Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.

Showing forms 361 to 390 of 710
Form ID: 40384
Respondent: Saunders Boston Ltd
Agent: Saunders Boston Ltd

Old Highways Depot, Twenty Pence Lane, Cottenham, Cambridge


Site 40384 map

No uploaded files for public display




Mix of developed land and green field

New B1 office and storage facilities for landowners existing business to replace existing old and unsuitable accommodation on the site. Addition of new B1 business units for commercial lease.

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Nothing chosen

Employment opportunities in line with the Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan

Circa 1,500m2 employment floor area

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

large, wide vehicular access onto highway


Yes (Please give details)

Existing site has power, water and drainage.

Next 5 years

Tie required to successfully obtain planning consents and requisite funding to compete construction.

Don't know

Location to Cambridge, transport networks and science / business parks









Form ID: 40385
Respondent: Rapleys LLP

137 Histon Road, Cambridge CB4 3JD


Site 40385 map

No uploaded files for public display

Car Dealership

No answer given

• Planning permission (Ref: 14/1082/FUL) was approved in September 2014, for an extension to existing showroom to provide additional vehicle display area. • In November 2006 planning permission (Ref: 06/0972/FUL) to reclad front and part sides of existing building and install new windows/glazing was approved. • Planning permission (Ref: C/00/1153) was approved in January 2001, for the change of use of garden to rear of 129 Histon Road to vehicular parking in association with motor dealership and creation of new window offices within parts department. • In December 2000 planning permission (Ref: C/00/1103) for a glazed extension to provide enlarged service reception, re‐cladding of workshop and rearrangement of parking layout was approved. • Planning permission (Ref: C/99/0646) was approved in November 1999 for the extension and new facades to car showroom, reroofing of existing showroom, reroofing and recladding of existing workshop, improvement including roofing to offices and re‐arrangement of parking layout. • In October 1971 planning permission (Ref: C/71/0147), was approved to shut one crossing and form new crossing to access road and build showroom onto workshop. • Planning permission (Ref: C/71/147A) was approved in May 1972 for the addition of new showroom and office. • In October 1965 planning permission (Ref: C/65/0384) was approved for the demolition of shop and extension to car park


78 dwellings with access to remain onto Histon Road.

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Student accommodation , Employment (B1) office

Recreation and leisure , Retail

Contributes to Cambridge’s housing need

78 Dwellings

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The site is located to the north west of Cambridge City Centre and is accessed off the B1049 (Histon Road).


No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

No answer given

No answer given


Site is not crossed by Pylons as for underground pipes this is unknown at this stage however, wont impact on the redevelopment of the site.

10+ years

Site is currently in occupation but could be bought forward fairly quickly.


Site is in a extremely attractive location where residential development would be appropriate.



Site is allocated within adopted local plan.

Subject to the relocation of the existing use and gaining planning permission, development can commence quickly (1-5 years).

No answer given

No answer given


No answer given


Form ID: 40386
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

Hall Close, Bourn


Site 40386 map

No uploaded files for public display

Market and local needs housing

Existing use - Arable farmland


Greenfield. Market and Affordable housing to serve Bourn parish.

Market and affordable family dwellings to meet local needs adjoining existing residential development

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing

Nothing chosen

Would meet identified need for affordable housing for Bourn parish over plan period. The landowner has been appraised before by SCDC looking for an affordable housing led site.


No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

1 access point (existing)


Yes (Please give details)

Site can be served by all listed services. Site is not crossed or adjacent to pipelines or pylons.

Available now

Site is available and deliverable

Enquiries received

Site adjoins existing residential development and would access through existing development





<2 years




Form ID: 40387
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

High Street, Longstowe


Site 40387 map

Mix of residential and arable and agricultural buildings




Holistic approach to the redevelopment of the site including farm buildings conversions to residential/commercial use, new family and smaller dwellings and elderly persons dwellings (for downsizers), local needs housing, new amenity space and wildlife habitat creation. High quality design appropriate to this location. Community involvement. Update: Flexible office space 105sqm, community cafe 52sqm.

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Employment (B1) office

Community facilities

The parish has a high proportion of elderly residents. The proposal is to seek to enable downsizing to free up larger dwellings for families and provide suitable mix of smaller houses and elderly persons residences. Proposal would help to deliver Council's housing strategy in terms of multi-generational development offer. The community is currently struggling to sustain its existing community facilities eg Parish Council, church, village hall, playground etc and moderate growth would help to achieve sustainability for the long term.

30 (need an idea of B1 floorspace in existing barns 3,000 sqft - 5,000 sqft)

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

2 existing access points and 1 proposed


Yes (Please give details)

The site can be served by all the services listed. Site is not crossed or adjacent to pipelines or pylons.

Available now

Landowner has presented site for redevelopment but wishes to work closely with SCDC and PC to deliver a holistic proposal with local support.

Enquiries received

An opportunity to deliver a bespoke high quality scheme which meets with SCDC intent for sustainable development serving local communities.





<2 years




Form ID: 40388
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

Land off Cotton's Field, Dry Drayton


Site 40388 map

No uploaded files for public display

Paddock, scrub




Residential development of up to ----- dwellings to include market and affordable dwellings to serve the needs of the parish over the plan period. Public open space and play area

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

A discrete site with excellent vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access at the centre of the village in the middle of a local footpath network which can be improved by the development.

16 Dwellings

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

2 existing cul-de-sacs for access


Yes (Please give details)

All services able to serve site.

Available now

Greenfield site, excellent access, in single ownership

Enquiries received

Site as centre of village surrounded by existing residential development





1-2 years




Form ID: 40389
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

Bedlam Farm, Milton Rd, Impington, Cambridge


Site 40389 map

Agriculture, Commercial B1 & B2, Residential (redundant)


C/0305/68/D 2 Cottages S/2188/89/O Farm Buildings S/0180/13/FL Conversion to B1/B2


Demolition of redundant residential dwellings and redevelopment of site for commercial use.

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)

Nothing chosen

Jobs for local community, Current buildings are in disrepair, Business expansion, Opportunities for businesses.

Of the 1.5ha available, we believe 65% could be developed for commercial use. This equates to 9,750 sq.m of B1a, B1c, B2 and B8 floorspace. Half of the site is already developed for commercial use.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Single carriageway access indicated by the blue arrows on the attached red line plan (A52701) The access would be improved as part of any development to come forward to meet highway standards. As shown on the amended site plan (attached) there is an existing access which connects the site to the adopted highway network on Milton Road; the existing access is a private metalled road. There is already permission on site for Class B1 and B2 use. This proposal will be an extension of the existing uses on site.


The site is relatively flat, comprising commercial and agricultural buildings with trees along its boundaries. There are no other significant physical constraints on the site such as tree protection orders or public rights of way.

Yes (Please give details)

The site is located within Flood Zone 1. There is a drainage ditch which runs along the north western boundary of the site and a drainage ditch which bisects the site west to east.

No answer given

Nothing chosen

Electricity (single & 3 Phase) Mains water No mains sewerage

Available now

Single ownership


Opportunity to redevelop the site to provide high quality commercial buildings for existing or new local businesses.

Nothing chosen









Form ID: 40390
Respondent: Savills

Land at Wolfson Court, Clarkson Road, Cambridge


Site 40390 map

No uploaded files for public display

Student accomodation and day nursery




Proposed redevelopment for new student accommodation or potential educational uses.

Student accommodation

Schools and education

Ability of accommodating further student accommodation and or educational uses on the site. In such a location, demand for student accommodation remains strong and with the building constructed back in 1972 the College is looking to create new accommodation fit for the 21st century.

In the event that student accommodation comes forward as an option, the site could accommodate c. 400 units.

No uploaded files for public display


There is an existing site access onto Clarkson Road which is perfectly adequate for the lawful uses on site which includes a nursery and student accommodation. The characteristics of such uses in terms of attracting vehicular traffic are different to other land uses




The site clearly has access to key facilities given it was constructed for student accommodation including a library and catering facilities. In the instance where any redevelopment would come forward for an expansion of the existing student or educational use, it may be the case that existing facilities may need upgrading but certainly it is envisaged that such (if required) upgrading should not prevent any intensification of use on the site.

Available now

The site is available now for development given that the College is the freehold owner and that current uses are capable of early termination in the event that he site is considered appropriate for redevelopment.

Don't know

High, for student accommodation and or educational uses



Windfall site/2021






Form ID: 40391
Respondent: Savills

Land south of 8-10 Adams Road, Cambridge


Site 40391 map

No uploaded files for public display

Vacant greenfield land



Residential Development for approximately 5 -10 dwellings.

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

The site represents a sustainable location for residential development for market/affordable or College use.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)


Yes (Please give details)

Site falls within designated Conservation Area but as such is not necessarily a constraint to development


Although there are no utilities currently at the site, these can be secured at a later stage.

Available now


The site represents a sustainable location for residential development for market/affordable or College use. There are a number of employment facilities both to the north and east of the site along Huntingdon Road and Grange Road, to the west of the site in West Cambridge and further into Cambridge City Centre. All of these employment opportunities are within walking and cycling distance of the site. Regular bus services run along Grange Road and Madingley Road to the south of the site into central Cambridge every 10 minutes and where there exists a large number of services and facilities.

The site lies within the West Cambridge Conservation Area







Form ID: 40392
Respondent: Pegasus Group
Agent: Pegasus Group

Land at Ambrose Way, Impington


Site 40392 map



An outline planning application for ‘approximately 10 acres’ of residential development at land to the rear of 96 Mill Lane, Impington was refused planning permission in July 1963 (Ref: C/0422/63). This application related to the northern parcel of land currently being promoted by MGH.


Residential development of 177 dwellings, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure.

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The site could provide new market and affordable housing in a district where there is a pressing and rising housing need. Any scheme would make provision for accessible open space, play space and landscaping to serve residents of the scheme and the wider community. Subject to compliance with CIL Regulations at the planning application stage any development may also need to provide planning appropriate obligations towards improving local infrastructure e.g. schools, GPs and community facilities.

The dwelling estimate is informed by the submitted Development Framework Plan and detailed technical work relating to: highways, drainage and heritage/archaeology. A desk based assessment has been made of other potential constraints to inform the Framework Plan.

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

A new vehicular and pedestrian access off Ambrose Way can be provided to serve the proposed development. A pedestrian/cycle and emergency access only access can be provided utilising the existing track running east of Mill Lane. See Framework Plan and Highways Strategy Document.


No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

The southern parcel of land currently falls within Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3. My client has commissioned a flooding and drainage consultant to review the potential flooding constraints associated with the development of the site. The work undertaken to date has confirmed that the area of the site currently affected by the flood zone designations can be reduced. The exact reduction in the area of the site affected the flood zone designations is still to be confirmed at this stage and is subject to a modelling exercise. On this basis the submitted Development Framework Plan acknowledges the presence of this current constraint. To inform the Council’s review of the site and demonstrate its sustainability and suitability, my client will make future submissions on this matter at a later date. My client is confident that there is a technical solution to this matter which would allow a development of 177 dwellings to come forward whilst not exposing residents of the site or existing residents of the village to an increased level of flood risk. The submitted Heritage Appraisal confirms that there are no known heritage or archaeological constraints associated with the site. Current Flood Zone (subject to modelling work) indicated on the Framework Plan.

No answer given

Nothing chosen

It is envisaged that any scheme would be served by the full range of utilities required to serve a residential development of this scale. At the planning application stage, technical work would confirm the capacity of local infrastructure and the applicant would work with providers to establish a robust solution to serve the scheme without having a detrimental impact on the existing community.

Available now

The site is available for development now and is under option by a housebuilder. Subject to achieving a site allocation in the Local Plan and all the necessary permissions development would be able to commence.

Site is under option by a developer

Martin Grant Homes Ltd are a housebuilder and are promoting the land, as such, the market attractiveness of the site has been demonstrated.

Nothing chosen



2021 (subject to achieving a site allocation and receiving all of the necessary permissions).






Form ID: 40393
Respondent: Savills
Agent: Savills

Land north of Madingley Road, Cambridge


Site 40393 map

No uploaded files for public display





Proposed new housing (market and affordable) or possibly new student accomodation.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Student accommodation

Nothing chosen

Addressing local housing needs including the demand for student accommodation.

Having regard to site character and size of site we are suggesting that the site has the potential to accommodate at least 25 new dwellings. The College has also suggested that he site could come forward as an alternative for new student rooms and in this context could accommodate say 50 new rooms and communal areas at this initial stage of investigation.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The site possesses an existing access on to Madingley Road. There are two means of vehicular access to the site from Madingley Road, which is adopted public highway. The western-most access would be appropriate to serve as a vehicular access to the redevelopment, subject to potential slight widening (depending on vehicle tracking) that could be undertaken within the site. This widening would be so that a vehicle entering the site can wait at the site access clear of Madingley Road (including the footway) whilst a vehicle exits the site, and without the need to reverse onto Madingley Road. Some clearance of vegetation may be required to improve intervisibility to / from the site access, but it appears that the required visibility splay of at least 2.4m x 43m is available. The eastern-most access would not be appropriate to serve as a vehicular access to the redevelopment because of the vicinity to the signalised junction with Grange Road - although an existing access, it appears to have a low level of use. Vehicles wanting to turn right into the site (travelling from Madingley Road East) would need to give-way to eastbound traffic and in doing so are likely to block westbound traffic. The resulting queue would quickly extend back through the Madingley Road / Grange Road junction. Vehicles approaching the junction on Madingley Road (East) or Grange Road may not anticipate the potential for such queuing traffic if they have a green signal, and therefore may need to brake suddenly. The eastern-most access, however, would be an appropriate pedestrian and cycle access into the site. Closing this access to vehicular traffic would result in a reduction in the number of Madingley Road access points from an existing two accesses to only one access. This is considered a road safety benefit in itself, as there will be one less point of potential conflict between road users on Madingley Road, and even low an existing low level of use, it would remove the right turn safety issue raised above. The comments above are based on either a residential development in the order of 25 dwellings, or student accommodation in the order of 50 student rooms. Increasing these scales of development may invite further considerations about highway safety and the capacity of using the western-most access, and which would therefore need some further technical assessment. However for the purposes of this initial assessment of the site , we consider that the westernmost access following widening an improvement will allow further potential redevelopment opportunities for the site


Yes (Please give details)

Site is within Conservation Area with trees subject to protection. Building in NE corner is listed.

The site lies within the defined urban area of Cambridge and is a site which already contains 4 large residential properties and which possesses the normal access to the relevant utilities. On the basis that this site is surrounded by a substantial amount of development and all connected into the utilities it follows that there are no insurmountable issues that would prevent this site coming forward for development.

Available now


High placed on the market.









Form ID: 40394
Respondent: Savills

Land at Fen Road, Cambridge


Site 40394 map

No uploaded files for public display



No relevant planning history


Residential development of approximately 100 dwellings with a residential marina.

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

The site presents as a logical place for new development, having regard to its location on the edge of Cambridge and in a location with development on both sides.

100 dwellings with a residential marina

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Vehicular access into and from the site would be sought from Fen Road, as shown on the accompanying Site Layout Plan.


Yes (Please give details)

There are no heritage assets on or in proximity to the site, although it is noted that the Fen Ditton Conservation Area runs along the River Cam to the south of the site. Clearly any new development would need to acknowledge this issue. There are no ecological or landscape designations on or in proximity to the site. The site does lie within Flood Zone 2, to the north of the site and Flood Zone 3 to the south of the site as it meets the River Cam. The site’s boundary is surrounded by tree and hedgerow although there are no trees scattered within the site.


Although the site does not currently have access to key utilities, these can be secured at a later stage, should the site be allocated and a planning application come forward. There are no known key utilities crossing the site.

Available now

Enquiries received

High The site lies in a highly sustainable location on the edge of Cambridge in close proximity to both Cambridge North railway station, 0.95km walk from the site, which provides a regular service to London, Kings Lynn and Ely as well as the Guided Busway which provides a number of regular services to Huntingdon, St Ives and across Cambridge, 0.65km from the site. The site presents as a logical place for new development, having regard to its location on the edge of Cambridge and in a location with development on both sides.

None known.

In terms of policy, within the recently adopted Cambridge Local Plan (2018), the western part of the site (which falls within the administrative boundary of Cambridge City Council) is allocated under policy 54: Residential Moorings, allocation RM1 The site was also previously allocated in the 2006 Cambridge Local Plan for use as residential moorings. The extent of the allocation comprises 0.98 hectares.. Within the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018) the eastern part of the site is allocated for residential moorings within the Special Policy Area policy H7. This part of the site is also subject to a Green Belt designation. Both policies support the development of a marina at the site.







Form ID: 40395
Respondent: Savills
Agent: Savills

Land at Grange Farm


Site 40395 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural and current playing field


There is no recent planning history that is relevant in the context of the Grange Farm site other than confirming that the College has continued to promote the site in the last two reviews of the Cambridge Local Plan (2006 and 2018) and will seek to promote through the current review of a single Local Plan for both Councils.


The Grange Farm site provides the opportunity to secure some 750 dwellings including affordable housing together with all necessary open space, landscape, infrastructure etc

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Student accommodation , Custom or self build housing

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities

Address acute housing need for market and affordable housing in a highly sustainable location close to Cambridge centre.

c. 750 dwellings

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The main vehicular access to the Site is proposed from Clerk Maxwell Road, with an appropriate crossing of the West Cambridge to Coton cycle path.




Site is greenfield so will need to be served by new facilities/utilities

Available now

Site is in single ownership






7/8 years assuming two housebuilders




Form ID: 40396
Respondent: Savills

Triangle Site, Stacey Lane, Cambridge


Site 40396 map

No uploaded files for public display

Vacant greenfield land


The site was promoted in the previous Call for Sites Consultation in 2011 for the most recently adopted Cambridge Local Plan (2018) where representations were put forward by the College questioning the logic of the inclusion of this area within Green Belt designation and suggesting that on the basis that the land was excluded from such designation, then it provides a real opportunity to secure new housing in a highly sustainable location.


Residential Development for up to 5 dwellings.

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

Much needed new market housing (including affordable housing) in this sustainable location in a well-established location within the city, which has good public transport and cycling links into Cambridge City Centre.

5 Dwellings

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)


The topography of the site is flat.


The site lies within the Green Belt but is not subject to any other policy designations. The site is wholly located in Flood Zone 1; the least risk of flooding and where development should be directed. To the north of the site lies the Grade II Listed ‘Emmanuel College Sports Pavilion, including Groundsman’s House and Stable’, therefore any development coming forward on the site would look to preserve and enhance the heritage asset’s significance and siting. There are no ecological designations on or in proximity to the site. There is no known contamination at the site.


Although there are no utilities currently at the site, these can be secured at a later stage

Available now









Form ID: 40397
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land west of Wratting Road, Balsham


Site 40397 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural land/pasture




Residential development for approximately 37 dwellings including affordable housing.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Balsham.. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Balsham.

The site could accommodate 37 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing vehicular access to the site. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.



The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The Church of Holy Trinity (Grade I Listed Building) is located to the south west of the site. The access is within the Balsham Conservation Area. An assessment of the impact of development on the setting of these heritage assets will need to be undertaken. Overall, there are no significant constraints to development at the site.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Balsham and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.









Form ID: 40398
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land off North End, Bassingbourn


Site 40398 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural land/pasture




Residential development for approximately 9 dwellings

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Bassingbourn. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Bassingbourn.

The site could accommodate 9 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing vehicular access to the site from North End. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.



The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The drainage ditches and pond adjacent to the site are within Flood Zone 3. All of the proposed dwellings would be located in Flood Zone 1. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. Bury Yard (a Scheduled Ancient Monument) is located to the north of the site. There are listed buildings on North End, including Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul (Grade I Listed Building) An assessment of the impact of development on these heritage assets will need to be undertaken.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Bassingbourn and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.









Form ID: 40399
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land off School Lane, Boxworth


Site 40399 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural land/pasture




Residential development for approximately 42 dwellings, including affordable housing. The site could also include plots for self/custom-building housing.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Boxworth. South Cambridgeshire is a vanguard authority for self/custom-build housing. There are a significant number of people seeking self build plots, and that demand is not currently being met. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.

The site could accommodate approximately 42 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing vehicular access to the site from School Lane. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.



The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. There are listed buildings within the vicinity of the site: Parish Church of St Peter (Grade II*); Church Farmhouse (Grade II); and, 6 School Lane (Grade II). An assessment of the impact of development on the setting of these heritage assets will need to be undertaken.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Boxworth and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Boxworth, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40400
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land west of Church Lane, Croydon


Site 40400 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural land/pasture




Residential development for approximately 42 dwellings including affordable housing. The site could also include plots for self/custom-building housing.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Croydon. South Cambridgeshire is a vanguard authority for self/custom-build housing. There are a significant number of people seeking self build plots, and that demand is not currently being met. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.

The site could accommodate approximately 42 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing farm access to the site from Church Lane. A new access will need to be provided to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.



The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment will need to be undertaken of the trees and hedgerows at the site boundary. There are listed buildings located to the south of the site: Church of All Saints (Grade II*); and The Old Rectory (Grade II). An assessment of the impact of the proposed development on these heritage assets will need to be undertaken.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Croydon.









Form ID: 40401
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land north of Croxton Rectory, off A428 Eltisley


Site 40401 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural land/arable




Proposed residential development for approximately 400 dwellings including affordable housing, self/custom-build plots, and residential care home with associated infrastructure. The proposed development could include a primary school, local centre, community facilities, open space and other green infrastructure. A new vehicular access onto the A428 would be provided. It is anticipated that development at this site would come forward once the proposed A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvements have been delivered i.e. programmed to open in 2025/26.

Market and affordable housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Healthcare

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for South Cambridgeshire. The proposed development would include new services and facilities, open space and other green infrastructure, and biodiversity enhancement measures.

The site could accommodate approximately 400 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare.

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Yes (Please give details)

A new vehicular access of the A428 will be required. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.



The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment of the site will need to be undertaken. It is likely that the existing trees and hedges at the site would mostly be retained, and additional landscape planting and green infrastructure would be provided as part of the proposed development. The site is not affected by any heritage assets.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. It is anticipated that development at this site would come forward once the proposed A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvements have been delivered i.e. programmed to open in 2025/26.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.









Form ID: 40402
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land off Boxworth Road/West of The Drift, Elsworth


Site 40402 map

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Agricultural land




Residential development for approximately 27 dwellings, including affordable housing. The site could also include plots for self/custom-building housing.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Elsworth. The Council's 'Housing Statistical Information Leaflet' (December 2018) indicates that there are 10 households with a local connection to Elsworth that have an affordable housing need. The site is located within the settlement boundary of Elsworth, where there are limited opportunities for infill development. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The open space would also be available for use by residents of the village. The site is currently private and not accessible to the public. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Elsworth including the primary school, community shop, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate approximately 27 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area. The quantum of development may be lower once heritage and landscape/trees factors have been taken into account, and open space is provided on site.

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Yes (Please give details)

A new vehicular access will need to be created for the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.



The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment of the site will need to be undertaken because of the existing trees and hedgerows at the site boundary. It is likely that most of the trees and hedgerows could be retained within the proposed development, except to create a new highway access. The site is located within the Elsworth Conservation Area. There are listed buildings within the vicinity of the site, including Parish Church of Holy Trinity (Grade I) to the south of the site. An assessment of the impact of development on these heritage assets will need to be undertaken.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Elsworth and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.









Form ID: 40403
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land south of St Neots Road, Eltisley


Site 40403 map

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Amenity land




Residential development for approximately 14 dwellings, with open space and green infrastructure, and vehicular access. The site could also include plots for self/custom-building housing.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Eltisley. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary because most of the village is designated as a Conservation Area and the village green is a Protected Village Amenity Area, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development could support the existing services and facilities in the village, including the school and public house. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits.

The site could accommodate approximately 14 dwellings based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare. The quantum of development may need to be adjusted once the setting of the adjacent listed building and the trees at the site frontage have been taken into account.

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Yes (Please give details)

A new vehicular access site will need to be provided for the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.



The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the sites will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed developments will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment will need to be undertaken of the trees and hedgerows at the sites. The Parish Church of St John the Baptist and St Pandionia, a Grade II* Listed Building, is located to the east of the site. Eltisley Conservation Area is also located to the east of the site. An assessment of the impact of the proposed development on these heritage assets will need to be undertaken.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. The highway capacity of the A428 corridor should improve once the proposed A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvements have been delivered, which will increase the market attractiveness of sites in this corridor including Eltisley.









Form ID: 40404
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land at Chapel Road, Great Eversden


Site 40404 map

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Pasture land




Residential development of approximately 30 dwellings inclduing affordable dwellings and open space. The site could also include plots for self/custom-build housing.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Great Eversden. South Cambridgeshire is a vanguard authority for self/custom build housing. There are a significant number of people seeking self build plots, and that demand is not currently being met. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing community and limited services and facilities within the village.

The site could accommodate 30 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location.

No answer given

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Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Chapel Road. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.


No answer given


The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. There are a number of listed buildings within the vicinity of the site but it is considered that a suitable design could be achieved on site that would not result in harm to any nearby listed buildings. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.

No answer given


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. However, the site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in the Eversden's and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in the Eversden's, and the site is well related to Cambridge.










Form ID: 40405
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land off High Street, Little Eversden


Site 40405 map

No uploaded files for public display

Pasture land




Residential development of approximately 30 dwellings including affordable dwellings and open space. The site could also include plots for self/custom-build housing.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Little Eversden. South Cambridgeshire is a vanguard authority for self/custom build housing. There are a significant number of people seeking self build plots, and that demand is not currently being met. There are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing community and limited services and facilities within the village.

The site could accommodate 30 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing vehicular access to the site from the High Street. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.



The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. There are a number of listed buildings within the vicinity of the site but it is considered that a suitable design could be achieved on site that would not result in harm to any nearby listed buildings. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. However, the site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in the Eversden's and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in the Eversden's, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40406
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land off Horningsea Road, Fen Ditton


Site 40406 map

No uploaded files for public display

Allotments and agricultural land




The proposed development is for approximately 150 dwellings including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping, and improvements to site access. The proposals could also incorporate re-provision of the existing allotments within the site. Additionally, the proposed development could include plots for self-build/custom-build housing.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Fen Ditton. Fen Ditton is surrounded by Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary. As such, a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. Proposals could also include for the re-provision of the existing allotments on site.

The site could accommodate 150 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement location and character of village and surrounding area.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Horningsea Road. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.



The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. However, the site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Fen Ditton, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40407
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land Northeast of More’s Meadow, Great Shelford, Cambridge


Site 40407 map

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Shrub land


A pre-app has been submitted to Scambs as an exception site PRE/0087/19.


The scheme as proposed is for an affordable housing led scheme affordable for 35 affordable homes (depending upon the final mix of dwellings) on their land at the end of More's Meadow, together with significant landscaping and open space provision and the relocation of the existing allotments. The allotments will can be accessed via The Hectare.

Market and affordable housing , Other forms of housing

Public open space , Other

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Great Shelford. Great Shelford is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Great Shelford and nearby Trumpington, including convenience stores, public houses and bus services. The proposal is relatively low density and the proposed built form can be mitigated by extensive soft landscaping it is considered that these aspects would prevent unrestricted sprawl and prevent coalescence. The proposed development would not result in encroachment into the countryside as the new built form would be constructed near and seen against the backdrop of existing urban development and have a clear physical association with the existing built and engineered form towards and beyond the Site’s south east and northwest boundaries. The design concept is specifically designed to provide a bespoke design response to the site’s constraints ensuring that there is minimal intrusion on the visual amenity of the green belt. The landscape led masterplan aims create a series of interacting spaces: providing sustainable housing in a natural setting, enhancing opportunities for people to enjoy the landscape, and increasing biodiversity to achieve an overall ‘positive gain’ by respecting and enhancing the existing natural spaces. The railway forms a physical separation from the wider countryside with the noise of trains and an interruption to views. Nonetheless, from the centre of the Site there is an openness characteristic of the local landscape character with views towards arable fields and chalk hills nearby.

The site could accommodate approximately 35 dwellings. Based on the concept plan 25 dwellings are shown within a smaller site (currently subject to a pre-app). However, the site has the capacity for a greater number (35) based on 25 dph (a site area of 1.4 ha for the residential element.

No uploaded files for public display


The access is via Morse's Meadow and it can be demonstrated that a safe access can be provided for the proposed development.


Yes (Please give details)

Most of the site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. This is reflected in the layout plans, whereby the small area of the site that falls within Flood Zone 2 is identified for open space provision. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site has been undertaken by SLR, and there are no constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures within the landscape strategy. An archaeological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken. The site is not affected by any other heritage assets. There are no constraints to development to at the site. An assessment provided by SLR confirms that the habitats within the site are typical of an urban fringe agricultural land and is unlikely to be considered to be more than local biodiversity interest.

The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The scheme will comprise affordable housing and could qualify as an exception site. However, for a further development the site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.

Enquiries received

As a community-led housing project, the Trustees have also undertaken a Public Exhibition on the 20th June 2018. This revealed string support for the proposed development of affordable housing, with 67% in favour of schemes between 10 and 20 dwellings and 25% in favour of 21+. The Cambridgeshire Acre was commissioned to carry out a Housing Needs Survey in No 2016 by the Parish Council, with a survey completed in March 2017. The survey was carried out to support the emerging Great Shelford. A total of 97 households were identified as being in need of affordable housing who either live in, or have a local connection to, Great Shelford, comprising 58no. 1 bed, 27no. 2 bed, 11no. 3 bed and 1 no. 4 bed. The preferred mix and tenure will need to be agreed with Scambs. The Annual Monitoring Report refers to provision of 530 homes between 2017/18 and 2021/22, in relation to Trumpington Meadows of this total 232 will be affordable, and one of the criticism within the previous pre-app response was that these would meet local need. This will need to be addressed, but the scheme is a separate entity to Great Shelford, and also provides for the needs, at least in part, for Cambridge City.









Form ID: 40408
Respondent: Strutt & Parker
Agent: Strutt & Parker

Land to the Southeast of Cambridge Road, Foxton


Site 40408 map

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Agricultural land


Reference:SC/0216/53/ Type: Full Planning Application Location: Adj Transport Cafã, Main Road Foxton, Cambridgeshire Description: ERECTION OF DETACHED HOUSES Decision: Refused Decision Date: 07-10-1953 Reference:SC/0069/62/ Type: Full Planning Application Location: A10 Foxton Cambridgeshire Description: OUTLINE FOR DETACHED BUNGALOW AND GARAGE Decision: Refused Decision Date: 02-07-1962


Station car park and offices

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (other)


Provision of station car parking to help commuting into both Cambridge and London and alleviate car parking elsewhere in the locality. Provision of employment space to meet need in a highly sustainable location adjacent to a railway station.

Approximately 175 car parking spaces (and cycle parking spaces) could be provided to serve the station, on approximately 1ha of the site. The remaining 2.52ha could be developed out for employment of approximately 12,500sqm GEA floorspace, assuming half the site remaining site are is built on. Detailed design work will be required to be able to establish this.

Yes (Please give details)

No existing access to Cambridge Road, although there is potential to improve the access to the petrol station on the southside of the site or create a new access point. A transport assessment/survey will be prepared to accompany any planning application at the site.



The site is located within Flood Zone 1 and therefore not at risk of flooding. Additional surveys to address any environmental constraints would form part of any planning application at the site.


The site is in an appropriate location to have good access to key services within Foxton. If any further information is required, the applicants are happy to provide details.

Next 5 years

The site is of a modest size and could be developed quickly given there is a demand for a car park to the nearby railway station.

High levels of market interest likely.

No constraints







Form ID: 40409
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land r/o no. 7 St Georges Close, Impington


Site 40409 map

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Scrub land


Reference: S/0175/09/O Type: Outline Planning Application Location: Land To The South-east Of St Georges Court Impington Description: Affordable Housing Decision: Refused Decision Date: 14-05-2009 Reference: S/0273/07/O Type: Outline Planning Application Location: St George's Court Land Adj. Impington Cambridgeshire Description: Affordable Housing Decision: Withdrawn Decision Date: 30-03-2007 Reference: S/1767/07/O Type: Outline Planning Application Location: St Georges Court Land Adj. Impington Cambridgeshire Description: Affordable housing Decision: Refused Decision Date: 06-06-2008


The proposed development is for 9 dwellings with open space and landscaping, and improvements to the site access.

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Impington. Impington is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The woodland to the rear of the site would be retained as part of the proposed development. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Histon including convenience stores, public houses and bus services, and provide much needed affordable housing.

The site could accommodate approximately 9 dwellings which reflects the edge of settlement, the neighbouring woodland and other uses, and the current Green Belt location. This could include singe and one and a half storey dwellings to minimise the impact on the greenbelt.

No uploaded files for public display


There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Milton Road, via St George's Court. The site owner also owns nos. 1,5 and 7 St George's Court. No. 7 can be demolished if required to provide a means of access although it needs to be determined if this is necessary.


The application site is situated to the south east of the gardens of dwellings in St Georges Court, just off Milton Lane Impington. To the north east of the application site are the rear gardens of the dwellings of St Andrew's Way. A track along the south west boundary defines the physical limits of the site.


The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Impington and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Histon, and the site is well related to Cambridge.









Form ID: 40411
Respondent: Strutt & Parker
Agent: Strutt & Parker

Land to North West of Balsham Road, Linton


Site 40411 map

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Erection of up to 300 Residential Dwellings, provision of 1 hectare of land for Innovation Park (B1 use), with associated open space, woodland and landscaping

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure

The development could provide much needed housing and employment growth, within a sustainable location. The site is within a key Rural Service Centre in the district that also benefits from being located outside of the Green Belt. Please refer to consultation document for further information.

Up to 300 residential dwellings and provision of approximately 1 hectare of land for B1 employment space. The exact quantum of employment space will be subject to further consideration. However, using the Employment Densities Guide (2010), prepared by Drivers Jonas Deloitte, it is estimated that the proposed development will create approximately 2,500 square metres of floor space.

Yes (Please give details)

Site access will be provided to the south of the site onto Balsham Road. The site has a long stretch along Balsham Road, which has good visibility in both directions. Please refer to Illustrative Masterplan that accompanies this submission.


The land slopes up northwards with Balsham Road set in the valley. The slope is not significant and will not impact upon deliverability of the site. Please refer to Topographical Features Plan.


The site is located within Flood Zone 1 and is not at risk from flooding. The site is within arable use and is of low value in ecological terms. This submission is informed by a Landscape Visual Assessment. Further reports can be prepared if required in order to demonstrate deliverability.


The site is in an appropriate location to have good access to key services and Utilities within Linton. If any further information is required, the applicants are happy to provide details.

Next 5 years

Countryside Properties are committed to the early delivery of the site, which can be delivered without the need for any significant infrastructure requirements.

Site is under option by a developer

The site is very attractive in development terms. Linton is an affluent settlement and Countryside Properties are fully committed to the early delivery of the site.









Form ID: 40412
Respondent: Strutt & Parker
Agent: Strutt & Parker

Land to the north and east of Barrington Road, Foxton


Site 40412 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural land


Reference: S/0407/74/O Type: Full Planning Application Location: 25 Foxton Cambridgeshire Description: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Decision: Refused Decision Date: 16-08-1974 Reference: S/2820/17/FL Type: Full Planning Location: 21, Cambridge Road, Foxton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 6SH Description: Proposed grain store Decision: Approved Decision Date: 05-10-2017


Residential development

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space

Provision of houses to meet housing need in a sustainable location.

It is possible to develop the site to provide between 60-90 dwellings.

Yes (Please give details)

Field access to Barrington Road on the site's southern frontage.


There are no physical constraints


There are no environmental constraints


The site has access to utilities.

Next 5 years

The site is available now but would need to be removed from the Cambridge Green Belt.

There is considerable market interest









Form ID: 40413
Respondent: Roebuck Land and Planning Ltd
Agent: Roebuck Land and Planning Ltd

Land off Cambridge Road, Gt Shelford


Site 40413 map

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S/2104/06/F & APP/W0530/A/07/2050690 - An application for 76 affordable homes was refused in January 2007 and was later dismissed on appeal in April 2008. Main issues were the inclusion of 3 storey elements and impact upon countryside/ distance to village facilities. The application documents provide context for the site and confirmation that there were no technical objections to the development of this site for housing at the time of the appeal determination. S/0079/12/FUL - an application for 25 affordable homes was withdrawn in April 2015. Similarly, the application documents demonstrate that there are no known technical constraints to development.


The site is available and suitable for residential development. This takes into account the nature of the surrounding land uses - being bordered by existing houses on 3 sides. Option 1 - Drawing sketch 08-03-2019: Residential development up to 100 homes - can include a mix of market homes and affordable housing including key worker housing where appropriate;

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing

Public open space

The Site is ideally located to meet the identified needs of the local residents: Affordable Housing: Using the latest Gt Shelford Village Housing Needs Survey (March 2017) prepared by Acre, there was an identified requirement for 97 affordable homes to meet current and immediate housing need in Great Shelford. This site could contribute significantly towards providing a high proportion of that need as part of a housing development. For example, at 120 units, 40% provision of affordable housing would be 48 homes to meet identified need. Key Worker: The Site benefits from being in close proximity to Addenbrookes and is also ideally placed to deliver some Key Worker housing as part of its affordable housing mix (see attached Local Accessibility Plan)

100 homes [Please change the upper limit of development to 100 units. This is being proposed to address the HELAA concerns as follows: A single Highways Access is deemed suitable for up to 100 homes. The red flag should be removed. The density has been reduced to respond to the surrounding character.]. Sketch layout 08-03-2019 demonstrates potential layout option.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Please see attached access plans for an improved junction arrangement Access Plan 1602-25-SK01 and TPA Transport Summary Note included. Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Services has concluded that the access is suitable to serve this level of development in principle.


No constraint - level site

Yes (Please give details)

The Site has been the subject of previous planning applications - no technical constraints were shown to exist at the time. No significant change in the on-site use or local circumstances to suggest that the position has since changed. Refer to applications S/2104/12 and S/0079/12 for supporting evidence to show how the site can be developed without environmental constraints. Ground Condition report by KEL attached. Suitable for housing development. Refer to section K for summary

All utilities required to serve the development are present in locality and suitable connections can be made. No on-site constraints.

Next 5 years

The Site is available for development now. It can be delivered within 2-3 years post adoption - by 2027

Site is under option by a developer

This site is within a strong residential market area where there is continued demand for a range of house types, sizes and tenures. This is evidenced by the interest from the developer partner, Hill Residential. Great Shelford is a desirable village with access to public transport and key amenities. Jobs and other key services are located in close proximity to Great Shelford and are easily accessible by walking, cycling and public transport. There is strong demand for development in this location.

None. The land is held in a single ownership and can be released for development without encumbrances. It is relevant that number 125 Cambridge Road is owned by Hill Residential.


2024 onwards


2-3 years from adoption of the plan


N/a - site could start to deliver housing following the grant of an implementable planning permission.


Form ID: 40414
Respondent: Barton Willmore
Agent: Barton Willmore

Land east of Cambridge Road, Hardwick


Site 40414 map





The proposal seeks allocation for a mixed-use development including residential, community and employment uses along with public open space, a relief road and associated infrastructure.

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Student accommodation , Custom or self build housing , Other forms of housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (other)

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Healthcare , Hotel , Retail

The proposed development would deliver a range of benefits to Hardwick. The Site provides an unique opportunity to deliver new community, recreation and employment uses, alongside residential development which would support and enhance the offer of the village. The proposed development would re-balance the spatial form of Hardwick, re-enforcing the functional centre around the primary school as a focus for activity and community interaction. The Site could provide a new relief road, relieving congestion and enhancing connectivity to promote the use of sustainable modes of travel. The scheme would include a network of new public open spaces and green infrastructure, including play spaces and sports pitch provision.

circa 400-500 residential units, office and employment space The site could accommodate approximately 300-500 dwellings. It is in a sustainable location and close to Cambridge, with further improvements proposed as part of the Better Public Transport Project that will further enhance sustainability. The site could support employment use as part of a residential-led mixed-use scheme, but the balance of uses will become apparent as the planning strategy progresses.

No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

The Site would have new access points on St Neots Road, Cambridge Road and Main Street. The Site lies adjacent to the public highway so there are no landownership constraints on the creation of new access. The proposals envisage the provision of new road, pedestrian and cycle routes which will improve movement and accessibility within and around the village centre.


No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

The Site lies in Flood Zone 1 (low flood risk) and there are no known constraints in relation to drainage, contamination and biodiversity. Parts of the Site lie within or adjacent to the Hardwick Conservation Area and a careful consideration of local heritage assets will inform scheme design.

No answer given


The Site has access to all of the key utilities. As a greenfield site, new infrastructure will be provided as part of the development.

Available now

The Site is available and the landowner supports the proposed allocation.

Site is under option by a developer

The Site lies in a village with a good range of existing amenities, which the development would enhance. The village contains a Good-rated primary school. Hardwick lies in the catchment area of the Ofsted-rated Outstanding Cambourne Village College. Hardwick has excellent access to Cambridge and its range of jobs and services. There is strong demand for new homes in Hardwick. The Site would create an attractive place to live, work and play within the heart of Hardwick Village. Benefiting from excellent strategic transport links and promoting connectivity within the village, the development would promote the use of sustainable modes of travel by future occupiers.








