Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.
Orchard and farm yard with two existing residential dwellings and associated outbuildings.
The site is the subject of a number of historic planning applications for mobile homes although these are not considered to be of particular relevance to the current proposals for the site. It should also be noted that the adjacent land to the west of the site was granted outline planning permission for the development of up to 199 dwellings plus a care home of up to 75 beds, new vehicular and pedestrian accesses from New Road, public open space and a landscape buffer at appeal in August 2016 (SCDC reference S/2791/14/OL / PINs reference APP/W0530/W/15/3131724). This scheme is now under construction further to reserved matters applications being approved.
The site is approximately two thirds greenfield and one third previously developed land.
Proposed residential development of approximately 114 dwellings including affordable housing, with open space and landscaping. The proposed development could include plots for self-build/custom-build housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Melbourn. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Melbourn including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate approximately 114 dwellings, based on a density of 30 dwellings per hectare and this reflects the site's edge of settlement location and neighbouring development to the north. It should also be noted that the density of development of the site to the west which is currently being constructed is 35 dwellings per hectare (excluding the care home element).
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Bramley Avenue to the north. In addition, the development which is under construction to the west would also provide access to the site. An assessment of access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided to the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the existing buildings on site and neighbouring urban development so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. However, the site will need to be included within the Development Framework and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Melbourn and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge and Royston have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.
S/1531/FL- Conversion of barns to single dwelling, including replacement of more modern structure, new driveway to Dairy Farm House and change of use of land to garden and associated infrastructure - Approved 02/11/2015 S/3391/16/OL - Outline application for demolition of farm buildings and erection of up to 90 dwellings - Refused 11/05/2017 Appeal Dismissed 16 March 2018
A mixture
Residential development and public open space
Housing to meet the needs of the local population
Up to 50 dwellings
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There is an existing access to the current barns on site (as shown on the site location plan; this would be upgraded as part of any planning application)
Boxworth End has mains gas, mains electric, mains water and good broad band internet. The land owners own land such that connection could be made into those street supplies. There is mains water and electric to the site and the farm house has a septic tank. Provision will be made for utilities connections to enable development with any services upgraded from those mains in the road. There are electric poles that cross the site NE-SW from the Ramper road. No other pipes (other than water supply to house and troughs) or cables cross the land. There is a surface water drain in the along NW boundary of this field.
The land is available and there are no constraints to development
Highly Attractive - Swavesey is a sought after, well connected village on the guided busway and has both a primary and secondary school. There have been a number of enquires from agents and developers
None known
2021 (dependent upon allocation)
C/0789/64 - Residential Development. Refused 02-11-1964
Residential development
Housing to meet the needs of the local population
Up to 30 dwellings
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There are two existing access points to the site (as shown on the site location plan)
Boxworth End has Mains gas, Mains electric, mains water and good broad band internet. The landowners own land such that connection could be made into those street supplies. There are no services to the site. Provision will be made for utilities connections to enable development with any services upgraded from those mains in the road. There are no pipelines or pylons.
The land is available and there are no constraints to development
Highly Attractive - Swavesey is a sought after, well connected village on the guided busway and has both a primary and secondary school.
None known
2021 (dependent upon allocation)
Agricultural farm buildings
All historic planning applications relate to agricultural use
Previously developed
Residential redevelopment of the site including conversion of Grade II listed barn to residential and demolition of modern farm buildings
Housing to meet the needs of the local population. Visual improvement to the street scene through the redevelopment of underused farm buildings and restoration of a listed barn.
10-15 dwellings
No answer given
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There is an existing access to the farm as shown on the site location plan.
No answer given
Heritage- Grade II listed barn would be converted as part of the redevelopment
No answer given
Boxworth End has Mains gas, Mains electric, mains water and good broad band internet. The land owners own land such that connection could be made into those street supplies. There is mains water and electric to the site. Provision will be made for utilities connections to enable development to enable development with any services upgraded from those mains in the road. There are no pipelines or pylons.
The farm buildings are underused, there are no constraints to development and the site is available
Highly Attractive - Swavesey is a sought after, well connected village on the guided busway and has both a primary and secondary school.
None known
2021 (Dependent upon allocation)
No answer given
Land to the south of Babraham Road & to the east of site H1c in Sawston
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Mixed use depending on Allocation
Would enable smoother development envelope to village Adjoins development sites (existing) Could provide benefits.
Excluding area for tree belt (soft edge), if all land were housing the max would be 70 houses. If land use is split (allotments or travel use) then less housing will be developed. If as per drawing 1159:01 and housing limited to one part of the site it could deliver 10 self-builds on large plots or a 20 market/affordable mix
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Adjoining Babraham road
Yes - Adjacent road. Existing infrastructure is believed to be adequate. No pipelines or pylons cross the site.
Tenant farmer has yearly lease
Excellent location adjacent existing approved development sites also (word is not readable) potential transport route.
I do not perceive any issues on this site.
The site is occupied by a range of brick and slate agricultual buildings in excess of 1000m2. The site is also occupied by a group of modern agricultual buildings. The remainder of the site is used for grazing associated with the livestock activities being undertaken from this site.
Mixture of previously developed land and greenfield
Mixed development comprising B1 uses within the complex of fam buildings. Remainder of site - residential development (both market and affordable) and potential extension to existing primary school
The site will provide benefits to the local area in the form of a potential extension to the primary school, affordable housing, Locally Equipped Area of Play, re-use of buildings to provide office and research and development accommodation.
65 dwellings, circa 1000m2 of B1 uses
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The access to the site will need to be improved to facilitate development. The main access to the farmland and offices is separate from the private access serving Trinity Farmhouse.
Recent changes to the flood risk map for Swavesey have confirmed that the site being put forward is entirely within Flood Zone 1. There is no evidence that the site is at risk from surface water drainage, contamination, heritage or bio-diversity issues.
From initial research undertaken it would appear that the site can be served utilising existing infrastructure
The existing farm business will need to be relocated to other land holdings under the control of the landowner and to ensure that the entirety of the site can be developed in a coordinated manner.
The site is located within an attractive location within easy walking and cycling distance of local services and facilities, including local schools and the guided bus way.
The land south of the A10 and to the east of the A505 has potential to accommodate c.1500 new dwellings together with associated infrastructure including education facilities, open space and landscaping
Much needed new housing (market and affordable) in this part of the District within a residential scheme on the edge of Royston but within SCDC
Potentially c.1500 new dwellings with inclusion of affordable housing and provision of a range of house types and tenures
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Access rights exist through New Farm. A new roundabout is also coming forward on the A505 which can potentially provide a link to the land east of the A505
There are embankments on the western edge of the site where the A505 lies in cutting. Development can easily be located to avoid such areas.
Presence of scheduled monument south east of New Farm - this can be factored in as part of any strategic master planning approach to the area
Provision will need to be made for mains utilities, noting that the site lies above an aquifer enabling easy access to water.
Site is single ownership
Enquiries received on an informal basis
N/R. All minerals rights from the site have been secured by the landowner
c.2034, assuming 3 housebuilders on site
Site lies to the north & north east of No 70 Barton Road, Haslingfield. The nearest post code (no 70 Barton Road) is CB23 1LL
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None that we are aware of.
Greenfield land
Low density residential use with a proportion of housing limited to local (ie Parish) occupation. Site to focus on small dwellings (2/3 bed) and starter homes.
Provision of small/starter homes with some for village residents is likely to be supported by residents and the Parish Council. Will provide clear social and economic benefits locally.
The site measures approximately 0.9ha and we suggest 70% site coverage. So, at 25dph, this would suggest around 15/16 dwellings.
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There is an existing field access on to Barton Road which would need to be improved to create an access to adoptable standards given the potential site capacity. Barton Road is straight in this location and offers good visibility although some trees could be removed to facilitate this.
The boundary hedgerows/tree lines would all be maintained and would need to be subject to a detailed ecology survey but this is not seen as a key constraint. There are listed buildings near by but the site now proposed is sufficiently far away so as not to adversely affect those buildings or their settings. The containment of the site, due to its vegetated boundaries, means there is virtually no impact on the wider landscape in this area.
We understand that services/utilities are available in Barton Road.
The site is in single ownership and in our opinion, is relatively constraint-free, and so it is possible to commence development in the short term, subject to planning. It is self-contained and does not require any infrastructure improvements to our knowledge.
Haslingfield is an attractive village with healthy housing demand. There is also demand for small dwellings for local resident occupation.
Land to the east of Ely Road, Milton- nearest postcode is CB24 6DD
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Equestrian and agricultural use.
Residential development - Market and affordable housing - 170 dwellings
As expanded upon in the supporting statement the development of this land will provide funds to allow the expansion and refurbishment of the College of West Anglia's facilities at Milton and help to offset significant shortfalls in funding.
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Indicated on site map.
See attached flood plan. Any relevant heritage factors are spatially separated from the proposed site.
Connections can be made to existing services.
No constraints. Single landowner.
Significant community benefits.
Northern part - allotments Western/Southern part - agricultural arable/pastoral use
A full application for planning permission for the proposed development of 16 dwellings including affordable dwellings, a school car park and drop off area, ecological mitigation area and new allotments, with associated alterations to highway and pedestrian access, was refused by South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) on 22 June 2018 under reference S/4550/17/FL. This refusal has been appealed and is currently being considered by the Planning Inspectorate under reference APP/W0530/W/18/3209758. This application was made at a time when the Council was unable to demonstrate a five year housing land supply. This position altered just before the determination of the application and the single reason for refusal therefore related to the application site's location outside of the village framework in proximity to a group village. The application was not refused for any technical reasons.
Greenfield, including allotments.
Erection of 16 dwellings including affordable dwellings, a school car park and drop off area, ecological mitigation area and new allotments, with associated alterations to highway and pedestrian access.
The proposals include for the delivery of six affordable dwellings, a school car park and drop off area, ecological mitigation area and new allotments. It was demonstrated through application reference S/4550/17/FL that there are no technical objections to the proposals. The proposals will meet the three objective of sustainability and deliver the following benefits: Economic: - The proposals would result in the creation of construction jobs and have positive economic impacts throughout the supply chain during the construction phase. - Future residents would support the existing services and facilities within Elsworth, including existing sports facilities and the community shop. Social: - The proposals would provide six affordable dwellings. - The site is accessible to services and facilities within Elsworth by walking and cycling including the pre-school, primary school, village convenience community shop and sports/recreation facilities. - New residents would support existing services, facilities and community groups. - The proposals include for the relocation and enhancement of existing allotments which is a significant benefit of the scheme for the wider community. The proposed allotments include improved vehicular and pedestrian access and a water supply which the existing provision does not include for. - The proposals include provision for a designated parking and drop off zone for the school, lessening traffic problems on Broad End. Environmental: - The proposals would include energy efficient building fabric, water conservation measures, and renewable energy technology. - The are no environmental constraints to the development of the site as confirmed through the consideration of application reference S/4550/17/FL. - The proposals would deliver ecological and landscape enhancements.
The site could accommodate 16 dwellings which has been confirmed by a full technical design process which statutory consultees have raised no objections to. The density of development proposed is 7 dwellings per hectare. At page 9 the Officer's Report associated with application reference S/4550/17/FL confirms: "In view of the edge of village location a lower density scheme in this case is considered to preserve the character of the surrounding locality and therefore would be considered in this instance to be an efficient use of the land in accordance with Policy HG/3."
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Access to the site would be gained via Broad End. This access has been confirmed as acceptable by the local highways authority. See Transport Statement prepared by SLR submitted in support of application reference S/4550/17/FL.
The consideration of application reference S/4550/17/FL confirmed that there were no technical objections to the development of the site in terms of flood risk, drainage, contamination, biodiversity, heritage or other constraints to the development of the site. See technical documents and consultation responses associated with application reference S/4550/17/FL.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner and developer and is available for development now with all necessary technical work to ensure that development is deliverable.
A developer owns the site and is actively promoting it for development.
Paddocks, used for horse grazing, and an established commercial property (which is included only since its access would be shared with any further commercial development on the property)
B1 Business Use
Employment; land for Cambridge 'start-up' businesses to locate/re-locate to, or expand and develop their services, close to Cambridge University, existing commercial Parks, and Cambridge City facilities
approx. 8000 sqm ( in addition to the existing commercial building)
No answer given
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The site has an established commercial use vehicular access to/from the public highway
No answer given
No answer given
No answer given
The site has an established commercial use, with utility services, on land owned by the first landowner applicant
The land is held with vacant possession and with an established commercial use on part of the land and with an established commercial use access.
The site has good access to nearby Cambridge, and as a site with an established access and, being nearby to Barton and Comberton, is ideally sited to attract businesses seeking to expand or relocate within the Cambridge Science industries and their service professional firms.
West of Ditton Lane, Fen Ditton. (Nearest post code: CB5 8SZ: Fen Ditton Primary School)
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Residential development including associated open space, roads, landscaping and so forth.
The benefits of the proposed development are wide-ranging and will promote the social, economic and environmental objectives of the NPPF.
Assuming 60% coverage of the gross site area, and a maximum of 25dph, the site could potentially accommodate 250 dwellings.
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New access or accesses to be provided onto Fen Ditton Road
Local service reinforcement probably required.
Site in single ownership and relatively unconstrained.
Highly attractive
Land off Comberton Rd, Toft, Cambridgeshire
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S/2825/14/OL Outline Application for 6 dwellings - Refused 28 January 2015 S/1637/15/OL - Outline Application for 2 dwellings - Refused 29 October 2015 and Appeal APP/W0530/W/16/3143105 Dismissed 30 June 2016
Up to six dwellings
Additional housing to the district bringing the disposal incomes of new residents to the village of Toft, while increasing the size and diversity of the population. Creating an attractive approach to the village from Comberton and tidying up a currently unmanaged site on the edge of the village.
Six market dwellings
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New site access proposed - see indicative layout plan 365 90 01
Change in level from the public highway up to the site is approximately 1.0m, which would require new access to be cut into the bank. New site access proposed - see indicative layout plan 365 90 01 - Topographical Survey ALS6451/200/01 included
Noise source to the rear. Noise assessment, dust and odour assessment, tree survey and transport statement attached.
Existing services within the village to be extended; however, given the scale and nature of the development no significant increase incapacity would be required.
The landowner is keen to deliver the site and has previously shown this intention to be genuine through the previous application
Land south of Hattons Road, east of Home Farm Drive and north of School Lane, Longstanton CB24
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Agricultural fields
It is considered that the site could accommodate a landscape design-led residential development of 120 residential units. This would include 40% affordable housing, landscaping, vehicular and pedestrian access and formal and informal open space. Approximately 5.9 ha of the site would be open space.
● The opportunity to deliver a substantial amount of affordable housing to help meet the needs of Longstanton and the wider District, including the potential to possibly deliver an element of custom and self-build; ● Locating residential development located in a sustainable location, within close proximity to existing and proposed services, facilities, infrastructure and employment opportunities. The site is located approximately 150m from the village High Street, located adjacent to allocations for employment development and an extension to the recreation ground and is well within cycling distance of the Longstanton Park and Ride. The site is therefore well placed for future residents to be able to walk and cycle, rather than travel by private car, to various facilities; ● A landowner who wishes to work the community in order to shape a proposal which meets the needs of and can provide wider benefits to the village; ● Delivery of a substantial amount of open space which would be accessible to new and existing residents and would provide connectivity with the allocated recreation ground extension; ● Supporting Longstanton’s economy, including local shops and services; and ● Enhancing biodiversity levels across the site. The site is predominantly agricultural land and can currently be considered to be of low ecological value. ● A footpath link can also be created to the south to the existing footway on School Lane and the Citi5/5A/5C bus stop around 100m from the south eastern boundary of the site. This would provide the potential new residents with safe pedestrian access from within the site and encourage the uptake of active travel and public transport.
Up to 120 residential units. This is based on applying an average density which would be appropriate to the site's location and would allow for substantial landscaping and open space (approx. 5.9 ha).
As shown on the concept masterplan, a significant buffer can be delivered along Longstanton Brook as the eastern half of the site is proposed as open space.
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There is currently no formal vehicular access to the site. It is considered that an access could be achieved off Hatton's Road.
No answer given
The eastern half of the site lies within Flood Zones 2 and 3. It is considered that this can be overcome by locating development within the western half of the site which is located within Flood Zone 1. The eastern half of the site could be used as open space and landscaping.
No answer given
Existing infrastructure connections that currently serve the village can be readily extended.
The site is within the ownership of Peterhouse and promoted by them for development.
Peterhouse is supported by a professional team, including residential agency, who are well embedded in the local market and consider that the site is attractive.
Will provide much needed housing and affordable housing
Up to 138 dwellings (30 dph)
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Access to the site will be off Green Acres
Site slopes up from east to west with existing trees/ hedgerow on the boundaries Additional hedgerow planting.
The land is of low ecological value
Access to key utilities can be created.
The land can be developed immediately
There is significant demand for a mix of housing within Gamlingay given its services and facilities and accessibility to surrounding towns and villages such as Potton, Sandy, Biggleswade, St Neots, Huntingdon and Cambridge.
Land to the east of Wilson's Lane - nearest postcode CB24 3DA
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Proposed residential development circa 400 dwellings, public open space, potential site for community facility.
Affordable housing, public open space, land for potential community facilities, new public footpath linkages
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It is proposed that vehicular access could be taken from the access to Northstowe, with and additional pedestrian link via Wilson's Road.
The site is relatively flat with no significant changes in level.
Connections can be made to existing infrastructure.
Dependent on the timely delivery of the access to the Northstowe development
No - subject to access being achieved from the proposed access to the Northstowe development
Land to the south west of St Michaels, Longstanton
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Residential - Market and affordable. Potential use of barn for community or office use.
Affordable housing, public open space, potential community facilities, new public footpath linkages
98 dwellings
It is proposed that access will be taken from St Michael's, albeit Longstanton Road provides viable alternative
Site is relatively flat with no significant changes in level.
Main impact is associated with the site adjoining the Longstanton Conservation Area. Particular care will need to be taken in both the design and layout of development. Any application for the development of the site will need to be accompanied by an archaeological assessment.
Connections can be made to existing infrastructure. There is no constraints from infrastructure to the proposed site.
Site is in a single ownership and there are no significant constraints associated with development
Wide-ranging benefits for the Social, Economic and Environmental factors of the area.
Land at Court Meadows House off Balsham Road, Fulbourn
Agricultural land
The proposed development is for approximately 250 dwellings including affordable dwellings, plots for self build/ custom-build housing, a residential care home, with open space and landscaping, and a new vehicular access. The proposed development could include other community facilities and services subject to local need and demand.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Fulbourn. Fulbourn is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing has been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Fulbourn including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate approximately 250 dwellings. The site is likely to accommodate a significant amount of new green infrastructure and strategic landscaping, and as such only part of the site would accommodate built development. The quantum of development reflects the character of the site and surroundings and its current location in the Green Belt. Further design work will be required to confirm the quantum of development at the site.
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There are existing vehicular accesses and a public bridleway (Hind Loders) to the agricultural fields from Balsham Road and Stonebridge Lane. A new vehicular access off Balsham Road would be provided for the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development. It is likely that the proposed development will also include additional access points for pedestrians and cyclists to the wider road, bridleway and footpath network.
The majority of the site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The southern part of the site adjacent to the drainage ditch at the field boundary is within Flood Zone 3, which has a high risk of flooding. The built development would only be located within Flood Zone 1. In addition, the proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. An arboricultural assessment and tree survey will need to be undertaken for the site. It should be possible for most of the hedgerows and trees at the site boundary to be retained within the proposed development, and a landscape strategy will be prepared to provide additional planting at the site. There are a number of Grade II listed buildings on Stonebridge Lane. There is sufficient land within the site so that development can be directed to other parts of the site so that the setting of these heritage assets is protected.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Fulbourn and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Fulbourn, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
The proposed development is for approximately 18 dwellings including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping, and an new vehicular access. The proposed development could include plots for self-build/custom-build housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Fulbourn. Fulbourn is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing has been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Fulbourn including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate approximately 18 dwellings, which is based on a density of 40 dwellings/hectare, and reflects the character of the site and surrounding area and the Conservation Area.
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There is an established access to the site directly off Home End. There is a vehicular access adjacent to the site, which provides access to the recreation areas to the rear. A new access would be provided for the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. An arboricultural assessment and tree survey will need to be undertaken for the site. It should be possible for most of the hedgerows and trees at the site boundary to be retained within the proposed development, and a landscape strategy will be prepared to provide additional planting at the site. The site is located within Fulbourn Conservation Area. The Fulbourn Conservation Area Appraisal was adopted in 2008. The outcome of the consultation exercise that informed the content of the Appraisal is not stated, and it is not clear whether there were objections to the content or whether those objections were resolved. Townley Memorial Hall – to the north of the site - is identified as a ‘positive building’ and ‘focal building’ in the Appraisal, although these terms are not defined in the document. The Hall is not a listed building and therefore does not have any particular protected status in itself, other than it is an existing building within the Conservation Area. There is no functional relationship between the use of the Hall and the site. The site is identified as a ‘positive open space’ in the Appraisal, although again this term is not defined in the Appraisal and it is not clear why it is specifically designated. As set out above, the site is an unused paddock and grass field, and is not open space. It is not available to the public or local community. It is considered that the contribution that the site makes to the Conservation Area is overstated. A well-designed scheme could be delivered at the site that protects and enhances the character of the Conservation Area in this location. The land off Home End is surrounded by buildings and a car park, and is not an important countryside frontage. The site is a typical paddock – which is no longer used – surrounded by a hedge and post and rail fence enclosing a grass field. It does not provide a ‘significant’ connection between the street scene and surrounding rural area, the development framework boundary is not detached in this location, and in any event there are sport and recreation facilities and associated car parking areas between the site and the countryside beyond. It is considered that the Important Countryside Frontage designation at the site is not justified in this location.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Fulbourn and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Fulbourn, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Agricultural Land
Erection of approximately 238 dwellings to include access, public open space and landscaping
The benefits of the proposed development are wide-ranging and will promote the social, economic and environmental objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework. The site is located in a highly sustainable location, adjacent to existing services and facilities and will seek to promote the delivery of housing and continued economic growth in the region.
approximately 238 dwellings
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Vehicular access to/from the site would be taken from Babraham Road, through the land subject to allocation H/1(c) which is within the ownership/control of the promoter and is currently subject to a planning application. As part of this application a ‘joined-up’ approach is being taken to providing access through allocation H/1(c). Vehicular access could also be gained from the eastern end of Church Lane, to the west of the site. Pedestrian/cycle links could be made to/from Church Lane, the footpath to the north and through the development subject to allocation H/1(c).
The site is flat with no significant changes in levels. This means that development would not be prevented in whole or part.
Flood risk and drainage The site is in Flood Zone, which is at the lowest risk of flooding. As such, residential development is appropriate in this location. Any planning application would be accompanied by a Drainage Strategy which would outline how surface and foul water would be managed. Heritage The site is not located adjacent to any heritage assets, including Listed buildings or conservation areas, which could restrict the scope and extent of development at the site. Any development at the site may need to be accompanied by an archaeological assessment, but there is no reason to believe that this could limit or prevent development at the site. Landscape impact The site is well-defined on its north, east and western boundaries by existing hedgerows/rear gardens of adjacent dwellings. The southern boundary cuts across an open field, but it follows the alignment of St. Mary’s Road and results in the logical ‘rounding off’ of the built form of Sawston and what would become the defined development framework for the village. We assume that any land outside any new allocation – to the west and south would remain in the Green Belt. As with Policy H/1(c) any development at the site could ensure that the openness of the Green belt is preserved. This could be achieved through the retention of existing boundaries, landscaping and the positioning of public open space on the periphery of the site. To the south of the site, longer-distance views over the site are obscured by a thick tree belt, woodland and planting, including that associated with Sawston Hall, which is Grade I Listed. This means that development at the site would have limited impact on that heritage asset or its setting.
The site is located adjacent to the existing development framework for Sawston and it is considered that connections can be made to existing services – including electricity, gas, sewerage, telecommunications and water. The site is not crossed by pylons/telegraph poles and we do not believe that the site is crossed by a pipeline or similar.
The site is within the ownership of the promoter
Very Good
None Known
Agricultural land
Erection of approximately 20 dwellings to include access and landscaping
The benefits of the proposed development are wide-ranging and will promote the social, economic and environmental objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework. The site is located in a highly sustainable location, adjacent to existing services and facilities and will seek to promote the delivery of housing and continued economic growth in the region.
The total site area is 1.23 hectares which could accommodate approximately 20 dwellings.
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Vehicular access to/from the site would be taken over Common Lane. This highway is a no through road and is restricted in its width at the junction of High Street. This may limit the capacity of development along Common Lane, although there is no reason to believe that it could prevent development altogether.
The site is flat with no significant changes in levels. This means that development would not be prevented in whole or part.
Flood risk and drainage The eastern portion of the site is located in Flood Zone 1, which is at the lowest risk of flooding. As such, residential development is appropriate in this location. Part of the western portion of the site is located in Flood Zone 3 which may preclude development from part of this portion. Any planning application would be accompanied by a Drainage Strategy which would outline how surface and foul water would be managed. Heritage The site is located adjacent to Sawston Conservation Area with a Grade II Listed building to the south (Huntingdon Farmhouse; 1128036). Any development at the site would need to ensure that the character and setting of these heritage assets is not unduly impacted. However, given the distance between the site and these assets, this is not considered to be an insurmountable issue. Development at the site may need to be accompanied by an archaeological assessment, but there is no reason to believe that this could limit or prevent development at the site. Landscape impact The site is well-defined on its north, eastern and western boundaries, although the southern boundary is undefined at the current time. Nevertheless, development at the site would mirror the existing development on the southern side of Common Lane adjacent to the High Street and would form a logical extension to this built form. Much of the site is enclosed in nature at the current time and it is not considered that development on all or some of the site would impact on the Green belt and wider countryside.
The site is located adjacent to the existing development framework for Sawston and it is considered that connections can be made to existing services including electricity, gas, sewerage, telecommunications and water. The site is not crossed by pylons/telegraph poles and we do not believe that the site is crossed by a pipeline or similar.
The site is within the ownership of the promoter
Very Good
None Known
The proposed development is for approximately 22 dwellings including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping, and improvements to the site access. The proposed development could include plots for self-build/custom-build housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Histon. Histon is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The woodland to the rear of the site would be retained as part of the proposed development. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Histon including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate approximately 22 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement, the neighbouring woodland and other uses, and the current Green Belt location.
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There is an existing vehicular access to the site from Cottenham Road. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development, but sufficient land is available to accommodate improvements to the junction with Cottenham Road and a new footway into the site. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development. As an alterative, the landowner owns No.113 Cottenham Road, and if required the property could be demolished to create a new access to the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. The existing woodland to the west of the site would be retained as part of the proposed development. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall, there are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Histon and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Histon, and the site is well related to Cambridge.
Agricultural land
The proposed development comprises 150 dwellings including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping, and a new vehicular access from Station Road. The proposed development could include plots for self-build/custom-build housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Willingham. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Willingham including the convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate 150 dwellings. The developable area is 6.8Ha. The proposed density would be approximately 22 dwellings per hectare, which reflects the edge of village location and the inclusion of additional landscaping within the site. An Illustrative Masterplan is submitted with this response to demonstrate that the proposed quantum of development can be accommodated at the site.
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An Initial Access Assessment was undertaken by SLR to assess the potential options for vehicular and pedestrian access to the proposed development. The Initial Access Assessment is submitted with this response. In summary, it is concluded that: a new access will be required from Station Road, and land within the curtilage of the two existing properties will be required to provide that access; and, the access from Haden Way is not suitable as a means of vehicular access to the proposed development but could be used as an access for emergency vehicles and as a pedestrian and cycle route.
The majority of the site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed area for built development would be located within Flood Zone 1. The proposed vehicular access to the site from Station Road is located within Flood Zone 3 (high risk). A detailed assessment of the extent of the flood risk area in the vicinity of the proposed access will be undertaken, in order to ensure that a safe access can be provided. It should be noted that an emergency vehicle and pedestrian access is provided to Haden Way as part of the proposed development. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage, which could include swales. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures within the landscape strategy. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment will need to be undertaken because there are trees and hedgerows at the proposed vehicular access to the site. The trees are located within the Flood Zone 3 area. It is anticipated that some trees and part of the hedge would need to be removed in order to create the access. However, additional trees and hedges and other planting would be provided within the proposed development to replace those trees and hedges that are removed and to provide landscape enhancement measures. An archaeological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken. The site is not affected by any other heritage assets. There are no significant constraints to development at the site.
There is an 11Kw power line through the site - see Constraints & Opportunities Plan. The power line would be buried underground as part of the proposed development; the Illustrative Masterplan identifies a road within the current alignment of the power line in order to allow for it to be buried easily and to enable future maintenance. The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and it is both available and deliverable for development. The site will need to be allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan, and the timetable for this has informed the assessment of when the site is available.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Willingham have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders.
Land north of Cherry Hinton Caravan & Motorhome Club, Limekiln Road, Cambridge
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The proposed development is for 14 dwellings including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Cambridge. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Cherry Hinton including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate 14 dwellings. The indicative layout for the proposed development shows a low density scheme, which reflects the semi-rural/city edge location of the site and surrounding area and the current Green Belt designation. A Design Statement (prepared by Nicholas Phillips Architects) is submitted with this response.
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The vehicular access to the site is from Limekiln Road. It is considered that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development. An assessment will be undertaken of the footway improvements that would be needed on Limekiln Road to provide suitable access for pedestrians to the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. The site contains a number of trees and shrubs, most of which are located at the site boundary but there is a copse of trees within the south eastern part of the site. A tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment of the site will need to be undertaken. The proposed development will seek to retain as many of the trees as possible, and the existing copse of trees will be retained as a feature within an area of open space. The proposed development will as necessary replace any trees that are removed, and additional landscape planting would be provided in order to create an attractive landscape setting for the proposed dwellings. It is noted that the land to the south of Limekiln Road is designated as an SSSI and County Wildlife Site; Cherry Hinton Chalk Pits. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development. The proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures within the landscape strategy. An assessment of the contribution that the site makes to the Green Belt purposes and to the wider landscape will need to be undertaken. It is noted that the site is surrounded by built development, and there are no public rights of way crossing the site. It is considered that development would be unlikely to have any adverse impact on the compactness or setting of Cambridge and it would not lead to the merging of villages, and as such, the site makes a limited contribution to the purposes for including land within the Green Belt. An archaeological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken. The site is not affected by any other heritage assets. There are no constraints to development at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner and developer, and it is available for development. The site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites on the edge of Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, the site is well related to Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Peterhouse Technology Park and to Cambridge.
Land off Cabbage Moor, Great Shelford, Cambridge
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The site is currently occupied by a dwelling and garden, and stoarge outbuildings and the land is used to store caravans.
Part previously developed land and part greenfield
The proposed development comprises 60 to 70 dwellings including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping, and improvements to the site access. The proposed development could include plots for self-build/custom-build housing.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Great Shelford. Great Shelford is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Great Shelford and nearby Trumpington, including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.
The site could accommodate approximately 60 to 70 dwellings, which is based on a density of between 35 and 40 dwellings/hectare and reflects the edge of settlement and current Green Belt location.
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The vehicular access to the site is from Cabbage Moor, which is a private road. The access to Cambridge Camping & Caravanning Club Site is from Cabbage Moor. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development, but sufficient land is available to accommodate improvements to the junction with Shelford Road and a new footway on Cabbage Moor to the site. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe access can be provided for the proposed development.
The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures within the landscape strategy. An archaeological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken. The site is not affected by any other heritage assets. There are no constraints to development to at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and uses and so connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner and developer, and is available for development. However, the site will need to be released from the Green Belt through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites on the edge of Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Great Shelford, and the site is well related to Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge Biomedical Campus and to Cambridge.
The proposed development is for residential development including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping, and a new site access. The site could also be suitable for self build/ custom-build housing, either in part or in full. The quantum of development at the site will be informed by the outcome of detailed site assessments including the impact on heritage assets and landscape. The site could accommodate 15 dwellings at a density of 30 dwellings/hectare.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Dry Drayton. The Council's 'Housing Statistical Information Leaflet' (December 2018) indicates that there are 4 households with a local connection to Dry Drayton that have an affordable housing need. Dry Drayton is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Dry Drayton including the primary school, village hall and public house.
The site could accommodate 15 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare. However, the quantum of development at the site will be informed by the outcome of detailed site assessments including the impact on heritage assets and landscape, and taking into account the character of the surrounding area.
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There is an existing access to the paddock/field from Park Lane. The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
There are two Grade II listed buildings within close proximity of the site: White Cottage adjacent to the northern boundary; and, View Farmhouse opposite the site on Park Lane. An assessment of the impact of the proposed development on the setting of these heritage assets will need to be undertaken, and the design and layout will seek to avoid any significant impacts. The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. There are trees and hedgerows on the site boundary. An arboricultural impact assessment and tree survey will need to be undertaken of the site. It is anticipated that the existing trees and hedgerows would be retained within the proposed development, and additional landscape planting would be provided at the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring buildings and uses and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. However, the site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in the villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Dry Drayton, and the site is well related to Cambridge. There is market demand for self/custom-build plots in South Cambridgeshire.
The proposed development is for 6 dwellings, with landscaping and a new vehicular access. The site could also be suitable for plots for self-build/custom-build housing, either in part or in full.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and/or self/custom-build housing plots for Great Abington. The Development Framework boundary for Great Abington is tightly drawn around the areas of built development, and as a result there are limited opportunities for infill development within the defined boundary both now and in the future. It is considered that the Development Framework boundary around Great Abington should be amend to allow small scale housing sites to come forward. The proposed development would include landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Great Abington including the primary school, public house, convenience store and post office, and bus services.
The site could accommodate 6 dwellings, which is based on a density of approximately 30 dwellings/hectare, and takes into account the character of the surrounding area and the Great Abington Conservation Area. The site could accommodate a mix of dwelling sizes: No.4 x 2 bed; No.1 x 3 bed; and, No.2 x 5 bed houses.
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The vehicular access to the site is from St Mary's Lane, which is a private road with an access off High Street. The landowner has a right of access to St Mary's Lane. A new access will need to be provided into the site to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
There are no listed buildings within close proximity of the site. The site is located within the Great Abington Conservation Area. An assessment of the impact of the proposed development on the setting of this heritage asset will need to be undertaken, and the design and layout will seek to avoid any significant impacts. The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. To the north of the site is the River Granta and there are associated areas of land within Flood Zone 3. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. There are trees and hedgerows on the southern site boundary, which are associated with the garden of the adjacent property. An arboricultural impact assessment and tree survey will need to be undertaken of the site. It is anticipated that the existing trees and hedgerows would be retained. The proposed development would include additional landscape planting at the site boundary and within the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring buildings and uses and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in the villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Great Abington, and the site is well related to Granta Park and to Cambridge. There is market demand for self/custom build plots in South Cambridgeshire.
Land east of St Mary's Lane, Great Abington
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The proposed development is for 5 dwellings, with landscaping and a new vehicular access. The site could also be suitable for plots for self-build/custom-build housing, either in part or in full.
The proposed development would provide additional housing and/or self/custom-build housing plots for Great Abington. The Development Framework boundary for Great Abington is tightly drawn around the areas of built development, and as a result there are limited opportunities for infill development within the defined boundary both now and in the future. It is considered that the Development Framework boundary around Great Abington should be amend to allow small scale housing sites to come forward. The proposed development would include landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Great Abington including the primary school, public house, convenience store and post office, and bus services.
The site could accommodate 5 dwellings, which is based on a density of approximately 30 dwellings/hectare, and takes into account the character of the surrounding area and the Great Abington Conservation Area. The proposed development would provide a mix of dwelling sizes: No.2 x 2 bed; No.2 x 3 bed; and, No.1 x 5 bed houses.
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The vehicular access to the site is from St Mary's Lane, which is a private road with an access off High Street. The landowner has a right of access to St Mary's Lane. A new access will need to be provided into the site to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.
There are three listed buildings within close proximity of the site: Gildencroft (Grade II*) located on High Street; The Old Guild House (Grade II) located off the High Street; and. Parish Church of St Mary (Grade II*) located approximately 120m to the north of the site along St Mary's Lane. The site is located within the Great Abington Conservation Area. An assessment of the impact of the proposed development on the setting of these heritage assets will need to be undertaken, and the design and layout will seek to avoid any significant impacts. The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. To the north of the site is the River Granta and there are associated areas of land within Flood Zone 3. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. There are trees and hedgerows on the southern site boundary, which are associated with the garden of the adjacent property. An arboricultural impact assessment and tree survey will need to be undertaken of the site. It is anticipated that the existing trees and hedgerows would be retained. The proposed development would include additional landscape planting at the site boundary and within the site.
The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring buildings and uses and so new connections will be possible.
The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. The site will need to be allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process, which has informed the assessment of when the site would actually be available for development.
It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in the villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Great Abington, and the site is well related to Granta Park and to Cambridge. There is market demand for self/custom build plots in South Cambridgeshire.
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Temporary compound for A14 upgrade scheme
Majority brownfield, but some greenfield land
Erection of buildings for B1/B8 use to include access, landscaping, parking and associated development
The benefits of the proposed development are wide-ranging and will promote the social, economic and environmental objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework. The site is well-located in an accessible location adjacent to the A14 and adjacent to existing employment uses as Buckingway Business Park to the north of the A14. The site would also comprise the development of brownfield land which is encouraged by the National Planning Policy Framework.
Development at the site is likely to mimic the Buckingway Business Park, with development of units comprising the following floor areas: • 1,858 square metres (20,000 square feet); • 2,787 square metres (30,000 square feet); • 4,645 square metres (50,000 square feet). The buildings themselves would cover perhaps 50% of the site area with the remainder being given over to parking, delivery yards, landscaping, infrastructure and access. Therefore, the maximum net developable area for employment buildings, could be approximately 4.5 hectares or 45,000 square metres (484,375 square feet) of B1/B8 floor space.
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Access to/from the site could be taken from Boxworth Road which is straight at the point of access. As such, it is not considered that there would be any issues associated with visibility at a new junction, to serve the development. Access could be built to a standard to accommodate cars and larger vehicles.
The site is flat with no significant changes in levels. This means that development would not be prevented in whole or part.
Flood risk and drainage: The site is in Flood Zone 1, which is at the lowest risk of flooding. Any planning application would be accompanied by a Drainage Strategy which would outline how surface and foul water would be managed. Heritage: The site is not located adjacent to any heritage assets, including Listed buildings or conservation areas, which could restrict the scope and extent of development at the site. Development of the site for the compound is likely to have been subject to an archaeological investigation and any items/features of archaeological interest are likely to have been removed or destroyed during construction. As such, we do not consider that an archaeological investigation would be required, or indeed possible, prior to development of the site for employment uses. Landscape impact: The landscape adjacent to the site is comparatively flat and is dominated by the compound and development to the north of the A14 at Buckingway Business Park. This is in addition to Cambridge services to the east and the A14 itself and associated junction adjacent to the site. The area to the north of the site would be used for local access roads, junctions and balancing ponds and once complete, the site would essentially be hard up against the A14. The temporary nature of the compound means that there is no landscaping at the site. Any development at the site would include landscaping within the site and along its boundaries. This would mean that it could be assimilated into the wider landscape. Noise: The site is located at a reasonable distance from the A14 itself and it is not considered that noise from this source would prevent development at the site. Areas adjacent to the road could be used for noise mitigation and planting etc. Any planning application for employment use at the site would be subject to a Noise Impact Assessment.
The site is fully serviced at the current time. This includes electricity, sewerage, telecommunications and water infrastructure.
The site is within the ownership of the promoter
Very good
None known
Deal Farm, Cambridge Road, Sawston, Cambridge
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Agricultural with planning permission for the change of use of four out of five of the agricultural buildings to flexible B1 and B8 uses (Ref. S/2372/16/FL).
Ref. S/2372/16/FL - Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Flexible B1 and B8 uses, involving an element of Demolition, Alterations to Building, Parking Area and Widening of Access – Approved 10th March 2017 Ref. S/1795/18/DC - Discharge of Conditions 6 (Vehicular Route Plan), 10 (Demolition Method Statement), 11 (Servicing Management Plan), 12 (Lighting Scheme), 14 (Pollution Control), 16 (Materials), 17 (Boundary Treatment) & 18 (Hard & Soft Landscaping) of Planning Permission S/2372/16/FL – Approved 28th November 2018
Previously developed land
Employment Use
Deal Farm will deliver additional employment space for local businesses seeking such accommodation thus meeting future need within the combined Local Planning Authority area.
Employment floor space – approx. 2,850 sqm (including the four units with permission and the larger building currently within agricultural use).
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There is an existing access off Cambridge Road, and it is being widened as part of the approved application S/2372/16/FL.
A Drainage Assessment was carried out as part of the planning application S/2372/16/FL and it was found that the existing agricultural development includes a surface water drainage system which discharges via an attenuation pond to a culverted watercourse to the west of the site. This will be utilised and improved for the converted units and yard area.
April 2019
End of 2019
< 1year