90 dwellings including affordable housing, open space, landscaping, with a new vehicular access. Provision of approximately 12 dwellings would be possible on the 0.4ha infill plot on the part of the site that fronts directly onto Dubbs Knoll Road. The proposed development could include a proportion of self/custom build housing. The proposed development could include additional community services and facilities subject to demand e.g. village/community shop, doctor's surgery, expansion of school facilities. The proposed development could provide new or additional allotments and new allotment facilities including car parking.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Guilden Morden. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Guilden Morden including the primary school and public house.
The site could accommodate approximately 90 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare. The proposed development will also need to include land for open space and landscaping, and potentially other uses e.g. additional allotments.
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The proposed development will need to include a new vehicular access. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. There are listed buildings located to the south of the site, including Parish Church of St Marys (Grade I). Parts of the site are located within the Guilden Morden Conservation Area. An assessment of the impact of development on these heritage assets will need to be undertaken.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Guilden Morden and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.
Amenity land
Residential development for approximately 7 dwellings and open space. The site could also include plots for self/custom-building housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Harlton. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Harlton including the public house, village hall and bus service.
The site could accommodate 7 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the character of the village, Harlton Conservation Area and the listed buildings within the village. The quantum of development may be lower once heritage and landscape/trees factors have been taken into account, and open space is provided on site.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from High Street. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment will need to be undertaken of the existing trees on the site. It is likely that the existing trees would mostly be retained within the proposed development, and any that are removed would be replaced by additional planting. The site is located within Harlton Conservation Area. There are listed buildings within close proximity including Church of St Mary (Grade I) and The Old Rectory (Grade II) located to the north of the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Harlton and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Harlton.
Field (Site A) and Allotments (Site B) at land off West Wickham Road, Horseheath
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Agricultural land and allotments
Field (Site A) residential development for approximately 9 dwellings. Allotments (Site B) residential development for approximately 4 dwellings. The sites would individually fall below the affordable housing threshold of 10 dwellings. However, if the sites were considered jointly then a proportion of affordable housing could be required; which would meet local affordable housing needs in the village. The sites could also include plots for self/custom-building housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Horseheath. South Cambridgeshire is a vanguard authority for self/custom-build housing. There are a significant number of people seeking self build plots, and that demand is not currently being met. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.
The Field (Site A) could accommodate approximately 9 dwellings, and the Allotments could accommodate approximately 4 dwellings, which are based on densities of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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The existing vehicular accesses would need to be upgraded to accommodate development at the sites. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The sites is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the sites will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed developments will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment will need to be undertaken of the trees and hedgerows at the sites. There are listed buildings located between the two sites: Church of All Saints (Grade I) and Churchyard Cross (Grade II); and, Hartford House (Grade II) and Barn at Hartford House (Grade II). An assessment of the impact of the proposed development on these heritage assets will need to be undertaken.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Horseheath.
Garden and pasture use
Provision of approximately 87 dwellings, including affordable housing, and open space.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Landbeach. Landbeach is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Landbeach including bus services.
The site could accommodate 87 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from High Street. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Landbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Landbeach, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
None relevant
Provision of 79 dwellings.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Landbeach. Landbeach is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Landbeach including bus services.
The site could accommodate 79 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Waterbeach Road. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is close to a number of heritage assets, but development could take place in a way not to affect them. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Landbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Landbeach, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Proposed development of 14 dwellings
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Landbeach. Landbeach is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Landbeach including bus services.
The site could accommodate 14 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Green End. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Landbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Landbeach, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
S/2553/16/OL - Outline planning application with all matters reserved for up to 50 dwellings and allotments (not less than 0.4ha) Concerns western part of site, 2.5ha. Approved at appeal January 2018
Provision of 120 dwellings, including affordable housing, and open space.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Linton. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Linton including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate 120 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Horseheath Road. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of part of the site was undertaken in connection with application reference S/2553/16/OL that was subsequently approved at appeal. This confirmed that there were no ecological constraints to the development of the site. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. Part of the site is currently subject of an outline application for residential development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Linton and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Linton, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
None relevant
Provision of approximately 405 dwellings including affordable housing and/or B1 employment space, and open space.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Milton, and/or additional employment floorspace. Milton is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing, affordable housing or employment floorspace will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Milton including convenience stores, public houses and bus services, and could provide additional facilities such as employment floorspace creating employment opportunities. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.
The site could accommodate 405 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area. The site could also accommodate up to 54,000sq.m of employment floorspace (based on 40% site coverage).
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Butt Lane. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Milton and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Milton, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Garden land, pasture land
Provision of approximately 16 dwellings including affordable dwellings and open space.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Orwell. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Orwell including the school, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate 16 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Fishers Lane. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Orwell and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Orwell, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Provision of approximately 196 dwellings including affordable dwellings and open space.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Sawston. Sawston is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Sawston including the school, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate 196 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Mill Lane. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 2 which means it has a medium probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Sawston and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Sawston, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
None relevant
Provision of at least 100 dwellings including affordable housing, and open space.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Stapleford. Stapleford is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Stapleford including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate at least 100 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Haverhill Road. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Stapleford and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Stapleford, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
None relevant
Provision of approximately 500 dwellings including affordable housing, and open space.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Stapleford. Stapleford is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Stapleford including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate 500 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Hinton Way. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is adjacent to the Grade II* listed Church, but any future design would not affect its significance. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Stapleford and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Stapleford, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
The site has been the subject of a number of historic application for residential development (reference S/0722/75/O, S/0577/69/, S/0579/65). In light of the historic nature of these applications they are not considered to be of particular relevance to the current proposals for the site.
Residential development of approximately 39 dwellings including affordable housing. The site could also include plots for self/custom-build housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Tadlow. South Cambridgeshire is a vanguard authority for self/custom-build housing. There are a significant number of people seeking self build plots, and that demand is not currently being met. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.
The site could accommodate approximately 39 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from the High Street. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Tadlow, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Agricultural use
Parts of the site have previously been the subject of planning applications associated with the use of the adjacent land (to the south west) as a primary school. There applications are not considered to be of relevance to the current proposals for the site.
Provision of approximately 90 dwellings including affordable dwellings and open space and landscaping, and improvements to site access. The proposed development could include plots for self-build/custom-build housing.
Teversham is surrounded by Green Belt and there are limited opportunities fir infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Teversham including the primary school, restaurant/take-away, garage and bus service.
The site could accommodate approximately 90 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Airport Way. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The south western area of the site falls within Teversham Conservation Area and there are a number of listed building located to the south east of the site. It is considered that the density of development proposed on the site could be reduced to take account of this and appropriate mitigation could be introduced through the master planning process Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner and is available for development. However, the site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Teversham and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.
Land to the north of Glebe Road, Waterbeach
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The northern part of the site is currently in agricultural use. The southern part of the site is currently in use as allotments.
Proposed development of approximately 160 dwellings including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping, and improvements to site access. The proposals could also include for the re-provision of allotments as part of any scheme. The proposed development could include plots for self-build/custom-build housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Waterbeach. Waterbeach is surrounded by Green Belt and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. There may also be opportunities for allotments to be re-provided as part of any scheme. The proposed development would support existing facilities and services in Waterbeach including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate approximately 160 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area. This number could be reduced to reflect the potential of the site to re-provide allotments as part of any scheme.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Glebe Road. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. However, the site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Waterbeach and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Waterbeach, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Land East of M11, Hill Farm Road, Whittlesford
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Agricultural use
B1 employment space
The site could provide a significant level of B1 floorspace which would result in the creation of a number of employment opportunities which would have positive impacts for the South Cambridgeshire economy. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.
The site could accommodate up to 160,000sqm of employment floorspace (based on 40% site coverage).
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Hills Farm Road. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. However, the site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for residential development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Whittlesford and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and businesses In addition, there is a limited supply of commercial development sites in Whittlesford, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Land West of M11, Hill Farm Road, Whittlesford
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Agricultural use
B1 employment space
The site could provide a significant level of B1 floorspace which would result in the creation of a number of employment opportunities which would have positive impacts for the South Cambridgeshire economy. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.
The site could accommodate up to 160,000sqm of employment floorspace (based on 40% site coverage).
No answer given
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Hills Farm Road. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
No answer given
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
No answer given
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. However, the site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for residential development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Whittlesford and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and businesses In addition, there is a limited supply of commercial development sites in Whittlesford, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Grass Paddock
Not developed
PRE/0277/17 18/05/2017 Applied
A small development of 12 houses with a mix of tenure, to provide housing for young and old in the village of Bartlow, some of which may be employees.
Bartlow desperately needs housing for young, and older people who wish to downsize. An HNS demonstrates need for four units. The village of Bartlow is a small hamlet of 45 households with an excellent community spirit, a local pub and a lovingly cared for church, But the village has become simply unaffordable for young to stay in the community (5 sales in 3 years between £300k and £1m), and for the older generation to downsize and stay in their location of choice. A recent Housing Needs Survey undertaken by Cambridge Acre demonstrated an 81% acceptance of the need for further development, and the need already for 4 affordable properties (2 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed, 1 x 3 bed) and 7 households said their housing was not adequate. Discussions have taken place with some providers. The Estate is keen to develop a well designed and sympathetically located development of mixed tenure housing which could include open market, shared equity, and affordable to rent housing. This is viewed by the village as desirable by the vast majority, as evidenced by the HNS, and the minutes of a previous Parish Council Meeting 15/09/2016. As a result of the HNS carried out in the spring/summer of 2018, a further meeting was held to discuss the results of the survey in June 2018, and only 3 households were not wholly supportive of the project.
5/6 Affordable 6/7 Open Market
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An access way has been surveyed and accepted by Cambridge Highways Authority. Already on map and please see attached supporting information.
A separate bio disc system would be required. No gas Electricity FTTP Broadband Water - private borehole or mains extension required
No constraint to development
Site is yet to be marketed. Site is located adjoining a nursery school where each function would be supportive of the other.
Agricultural Land
No relevant planning applications
Residential development of 50 dwellings.
Demand for new housing and employment growth in the area is not diminishing and, a review of current Local Plans will need to acknowledge continuing market demand for new houses and jobs close to Cambridge. The site presents itself as a logical extension to the existing village.
50 dwellings including policy compliant affordable housing provision. Mixture of tenure and type.
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Access to and from the site could be sought from the current accesses, of which there are three, located along Beach Road, it is acknowledged that the access will need to be improved to accommodate the residential development at the site.
The topography of the site is relatively flat. There are no known contamination issues at the site.
There are no known contamination issues at the site. There are no heritage assets on or in close proximity to the site. The also wholly lies within Flood Zone 1; the least risk of flooding and where development should be directed. Along the site boundary there lies a number of trees and hedgerow, part of the site includes an old orchard.
The site lies within the 30mph speed limit zone of the village. A Highways Statement would accompany any further planning applications, should the site be allocated. Although the site does not currently have access to key utilities, these can be secured at a later stage, should the site be allocated and a planning application come forward. There are no known key utilities crossing the site.
With regards to landownership, there are a total of 5 landowners, all of whom support the promotion of this site.
The site presents as a logical extension to the existing village. Demand for new housing and employment growth in the area is not diminishing and, a review of current Local Plans will need to acknowledge continuing market demand for new houses and jobs close to Cambridge.
None known.
Land to the south west of Hurdleditch Road, Orwell
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S/3190/15/OL - 49 dwellings directly to the north east of the site - approved at appeal S/3870/18/RM - Reserved Matters scheme for 49 dwellings - approved.
Residential development for up 44-60 dwellings (dependant on density), open space and associated infrastructure.
The site could provide up to 60 dwellings and significant on-site open space. A development of this scale would also provide a provision of affordable housing and play space. Subject to compliance with Regulation 122 and 123 of the Community Infrastructure Levy regulations any development may be required to provide planning obligations towards mitigating the impact of a development on local infrastructure. In progressing the outline planning scheme for 49 dwellings, my client is aware of a previous shortfall in recreation/sports open space in the village and the potential need for developments to provide contributions towards sport and recreation provision (as per the SCDC Open Space in new Developments SPD). My client is also aware of ambitions within the local community to increase/improve sports provision in the village beyond the improvements already secured via the approved scheme for 49 dwellings. In bringing forward any proposals for major development my client is keen to understand the ambitions of the local community and any existing pressures on local infrastructure. Accordingly, my client is open to meeting local stakeholders to help shape and guide any future development proposals at the site.
The dwelling estimate is informed by a desk based review of constraints and the submitted Development Framework Plan.
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A pedestrian and vehicular access could be delivered off Hurdleditch Road. See Framework Plan
It is envisaged that any scheme would be served by the full range of utilities required to serve a residential development of this scale. The availability of infrastructure connections was confirmed by the planning process for the adjacent 49 dwelling scheme. At the planning application stage, technical work would confirm the capacity of local infrastructure and the applicant would work with providers to establish a robust solution to serve the scheme without having a detrimental impact on the existing community.
The site is unconstrained and ready for development (subject to achieving all of the necessary planning permissions).
Davidsons Development Ltd are a housebuilder and are promoting the land, as such, the market attractiveness of the site has been demonstrated.
2020 (subject to planning and completion of the adjacent approved scheme to the south)
12-18 months
Camps Road, Bartlow, CB21 4PR and CB21 4PP
Agriculture - arable crops
The intention would be to have a garden village well serviced by the future A1307 upgrade, to provide well designed quality houses of mixed tenure, in an attractive area for people to live, without impinging on the livelihoods of existing settlements. The development will include employment use, services and facilities appropriate to a self sustaining settlement.
The proposed settlement will provide a mix of tenure, allowing young and old affordable options, and the building of cohesive community spirit, supported by the appropriate employment use and associated services and facilities.
Assuming 55% of the total area can be developed at a density of 30 houses per hectare - 3,432 houses
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Proposed access would be from the A1307 upgrade which may run through the site if the southern route is chosen. The settlement would rely on a significant A1307 upgrade, thought likely over the coming 10 years.
There are trees within the site, which will assist the proposed development by helping to assimilate this development proposal into the existing landscape. Parts of the site along Dean Road and alongside the River Granta are within Flood Zones 2 and 3. This land will be used as public open space within the proposed development.
There are nearby facilities including a water main along Camps Road (Cambridge Water), an electricity line along Camps Road (Bury Grid) and Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) to Bartlow. There is no sewerage or gas - these services will need to be provided to facilitate the development. Key utilities may need to be upgraded to facilitate the development.
Not in the Local Plan at the moment
The site does not impinge on an existing settlement. The site can provide a sustainable mixed development with residential, employment and associated services being provided.
See mitigation points above.
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Emmanuel College Sports Ground, 15 Wilberforce Road, Cambridge
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Playing Field
Residential development and community facility
The opportunity to deliver a substantial amount of market and affordable housing to help meet the needs of Cambridge; Locating residential development in a sustainable location. The site is located approximately 1.6km from Cambridge City Centre and is well placed for future residents to be able to walk and cycle, rather than travel by private car, to access higher-order services and facilities. In addition, the site benefits from being located within 500 metres of a bus stop, which is served regularly by services travelling to Cambridge City Centre, Cambourne, and various University of Cambridge institutions; A landowner who wishes to provide community facilities in order to promote social cohesion and positive impacts arising from development; Making efficient use of a site in a sustainable location; Supporting Cambridge’s economy, including local shops and services; and Enhancing biodiversity levels across the site through proposed planting and increasing natural capital.
Up to 60 dwellings. This is based on a layout which respects the setting of the listed building on-site and provides significant levels of public open space.
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Two points of access are proposed off Wilberforce Road.
Considering the site's extant use as a playing field, it is unlikely that the land is unstable.
The site is located in Flood Zone 1 and thus is at a low risk of flooding. Although the southern portion of the site has a slight risk of surface water flooding, any proposed development would ensure that the existing drainage system would be upgraded, therefore reducing the overall surface water flood risk on-site. Given the site's historical use as a playing field, it is unlikely that the land is contaminated. Nevertheless, any future planning application would be accompanied by a Phase 1 Contamination Assessment, which would assess the likelihood of contamination and recommend mitigation measures (if necessary). It is unknown as to whether protected species are present on-site, although given the site's historic use as a playing field it is considered unlikely. Any future planning application, however, would be accompanied by a Phase 1 Ecology Assessment, which would assess the likelihood of protected species being present on-site. Should there be a likelihood of protected species on-site, then further surveys would be undertaken and mitigation measures would be proposed e.g. the provision of bat/bird boxes. Nine trees on the site's western and northern borders are protected by Tree Preservation Orders. Any proposed development of the site would seek to retain these trees and situate new development a suitable distance away, in order to ensure that no harm comes to them. A Grade II listed building is located in the southeast corner of the site (Emmanuel College Sports Pavilion, including Groundsman's House and Stable). Any proposed development of the site would seek to secure the long-term future of these heritage assets through proposing a residential and/or community facility use. It should also be noted that a further Grade II listed building (9 Wilberforce Road) bounds the site to the east. The proposed development could respect the character and significance of this heritage asset through delivering a landscape buffer along the site's eastern boundary and setting back the built environment away from it.
The site does not currently have access to key utilities, other than the existing drainage network (although it is anticipated that this will need to be upgraded in order to facilitate the development).
The landowner is keen to the develop the site as soon as possible and is now taking an active role following the receipt of enquiries made.
Proximity to Cambridge City Centre; available in the short term; and all constraints are considered to be minor and/or easily overcome.
See G - Suitability - Site features and constraints.
Equestrian Grazing
No answer given
1990 s Application was made and refused
Greenfield with farm buildings
No answer given
Additional and affordable housing, sustainable location
Up to ten units
No answer given
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From Water Lane, farm entrance, would need widening
No answer given
Small pond on the site
No answer given
All utilities present in Water Lane
Immediately deliverable
Available Immediately
Within 2 Years
Small Agricultural Holding
In Use
s/0428/80/f s/0351/82/f s/1521/03/f s/1540/84/f s/0446/93/f s/0255/98/f s/1188/99/f s/0944/02/f S/0841/16/ld
Affordable residential housing
Mixed housing for village first time buyers and local residents. Dwellings supporting recent investment in business infrastructure/science parks/hospital in the region.
Between 5 and 10 dwellings
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Access exists with no additional access required to enable development.
Mains Water supply, Mains Sewerage, Electricity Supply, Gas supply, Broadband Internet
Occupied now with a small agricultural holding but ready for development.
Shortage of affordable residential housing in the village and surrounding area.
No development in previous Local Plans
Jan 2020 approx
Jan 2021 approx
Land to the north east of Hurdledtich Road, Orwell
S/3190/15/OL - 49 dwellings directly to the south of the site - approved at appeal S/3870/18/RM - Reserved Matters scheme for 49 dwellings - approved.
Residential development for up 11 dwellings (dependant on density), open space and associated infrastructure.
The site could provide up to 11 dwellings.
The dwelling estimate is informed by a desk based review of constraints and the submitted Development Framework Plan.
Access would be via the approved residential scheme for 49 dwellings (directly to the south). An access along the northern boundary of the approved scheme has been retained by the land owner. See Framework Plan
An area of land adjacent to the stream along the eastern boundary is within Flood Zone 3. Development is not proposed in this area. Flood Zone indicated on the Framework Plan.
It is envisaged that any scheme would be served by the full range of utilities required to serve a residential development of this scale. The availability of infrastructure connections was confirmed by the planning process for the adjacent 49 dwelling scheme. At the planning application stage, technical work would confirm the capacity of local infrastructure and the applicant would work with providers to establish a robust solution to serve the scheme without having a detrimental impact on the existing community.
The site is available for development now and could be delivered following the build out of the 49 dwelling scheme, to the south, which would provide the site access.
Davidsons Development Ltd are a housebuilder and are promoting the land, as such, the market attractiveness of the site has been demonstrated.
No (following the completion of the 49 dwellings scheme to the south)
2021 (subject to planning and completion of the adjacent approved scheme to the south)
6-9 months