Question 2. Please submit any sites for employment and housing you wish to suggest for allocation in the Local Plan. Provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible.

Showing forms 421 to 450 of 710
Form ID: 40445
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

Land to the north of Main Street, Shudy Camps, CB21


Site 40445 map

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It is considered that the site could accommodate a landscape design-led residential development of up to 25 residential units. This would include 40% affordable housing, landscaping, vehicular and pedestrian access, formal and informal open space and the opportunity to deliver formal children's play space.

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing

Public open space

-The opportunity to deliver a substantial amount of affordable housing to help meet the needs of Shudy Camps and the wider District; - Enhancing biodiversity levels across the site. The site is currently agricultural land and can be considered to be of low ecological value. - The opportunity to deliver formal children's play space which would be accessible to new and existing residents of the village. There are currently no facilities of this nature available within the village or within walking distance; - In accordance with paragraph 68 of the NPPF, an opportunity to contribute to the Councils' requirement to accommodate at least 10% of their housing requirement on sites no larger than 1 hectare. - The site is located approximately 100m from bus stops, providing services to Haverhill and Audley End, encouraging new residents to use sustainable modes of transport to access services, facilities and existing transport infrastructure.

Up to 25 residential units. This is based on applying an average density of 30 dwellings per hectare which would be appropriate to the site's location and would allow for landscaping, necessary open space and the potential to deliver formal children's play space.

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Yes (Please give details)

The site does not have an existing vehicular access, however it is considered that an access could be provided off Main Street. A public right of way is located within the western corner of the site, running in a north easterly direction, and would be retained as part of any proposals.

Yes (please give details)

The site slopes upwards towards the north, however it is considered that this would not be a significant constraint on development.

Yes (Please give details)

Existing infrastructure connections that currently serve the village can be readily extended.

Available now

The site is within single ownership and is being promoted by the landowner who has indicated that the site is available.


The landowner is also supported by residential agency, as part of their professional team, who are well embedded in the local market and have indicated that the site is attractive.









Form ID: 40446
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

Land to the south west of Fishers Lane, Orwell


Site 40446 map

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It is considered that the site could accommodate a landscape design-led residential development of up to 250 residential units. This would include 40% affordable housing, landscaping, vehicular and pedestrian access and formal and informal open space. The open space could be configured in a manner to provide an extension to the Local Green Space which lies adjacent to the eastern boundary.

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing

Public open space

- The opportunity to deliver a substantial amount of affordable housing to help meet the needs of Orwell and the wider District; - Locating residential development within a sustainable location, in close proximity to the village store, post office, pub, primary school, employment opportunities and bus stops offering services to Cambridge, encouraging residents to walk and cycle, rather than travel by private car, to these facilities. The site is also located approximately 3.5km from Shepreth station, which is within cycling distance, encouraging residents to travel via sustainable modes using existing infrastructure; - The opportunity to deliver a substantial amount of open space that would be available to new and existing residents. The open space could be configured in a manner to provide an extension of the Local Green Space which lies adjacent to the site's eastern boundary. - Supporting Orwell’s economy, including local shops and services; and - Enhancing biodiversity levels across the site. The site is predominantly agricultural land and can currently be considered to be of low ecological value.

Up to 250 residential units. This is based on applying an average density of 30 dwellings per hectare which would be appropriate to the site's location and would allow for substantial landscaping and open space.

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Yes (Please give details)

There is currently an informal vehicular access off Fishers Lane. It is considered that formal vehicular access/accesses could be achieved off Fishers Lane.


Yes (Please give details)

An area of Flood Zone 3 runs adjacent to the southern boundary of the site, with a small portion of this lying within the site boundary. It is considered that this would not be a constraint on development and could be incorporated into landscaping and open space provision.

Existing infrastructure connections that currently serve the village can be readily extended.

Available now

The site is within single ownership and is being promoted by the landowner who has indicated that the site is available.


The site is located on the edge of Orwell, a village which is considered to be attractive for future development, within close proximity to the range of existing services and facilities available. The landowner is also supported by residential agency, as part of their professional team, who are well embedded in the local market and have indicated that the site is attractive.









Form ID: 40447
Respondent: Brown & Co Barfords
Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Land at Grange Farm, Caxton


Site 40447 map

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Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution

Schools and education , Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure , Healthcare , Retail

The development would provide economic benefits through the construction jobs created and from owner/occupiers using the services and facilities within the new extension, within Cambourne and the wider area. There would be social benefits through the provision of market, self build and affordable housing providing a mix of housing as well a services and facilities such as employment and education provision. There will be environmental benefits through strategic landscaping, biodiversity enhancement through the provision of trees and hedgerow along with public open space and enabling connectivity to the footpaths in the adjacent nature reserve linking through to Cambourne.

1500 houses on 50 hectares of the site which would equate to 30 dwellings per hectare commeasure with Cambourne. This would enable the rest of the site to accommodate the strategic landscaping, public open space, community facilities, education provision and employment to create an extension to Cambourne.

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A new access road can be created using the field access off the A1198


The land slopes to the south and there are landscaping bunds along the A1198. Strategic landscaping would be used to separate the development from the villages of Caxton and Bourn.


There are some trees with tree preservation orders within the site. These trees will be retained and protected.


Provision can be made for key utilities as part of the development.

Available now

Provision can be made for key utilities as part of the development.

Don't know

The site would form an extension to Cambourne. Within South Cambridgeshire there is significant demand for a mix of housing (market, self build and affordable) which this scheme would provide along with services and facilities such as employment and education provision which is greatly needed in the district.









Form ID: 40448
Respondent: Brown & Co Barfords
Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Land off Grays Road, Gamlingay, SG19 3EL


Site 40448 map

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Arable farm land





Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space

A well related site adjoining the village edge on two sides and its development will provide a 'rounding off' of the village built area on the north side. The site has good access links to the village centre and facilities, and good connections to the wider village path network. The site can deliver a range of housing types and tenures to meet the housing need. At present the existing housing on the north side of the village is exposed with minimal boundary hedgerows (see landscape views). Landscaping in conjunction with new development would enable a soft green edge to the village which could be extended along the north boundary of the existing development off Murfitt Way to improve views when entering the village from the north. This also provides the opportunity to enhance biodiversity. The development provides the opportunity for footpath improvements linking the village to Gamlingay wood and through to Grays Road along with the provision of gateway parks forming public open space.

97-130 dwellings (see attached masterplan

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A new access road to the north of the existing settlement.


At present the existing housing is exposed with minimal boundary hedgerows. Landscaping through hedgerow would enable a soft green edge to the village which could be extended along the north boundary of the existing development off Murfitt Way to improve views when entering the village from the north.



Provision can be made for key utilities as part of the development

Available now

The land is in our client's ownership and can be bought forward immediately.

Don't know

There is significant demand for a mix of housing within Gamlingay given its range services and facilities and accessibility to surrounding towns and villages such as Potton, Sandy, Biggleswade, St Neots, Huntingdon and Cambridge









Form ID: 40449
Respondent: Brown & Co Barfords
Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Grange Farm, Bourn Road, Caxton


Site 40449 map

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Agricultural land and buildings





Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The development will remove untidy agricultural buildings and enhance the setting of the village through the provision of much needed housing providing environmental and social benefits. The development will also provide economic benefits through the construction jobs created and through owners using local services and facilities.

9 dwellings will provide 8 dwellings per hectare. Given the loose knit arrangement of the existing agricultural buildings which form part of the character of the site this would be an appropriate density.

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Yes (Please give details)

Access from Bourn Road will be used


Yes (Please give details)

There is access to utilities on site.

Available now

The land is in my clients ownership and can be developed immediately

Don't know

There is significant demand for housing within Caxton given its proximity to surrounding towns and villages such as Cambridge and Cambourne.









Form ID: 40450
Respondent: Brown & Co Barfords
Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Merton Farm, Church End, Gamlingay


Site 40450 map

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Dwelling with garden, farm buildings and fields.

The house is in use with the farm buildings no longer required to serve the landowners land holding.

- S/3918/17/FL - Land adjacent and to the north of 1 and 1a, Church End, Gamlingay, SG19 3EP - Erection of a single storey office building ( B1(c) use) and associated storage shed - refused only due to the impact on amenity as the access was alongside number 1b and the proposed development would not follow this route - S/1740/05/F - Change of use of barn to Class B1 - approved 04 January 2006 but not implemented - SC/0304/63/ - Erection of general purpose agricultural building - approved 19 July 1963 - S/0493/79/F - Agricultural barn - approved 14 May 1979

Mixture of previously developed land and greenfield

Residential and small business use.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing , Employment (B1) office

Nothing chosen

The development would provide much needed housing and affordable housing. Development will re-use existing traditional buildings on the road frontage and in the conservation area. In addition the proposal will replace existing substantial modern utilitarian farm buildings visible from the Conservation Area with more appropriate scale high quality buildings, enhancing the setting. Units 1-5 will utilise the existing drive which will provide a footpath on one side. Unit 6 faces towards Church End and provides a visual link with the existing farmhouse. The proposed layout shows a sensitively designed scheme (see attached site location and layout plan, and perspective plan). A landscaped private drive will be provided with footpath and the ability to accommodate offices for Hutchinson Builders, a local builders looking to relocate from Potton which will retain and enable local jobs. New hedgerow will be provided on the northern and eastern boundary which will also provide ecology benefits.

20 dwellings and offices.

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Yes (Please give details)

Existing access from Church End will be used and a new access created. A new private drive will be created.


Yes (Please give details)

The site is partially in the Conservation Area and in the setting of Grade II listed buildings. The scheme will re-use the existing brick buildings in the Conservation Area and a sensitively designed layout has been prepared. The scheme will provide public benefits through the provision of a mixture of housing, including affordable housing. There will be economic benefits creating jobs through the construction of the dwellings for the economy. The scheme will also enable a successful building company to relocate from Potton with modern facilities and ensure the retention and creation of jobs. The additional hedgerow planting will provide environmental benefits through additional landscaping and enhance the ecology of the site.

The site has access to key utilities with further capacity created. Further capacity can be created.

Available now

The land can be developed immediately.

Don't know

There is significant demand for a mix of housing within Gamlingay given its services and facilities and accessibility to surrounding towns and villages such as Potton, Sandy, Biggleswade, St Neots, Huntingdon and Cambridge. The scheme will also enable a successful building company to relocate from Potton with modern facilities and ensure the retention and creation of jobs.









Form ID: 40451
Respondent: Brown & Co Barfords
Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Land off Greenacres, Gamlingay


Site 40451 map

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Grazing and temporary open space


S/0281/16/OL - Land to north east of Fountain Farm, Park Lane, Gamlingay - Permission for a detached dwelling with garage - approved on 17 October 2016



Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

Will provide much needed housing and affordable housing.

48 dwellings (30 dph)

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Access is achievable off Greenacres


Yes (Please give details)

Part of the site is designated as Local Green Space. The land is of low ecological value and given that public access to the land will shortly cease this land should be removed as a Local Green Space designation. The planning permission granted (LPA ref: S/0281/16/OL) land to north east of Fountain Farm, Park Lane, Gamlingay for a detached dwelling with garage infills the land to the rear (see site location plan).


Access to key utilities can be created.

Available now

The land can be developed immediately

Don't know

There is significant demand for a mix of housing within Gamlingay given its services and facilities and accessibility to surrounding towns and villages such as Potton, Sandy, Biggleswade, St Neots, Huntingdon and Cambridge.









Form ID: 40452
Respondent: Strutt & Parker
Agent: Strutt & Parker

Land West of Hardwick Road, Toft, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire


Site 40452 map

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The site is currently in agricultural use as part an arable rotation.




Erection of up to 28 market and affordable housing with landscaping and open space.

Market and affordable housing

Public open space

The development could provide much needed local housing within a sustainable location in a rural village within the district. It could also provide a range of housing types, including market and affordable, to meet the range of housing needs in the area.

Up to 28 units.

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Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing access into the site from Hardwick Road to the east, this would need to be widened and enhanced as part of any development at the site. Please refer to the Location Plan. A full transport assessment would be undertaken as part of any planning application at the site.




The site benefits from good access to key services in Toft and Comberton. If any further information is required, the applicants are happy to provide details.

Next 5 years

The site is of a modest size, which could be delivered quickly, without the need for substantial infrastructure to be provided.

Enquiries received

Please refer to the attached cover letter. The site benefits from being unconstrained in planning terms and is well-related within the settlement.

No, the site is under the single ownership of Tebbit & Son and they are fully committed to bringing the site forward for development.

No- this is the first time the land has been promoted.







Form ID: 40453
Respondent: Brown & Co Barfords
Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Land at 20 Bourn Road, Caxton


Site 40453 map

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Disused vegetable garden land, grassland and existing former agricultural buildings


S/1227/17/OL - Erection of dwelling with garage and formation of new agricultural access - approved S/4023/18/FL - Replacement dwelling and garage - approved

Disused vegetable garden land and greenfield


Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The development will provide sensitively designed dwellings with infill plots to the west of the Telephone Exchange, on the existing site of number 30 Bourn Road which is being replaced and moved further east, and a dwelling further east of planning permission S/4023/18/FL which will retain the linear pattern of development on the opposite side of Bourn Road. There will be housing to the rear of 20 Bourn Road within the site and the sensitively designed dwellings will enhance the setting of the village along with providing much needed housing. This will also provide economic benefits through the construction jobs created and from owner/occupiers using local services and facilities.

35 dwellings which equates to 20 dwellings per hectare which is appropriate to the edge of village location

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Yes (Please give details)

There is access off Bourn Road.

Yes (please give details)

The land slopes to the south. Proposed mitigation: Additional hedgerow planting will be provided.

Yes (Please give details)

The site is within the setting of Caxton Conservation Area. Proposed mitigation: Sensitively designed houses.


Access to key utilities can be created.

Available now

The land can be developed immediately

Don't know

There is a significant demand for a mix of housing within Caxton given it is well connected to surrounding towns and villages such as Cambourne, Cambridge and Northstowe.









Form ID: 40454
Respondent: Carter Jonas

Land North of Church Road, Hauxton


Site 40454 map

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The proposed development is for residential development including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping, and a new site access. The site could also be suitable for self build/ custom-build housing, either in part or in full. The quantum of development at the site will be informed by the outcome of detailed site assessments, including the impact on Green Belt purposes and landscape. The site could accommodate 30 dwellings at a density of 30 dwellings/hectare

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for HAUXTON. HAUXTON is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in HAUXTON (AND HARSTON) including the PRIMARY SCHOOL, SHOPS, BUS SERVICES.

The site could accommodate 30 dwellings, which is based on a density of 30 dwellings/hectare. However, the quantum of development at the site will be informed by the outcome of detailed site assessments including the impact on Green Belt purposes and landscape, and taking into account the character of the surrounding area.

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Yes (Please give details)

The current access will need to be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An assessment of the access arrangements will need to be undertaken to demonstrate that a safe and suitable access can be provided for the proposed development.



The site is in a Flood Zone 1 area


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring buildings and uses and so new connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development. However, the site will need to be released from the Green Belt and allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, especially given other sites in the villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. There is market demand for self/custom-build plots in South Cambridgeshire.









Form ID: 40455
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land adj to Buckingway Business Park, Swavesey


Site 40455 map

Agricultural land




The proposed development is for an extension to Buckingway Business Park for Class B1, B2 and B8 uses, with landscaping and vehicular access via Anderson Road.

Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution

Nothing chosen

Additional employment land adjacent to an Established Employment Area

To be determined, but it is anticipated that the proposed employment units would be of a similar size to the existing units at Buckingway Business Park.

No answer given

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Yes (Please give details)

The vehicular access to the site would be through the existing Buckingway Business Park, via Anderson Road. A connection would need to be made with Anderson Road. Site Access: This is achievable via the existing agricultural access from Anderson Road to the north of the site, as well as to the privately maintained Anderson Road immediately west of the site. It is requested that this be changed to “Amber”.


No answer given


There are no listed buildings or conservation areas within close proximity of the site. The listed buildings in the wider area are unlikely to be affected by the proposed development. The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features on site and include ecological enhancement measures. There are trees and hedgerows on the eastern site boundary. It is anticipated that the existing trees and hedgerows would be retained, and the proposed development would include additional landscape planting at the site boundary and within the site.

No answer given


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring business park and so new connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market. The site is located adjacent to Buckingway Business Park, which is identified as an Established Employment Area. Two of the recently completed units at Buckingway Business Park are now occupied.









Form ID: 40456
Respondent: Strutt & Parker
Agent: Strutt & Parker

The Triangle, Fowlmere


Site 40456 map

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Greenfield land which is predominantly level grassland/scrubland - not located within the Green Belt.


Full planning for the Erection of 24 dwellings including 10 affordable dwellings, with a new dedicated vehicular access from Fowlmere Road, new pedestrian link, hard and soft landscaping, open space, play area and community orchard under Application ref: S/4555/17/FL was refused on 10th October 2018


24 dwellings, new dedicated vehicular access, open space and play area.

Market and affordable housing

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure

The development would provide high quality market and affordable housing as well as community space to help meet the needs of future household growth. The development would also enable development within a rural village within the district and contribute to sustaining it for the future and contribute to the rural economy, helping to maintain the local services including public house, village hall, primary school, and the local shop in the nearby village of Thriplow. • A mix of small and medium-sized family housing to help meet the needs of the village and enable it to grow in a sustainable manner that respects and reflects the historic settlement pattern, helping to support local community facilities such as the primary school, public house, and restaurant/take away. • A policy-compliant delivery of 40% affordable housing containing an effective mix to meet a specific targeted local need. • Speed reduction measures along Cambridge Road and Thriplow Road to address the local community’s concerns about speeding traffic driving into and out of the village. • A new well-overlooked safe area of open space responding to the local community’s concerns about a lack of play space in the eastern part of the village. • A new community orchard to be utilised by future residents of the proposed development site, and the wider village’s residents. • Retention of protected trees along Cambridge Road, and trees/hedgerows along Thriplow Road and Fowlmere Road. A financial contribution towards improving local schools and other local facilities. • A Whittlesford-based local developer/builder with a strong commitment to delivery and using high quality materials and building bespoke schemes for each individual site that take account of the local characteristics and vernacular.

24 new dwellings.

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As part of the development, a new vehicular access point to the site via a junction with Fowlmere Road on the eastern side of the site would be provided. A secondary cycle and pedestrian access on the western side would be provided to link the site to the existing footpath on Cambridge Road. As part of the previous planning application at the site, a transport assessment was prepared. An addendum to this will be prepared as part of any subsequent planning application at the site.


There are no slopes or significant changes in ground levels.


The site is located within Flood Zone 1 and is therefore at a low risk of flooding. An ecological impact assessment was prepared to accompany the previous planning application at the site and includes a series of recommendations for species at the site. The community open space proposed will provide suitable mitigation to accommodate a diverse range of biodiversity on the site. The trees (some of which have TPOs) would be retained adding to the biodiversity of the site.


The site is not crossed or adjacent to any key utilities. The site is located with access to a range of facilities within the village of Fowlmere. The applicant would be happy to provide additional information if it is required.

Available now

The site is of a modest size and has already been subject to a planning application, the site will not require any significant infrastructure development and therefore could come forward at the earliest opportunity.

Site is under option by a developer


This is the first time the site has been promoted through the local plan process.







Form ID: 40457
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land south of St Neots Road, Eltisley


Site 40457 map

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The proposed development could comprise circa 40 dwellings including affordable dwellings, with open space and landscaping. The proposed development could include plots for self-build/custom-build housing.

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing

Public open space

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Eltisley. Eltisley is a settlement which comprises designated heritage assets including listed buildings and a conservation area. Large parts of the village are indeed included within the designated conservation area. Scheduled Ancient Monuments are located to the east and south east. The village is also centred on a large central green which is protected by virtue of being designated as "Local Green Space". There are as a result limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing has been provided in the village in recent years. The proposed development would include open space and landscaping, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would also provide support to the existing services in the village including the Public House, school, nursery and bus service.

The site is predicted to be capable of delivering circa 40 dwellings. This is based on the assumption that development could be provided at a density of circa 25-30 dwellings per hectare (given the edge of settlement location).

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Yes (Please give details)

The site is currently accessed through the existing access that serves the adjacent dwellings. While this access may be able to be utilised to serve a quantum of new development, a new access may need to be created into the site to the west of the existing dwellings and beyond the important countryside frontage. Sufficient land is available to enable a new access to be provided if needed. Appropriate highway analysis will need to be undertaken to inform the access design and layout.


Yes (Please give details)

The site is located within Flood Zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken, but it is unlikely that there will be any constraints to development, and the proposed development will seek to retain any ecological features that do exist on site and include ecological enhancement measures within the landscape strategy. An archaeological assessment of the site will need to be undertaken. The site is not affected by any other heritage assets. There are no constraints to development at the site.

The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area so connections will be possible.

Next 5 years

The site is being promoted by a willing landowner, and is available for development.


It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in the area have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in the village.









Form ID: 40458
Respondent: Bidwells
Agent: Bidwells

Heath Road, Gamlingay


Site 40458 map

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Vacant scrub land


Subject to application reference number: S/0556/12/FL This application was made by a previous land owner and was refused based on the site's location outside the settlement boundary, impact on character, the lack of ecological assessment and access issues. These issues are addressed in this form, covering letter and the accompanying reports/plans.


It is proposed that the site be developed for a sensitive residential development, as shown on the accompanying indicative masterplan. The proposed development would address the access concerns with the previously refused application with one point of access off Heath Road. The development would respect the need for a buffer to the existing development to the west. The eastern part of the site would remain open to provide an area of informal open space in which ecological enhancements (and mitigation as required) could be accommodated as well as maintaining an area of separation to Dennis Green. The design and layout of the development would respect the surrounding character of the area with regards to scale and appearance. The size of the developable area would be under 1 hectare meaning if the site were not required for market housing, it could come forward as an entry level exception site in the future.

Market and affordable housing , Other forms of housing

Public open space

The development of the site, which benefits from an existing footpath connection to the village, would provide much needed housing on a well located, vacant site on the edge of a sustainable settlement. The development would provide a positive frontage to Heath Road, enhancing the visual appearance of the village on the approach from the west. Whilst it is recognised that there is some local feeling that the site is of ecological value, the accompanying Preliminary Ecological Appraisal has assessed that the site is of limited ecological value. The development, with the provision of informal open space and landscaping, including native species, therefore provides an opportunity to enhance the ecological value of the site.

Approximately 28 dwellings

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Yes (Please give details)

The site is currently accessed off Heath Road in the south west corner, immediately adjacent to a neighbouring property. It is proposed that this access point would be closed and a new single point of access created further to the north. The final location of any access would have regard to visibility requirements, which can be adequately met along the site frontage. There is scope for an additional footpath access to be created onto Green Acres to maximise connectivity. As noted earlier, any proposal would avoid more than one new access on to Heath Road, which formed part of a reason for refusal on a previous application.


The site is flat with no significant level changes to inhibit development.


As noted earlier, it has been suggested locally that the site is of ecological value. Therefore, to inform the site promotion, the owner has commissioned a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (enclosed). This concludes that the development of the site would not affect any designated sites and that any ecological harm can be mitigated. There is a small drainage ditch which follows the boundary with Green Acres. The Environment Agency Flood Map shows that this area has no associated flood risk. The site does not form part of a Conservation Area and is not subject to any heritage designations. The nearest heritage asset is a listed building south of Heath Road, which lies beyond the residential dwellings which sit in the south west corner of the promoted site. Given the lack of inter-visibility and relationship between the site and the listing building, the development proposal set out on the accompanying concept plan would not cause any harm to the character or setting of the listed building. There are no known contamination constraints associated with the site, although contamination is unlikely given that there has been no previous use of the site. See Phase 1 Ecological Assessment.


The site is adjacent to a residential area which is served by a a full range of utilities into which the development can be connected. There are no known pipelines or pylons that affect the site.

Available now

The site is vacant and under control of a site promoter who is making the site available for development.

Site owned by a developer

The site is in a very marketable location. The site provides an opportunity for a mix of dwelling types and sizes to meet the needs of South Cambridgeshire.

No. The site is owned by a single company who are promoting the site for development.

The site has not been previously allocated. As referenced earlier, the site was subject to a refused application in 2012, reference S/0556/12/FL



1 (Based on assumed date for allocation in the Plan)




Form ID: 40459
Respondent: Mr Ian Boreham

The Lamb Yard, 73 High Street, West Wratting, Cambridgshire


Site 40459 map

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Builders Yard




Residential homes both private and affordable.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing , Other forms of housing

Public open space

Low cost housing along with a tidied up appearance of high street.

Approximately 15-20 residential units

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Yes (Please give details)

Tarmac entrance to yard at rear


Yes (Please give details)

Water, electricity and mains sewage already present.

Available now

Business closing down and land ready to be renovated.

Enquiries received

Site provides ease of commute to Cambridge and surrounding areas also is not a long commute to rail links. Good schools in neighbouring Balsham and Linton. Doctors surgery close by in Linton. Supermarkets are a 5 mile travel away.


Currently being used as a builders yard. There are no un implemented planning permissions on the site either and the old pub at the front of the site burnt down in June 2018.







Form ID: 40460
Respondent: Carter Jonas
Agent: Carter Jonas

Land to the south of Milton Road, Impington


Site 40460 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural use




Proposed development of up to 50 dwellings, including affordable dwellings, and a community park to provide recreation and leisure facilities.

Market and affordable housing

Public open space , Community facilities , Recreation and leisure

The proposed development would provide additional housing and affordable housing for Histon and Impington. Histon and Impington is surrounded by the Green Belt, and there are limited opportunities for infill development within the settlement boundary, and as such a very limited amount of housing and affordable housing will have been provided in the villages in recent years. The proposed development would include a significant community park to address an existing deficit that there is in open space within the villages. Landscaping would be provided as part of the proposals, which would also provide ecological benefits. The proposed development would support the existing services and facilities in Histon and Impington including convenience stores, public houses and bus services.

The site could accommodate up to 50 dwellings which reflects its edge of settlement location and the density of existing residential development to the south. This also allows for the provision of a significant community park.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing agricultural access to the site off Milton Road. As part of the development proposals for the site the creation of two new accesses off Milton Road are proposed, one to serve the proposed residential development and one to serve the proposed community park. The location and design of these accesses have been worked up in detail by a highways consultant who have confirmed that safe and suitable access to the site is achievable. The proposals would also include for offsite highway works to improve pedestrian and cyclist accessibility to the site.



The site is located in flood zone 1 which means it has a low probability of flood risk. The proposed development would include an appropriate drainage strategy to manage surface and foul water drainage. An ecological assessment of the site has been undertaken and the southern and eastern site boundaries were confirmed to be of some value as foraging and commuting habitat for bats. Accordingly, these features will be retained as part of the proposals for the site. A number of ecological enhancement measures will also be incorporated into the proposals. The site is not affected by any heritage assets. Overall there are no constraints to development.


The proposed development will need to provide new utilities infrastructure, but there are services to the neighbouring urban area and so new connections will be possible.

Available now

The site is promoted by a developer who has prepared a planning application for the proposed development that will be submitted to the Council imminently.

Site is under option by a developer

The site is being promoted by a developer. It is anticipated that the site will be attractive to the market, because other sites in Histon and Impington and elsewhere in villages close to Cambridge have been subject to strong demand from developers and housebuilders. In addition, there is a limited supply of development sites in Histon and Impington, and the site is well related to Cambridge.







Flagship Housing Group Limited, as an affordable housing provider, have determined that given the community based focus of the current proposals, they are prepared to proceed with the minimal level of cross subsidy that 30 market units will provide, whilst still delivering 40% (i.e. 20 units) affordable housing.


Form ID: 40461
Respondent: HD Planning Ltd
Agent: HD Planning Ltd

Land adjacant to No. 53 Station Road, Meldreth


Site 40461 map

No uploaded files for public display





Residential development of 0.34 hectares of land to form up to eight dwellings with access, turning, parking and other associated works.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

Additional homes conveniently located within walking distance to Meldreth train station and the amenities of Melbourn. We believe this section of Meldreth should be included in the development framework for either Meldreth or Melbourn when revised (if still applicable).

8 dwellings - (24 dph)

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Station Road is adopted highway. Access indicated on the site plan attached to this representation. Turning areas and section of road shown to adoptable standards, where required.



Proximity of the site to the A10 may be considered to be a constraint to the development but the landowner is happy to provide evidence that any constraint can be over come as part of a more detailed submission at a later stage.


Site is thought to have adequate access to key utilities which serve adjacent properties. Sewerage connection available on Station Road as confirmed by Anglian Water.

Available now

Site is vacant and available for development


The site is situated in a prime sustainable location near to Meldreth Railway Station. The demand for additional dwellings in this location is unquestioned. Areas around existing sustainable transport nodes should be expanded and this is a prime site to help deliver much needed homes.









Form ID: 40462
Respondent: Brown & Co Barfords
Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Land at St Peters Street, Caxton


Site 40462 map

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Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The development will provide sensitively designed dwellings which will enhance the setting of the village along with providing much needed housing. This will also provide economic benefits through the construction jobs created and from owner/occupiers using local services and facilities.

30 dwellings which equates to 21 dwellings per hectare and is appropriate to the edge of village location and setting of the listed buildings

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is access off St Peter's Street


Yes (Please give details)

The site is within the setting of Grade II * listed Church of St Andrews and Grade II listed building of Church Farmhouse Proposed mitigation: Sensitively designed houses with a landscape buffer


Access to key utilities can be created

Available now

The land can be developed immediately

Don't know

There is a significant demand for a mix of housing within Caxton given it is well connected to surrounding towns and villages such as Cambourne, Cambridge and Northstowe.









Form ID: 40463
Respondent: Pegasus Group
Agent: Pegasus Group

Land north of Chestnut Road, Bassingbourn-cum-Kneesworth


Site 40463 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural use




Development of up to 86 dwellings with associated access, public open space and infrastructure

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing

Public open space , Community facilities

Site would deliver much-needed open-market and affordable housing. Affordable housing could contribute towards local needs.

Up to 86 dwellings could be accommodated based on a developable area of 2.46 ha. Maximum potential capacity 110 dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

There is an existing site access to the north-west of the site however a relocated access onto Chestnut Lane would be more convenient.


Yes (Please give details)

Site can be served by main utilities. Oil pipeline passes to the south of site; 6m easement to each side; this is reflected in the scheme masterplan.

Available now

Site is under option by a developer committed to bringing forward the site promptly

Site is under option by a developer

Highly attractive, given the good services in Bassingbourn-cum-Kneesworth and limited degree of new development in the village in recent years. Strong demand and housing need observed throughout South Cambridgeshire.

None known


2021 (subject to planning timescales)

2023 - 2024

2-3 years




Form ID: 40464
Respondent: Lambert Smith Hampton
Agent: Lambert Smith Hampton

Land at Davids Lodge, and to the north of Davids Lodge, along Old North Road and Fox Road, near Bourn


Site 40464 map

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Residential properties, stables, menage, paddock land.


Previous applications to extend Davids Lodge, and for stables and associated works. Historic refusal from the 1970s for a new house on the northern parcel of land.

Mixture of previously development land and greenfield.

15 to 20 residential dwellings, and community use.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing , Other forms of housing

Public open space , Community facilities

See accompanying letter - Provision of affordable housing and mix of market dwelling, and community hub to create a village focus to the settlement and support the local village economy and housing requirement.

See accompanying letter - 15 to 20 No. dwellings, with a mix of family housing and smaller properties.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Existing access to Davids Lodge. Existing dropped kerb and access point from Fox Road to northern land parcel.


No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

Existing woodland preservation order along western boundary. Trees to be retained and incorporated within scheme. Development capacity takes this constraint into account.

No answer given


Direct access to existing services along Old North Road and Fox Road.

Available now

No answer given

Site is under option by a developer

Excellent village location and with good transport links to A1198.



None mentioned.





No issues


Form ID: 40465
Respondent: Lambert Smith Hampton
Agent: Lambert Smith Hampton

Land to the south of Lanacre along Chrishall Road, Fowlmere


Site 40465 map

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Around 50 residential dwellings comprisingaffordable housing, market housing, self build and starter homes, provision of allotments and natural play area, and potential for village shop.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing , Other forms of housing , Employment (other)

Public open space , Community facilities , Retail

See accompanying letter - Provision of affordable housing and mix of market dwelling to support the local village economy and housing requirement. Potential site to provide village shop.

See accompanying letter - lower density, more spacious development proposed to take account of views of the site from the south and west.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

See indicative master plan showing access onto Chrishall Road. Existing access could be used if required. See indicative master plan showing proposed access onto Chrishall Road. Existing access could be used if required


No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

TPO 2/75 - band of trees along the south western and north eastern boundaries of the site. Boundary trees to be retained within the scheme, apart from providing access point onto Chrishall Road.

No answer given


Direct access to Chrishall Road.

Available now

Site owned by local SME developer.

Site owned by a developer

Excellent village location and opportunity to be part of the local community.




2022 (could be sooner if permission granted ahead of adoption of Local Plan)


2-3 years




Form ID: 40466
Respondent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd
Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

Bannold Road, Waterbeach


Site 40466 map

No uploaded files for public display

Mix of arable and pasture farming land




Residential development of up to a gross quantum of 200 dwellings (not taking into account environmental constraints) As part of the updated Call for Sites information that has been submitted, two plans have been provided. The first is an amended red line site boundary to illustrate the site’s removal from the flood plain and the second shows the extent of Green Infrastructure to the east of the site that is substantial in nature. The Promotional Document that has previously been submitted in respect of the site, illustrates how the substantial area of Green Infrastructure will seek to strengthen the contributions that this part of the site will have to the area of landscape character in which it is set.

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing

Community facilities

Delivery of housing within an area of significant demand, therefore contributing valuable numbers towards the identified need within South Cambridgeshire, but also to local needs within Waterbeach. Residential development of the site would be able to take positive advantage of the sustainable location of the village in terms of access via rail links to Cambridge and the principal of development at Waterbeach generally through the identification of the strategic allocation - Waterbeach New Settlement

Residential development of up to a gross quantum of 200 dwellings. The capacity that is identified within the Promotional Document is for in the region of 200 dwellings rather than 330 identified by the LPA. This takes into consideration the extent of the developable area on the western portion of the site provided as a logical extension to the exiting built up area of Waterbeach and the Green Infrastructure to the eastern part of the site. Development on the site is capable of commencing within the first five years of the plan period the estimated start date in the table above should be altered accordingly.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Provision of new highway access will need to be provided to the site to ensure adequate vehicular flows into and out of the site following subsequent development of the site for residential purposes


Yes (Please give details)

Flood Zone 3 (with benefits from flood defences) cover a substantial area of the appraisal site to the east, with partial Flood Zone 2 and 1 towards the west. Whilst the Flood Zone 3 areas are protected by defences, these would need to be assessed robustly through a FRA, but also through the implementation of any development through the provision of set-aside open space and landscaping buffers.

It is not known if there is direct connection to mains utilities, but site is settlement edge and therefore provision of a new mains connection is possible.

Available now

Southern and Regional are in a position to bring the site forward through an Option agreement with the landowners subject to outline planning approval being issued.


Waterbeach is a large, popular village within commuting distance from Cambridge via mainline railway, which is one of the fastest economically developing cities in the UK and therefore there is continuing demand for housing within Greater Cambridge to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding economy.








Form ID: 40467
Respondent: Lambert Smith Hampton
Agent: Lambert Smith Hampton

Land to the west of Chrishall Road, Fowlmere


Site 40467 map

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See accompanying letter and LPA ref S/2757/17/FUL


15 residential dwellings

Market and affordable housing , Other forms of housing

Public open space

See accompanying letter - Provision of affordable housing and mix of market dwelling to support the local village economy and housing requirement.

See accompanying letter - 15 No. dwellings, 6 No. one and two bed affordable dwellings and 9 No. two, three and four bed market dwellings.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

See layout plan attached to application S/2757/17/FUL showing access position. Site layout attached to S/2757/17/FUL showing access location.


No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

Phase 1 Ground Contamination report; tree survey, constraints plan and AIA; ecological appraisal; transport statement; foul and surface water drainage strategy; utility search; drainage and water supply search. All of these documents were reviewed by specialist consultees, the District Council and appeal inspector, and no objections were raised to the technical supporting information submitted with the application.

No answer given


Phase 1 Ground Contamination report; tree survey, constraints plan and AIA; ecological appraisal; transport statement; foul and surface water drainage strategy; utility search; drainage and water supply search. All of these documents were reviewed by specialist consultees, the District Council and appeal inspector, and no objections were raised to the technical supporting information submitted with the application.

Available now

See accompanying letter - full application previously submitted with detailed plans and reports included. // Previous issues have been resolved.

Site is under option by a developer

Excellent village location and opportunity to be part of the local community.



No answer given

2022 (could be sooner if permission granted ahead of adoption of Local Plan)




No answer given


Form ID: 40468
Respondent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd
Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

Priest Lane, Willingham


Site 40468 map

No uploaded files for public display

Mix of horticultural/nursery, hardstanding, grassland and woodland.

Horticultural - end of use not known

Pre-application: PRE/0025/19


Residential development of up to 50 dwellings with associated landscaping and access from Priest Lane. Land to the south of the frontage site is also within the control of Southern & Regional Developments and has been identified on a separate plan for wider consideration. However the focus of the promotion at this time is in respect of the frontage area that is previously developed land.

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing

Public open space

Delivery of housing within an area of significant demand, therefore contributing valuable numbers towards the identified need within South Cambridgeshire, but also to local needs within Willingham.

Approximately 50 - 54 units have been shown on a masterplan of the frontage site, copy enclosed.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Provision of new highway access will be provided to the site to ensure adequate vehicular flows into and out of the site following subsequent development of the site for residential purposes. The 30mph speed restriction along Priest Lane will be extended east across the site frontage through a TRO.


The site is level

Yes (Please give details)

Utilities are available from Priest Lane and water supply / electricity are on site already. It is not known if there is direct connection to mains fould sewer, but site is settlement edge and therefore provision will be close by.

Available now

Southern and Regional are in a position to bring the site forward through an Option agreement with the landowners subject to outline planning approval being issued.

Site is under option by a developer

Willingham is a large, popular village within commuting distance from Cambridge, one of the fastest economically developing cities in the UK and therefore there is continuing demand for housing within Greater Cambridge to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding economy.







Peripheral trees and hedgerows would be retained. No other constraints exist.


Form ID: 40469
Respondent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd
Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

Fen End, Willingham


Site 40469 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural land with a range of outbuildings and structures relating to agricultural use.




Residential Development with access from Fen End

Market and affordable housing

Nothing chosen

Delivery of housing within an area of significant demand which largely outweighs the current supply. A development at Fen End would contribute towards the identified need of South Cambridgeshire and more specifically the local needs of Willingham.

Approximately 100

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Provision of new highway access will need to be provided to the site to ensure adequate vehicular flows into and out of the site following subsequent development of the site for residential purposes. Site plan with indicative access enclosed (ref: 04120-2)




It is not known if there is direct connection to mains utilities, but site is settlement edge and therefore provision of a new mains connection is possible.

Available now

European Property Ventures (Cambridgeshire) are in a position to bring the site forward through an Option Agreement with the landowners subject to outline planning permission being approved.

Site is under option by a developer

Willingham is a large, popular and sustainable service village within commuting distance from Cambridge, one of the fastest economically developing cities in the UK. As such there is continuing demand for housing within Willingham and Greater Cambridge to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding economy and population.









Form ID: 40470
Respondent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd
Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

land North of Kingfisher Way Cottenham


Site 40470 map

No uploaded files for public display

Pasture land for Agriculture

Ongoing agricultural uses


Mixture of undeveloped pasture land with some structures and hardstanding to the north eastern corner

Residential development incorporating landscaping, open space improvements and access

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

Delivery of housing within an area of significant demand, therefore contributing valuable numbers towards the identified need within South Cambridgeshire, but also to local needs within Cottenham.

The site could realise approximately 300 dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Provision of new highway access will be provided to the site from Broad Lane that will provide capacity and safe access that will ensure adequate vehicular flows into and out of the site can take place without risk to highway safety. Adequate visibility splays are in place and Broad Lane has scope for improvements


Yes (Please give details)

The site is influenced by Protected Flood Zone 3, which benefits from flood defences at the New Cut Drain and the Cottenham Lode. This is based on a modelling exercise from 2003. The EA commissioned a model to more accurately represent the flood risk in the area, known as the Lower Ouse old west model 2015. The EA’s preliminary results from this model indicate that the site is not identified to contain ‘functional floodplain’. The 2015 model is in the course of being validated by the EA.S&R has commissioned WSP to work with the EA to assist them in assessing the flood risk in the vicinity of the site and in this validation process.

The site is settlement edge and therefore provision of a new mains, electricity and phone connection is possible. There is a foul mains drain and water supply in Broad Lane.

Available now

Southern and Regional Developments are in a position to bring the site forward through an Option agreement with the landowners subject to outline planning approval being issued.

Site is under option by a developer

Cottenham is a large, popular village within commuting distance of Cambridge. Given the size of the village, there is a wide range of immediate facilities for residents and therefore is a sustainable settlement with capacity to accommodate additional growth.








Form ID: 40471
Respondent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd
Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

land West of Broad Lane, Cottenham


Site 40471 map

No uploaded files for public display

Pasture land for agricultural use

Ongoing agricultural uses


Mixture of undeveloped pasture land with some structures and hardstanding to the north eastern corner

Residential development incorporating landscaping, open space improvements and access

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

Delivery of housing within an area of significant demand, therefore contributing valuable numbers towards the identified need within South Cambridgeshire, but also to local needs within Cottenham.

The site could realise approximately 150 dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Provision of new highway access will be provided to the site from Broad Lane that will provide capacity and safe access that will ensure adequate vehicular flows into and out of the site can take place without risk to highway safety. Adequate visibility splays are in place and Broad Lane has scope for improvements.


Yes (Please give details)

The site is influenced by Protected Flood Zone 3, which benefits from flood defences at the New Cut Drain and the Cottenham Lode.

The site is settlement edge and therefore provision of a new mains, electricity and phone connection is possible. There is a foul mains drain and water supply in Broad Lane. This is based on a modelling exercise from 2003. The EA commissioned a model to more accurately represent the flood risk in the area, known as the Lower Ouse old west model 2015. The EA’s preliminary results from this model indicate that the site is not identified to contain ‘functional floodplain’. The 2015 model is in the course of being validated by the EA. S&R has commissioned WSP to work with the EA to assist them in assessing the flood risk in the vicinity of the site and in this validation process.

Available now

Southern and Regional Developments are in a position to bring the site forward through an Option agreement with the landowners subject to outline planning approval being issued.

Site is under option by a developer

Cottenham is a large, popular village within commuting distance of Cambridge. Given the size of the village, there is a wide range of immediate facilities for residents and therefore is a sustainable settlement with capacity to accommodate additional growth.







Form ID: 40472
Respondent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd
Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy Ltd

land off Kingfisher Way, Cottenham


Site 40472 map

No uploaded files for public display

Pasture land for agricultural use

Ongoing agricultural uses


Mixture of undeveloped pasture land with some structures and hardstanding to the north eastern corner.

Residential development incorporating landscaping, open space improvements and access

Market and affordable housing , Older persons housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

Delivery of housing within an area of significant demand, therefore contributing valuable numbers towards the identified need within South Cambridgeshire, but also to local needs within Cottenham.

The site could realise approximately 80 dwellings

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Provision of new highway access will need to be provided to the site to ensure adequate vehicular flows into and out of the site following subsequent development of the site for residential purposes


Yes (Please give details)

Protected Flood Zone 3, which benefits from flood defences at the New Cut Drain and the Cottenham Lode. This is based on a modelling exercise from 2003. The EA commissioned a model to more accurately represent the flood risk in the area, known as the Lower Ouse old west model 2015. The EA’s preliminary results from this model indicate that the site is not identified to contain ‘functional floodplain’. The 2015 model is in the course of being validated by the EA. S&R has commissioned WSP to work with the EA to assist them in assessing the flood risk in the vicinity of the site and in this validation process.

It is not known if there is direct connection to mains utilities, but site is settlement edge and therefore provision of a new mains connection is possible.

Available now

Southern and Regional are in a position to bring the site forward through an Option agreement with the landowners subject to outline planning approval being issued.

Site is under option by a developer

Cottenham is a large, popular village within commuting distance of Cambridge. Given the size of the village, there is a wide range of immediate facilities for residents and therefore is a sustainable settlement with capacity to accommodate additional growth.







Form ID: 40473
Respondent: Carter Jonas

Farmland promoted as a Broad Location and situated between Papworth Everard and Elsworth and to the north-east of the junction between A1198/A428 at Caxton Gibbet


Site 40473 map

No uploaded files for public display

Agricultural use




The site comprises a Broad Location that might accommodate residential development as growth of Papworth Everard and / or Elsworth. Land north-east of the A1198/A428 junction provides an opportunity for development at a key node in the A428 corridor which might accommodate employment provision (B1/B2/B8), e.g. strategic scale warehousing & logistics, enhanced motorists roadside provision (including hotel accommodation).

Market and affordable housing , Key worker housing , Older persons housing , Residential care home , Custom or self build housing , Employment (B1) office , Employment (B1b) research and development , Employment (B1c) light industrial , Employment (B2) general industrial , Employment (B8) storage and distribution , Employment (other)


The site is promoted as an opportunity for development at a key node in the A428 corridor which might accommodate employment provision B1, B2 & B8 (e.g. strategic scale warehousing & logistics) & enhanced motorists roadside provision (including hotel accommodation). The site’s suitability for these uses is a reflection of a number of factors, including the Government’s decision to deliver transformational infrastructure projects to improve east-west connectivity across the Cambridge – Milton Keynes – Oxford Arc, most notably by completing the East West Rail scheme and the Expressway. The site is located adjacent to the proposed grade separated junction of the A428 / A1198 at Caxton Gibbet which will be created as part of the proposed Expressway dualling of the A428. The site is also located in a transport corridor that has and continues to be the focus of significant housing growth, including the extension of Cambourne & Bourne Airfield, but which in themselves are not providing land for a significant level of new employment provision. The site will be well suited to strategic scale logistics development, new opportunities for which are very limited in the A421/A428/A14 corridor between Bedford and Bury St Edmunds; and to meet demand for general industrial and commercial land to serve the highly constrained Cambridge market, or which are ‘forced out’ from the City by competing higher value uses and commercial developments. The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Independent Economic Review in discussing ‘Logistics & Distribution’ notes in part that this sector is likely to both grow and change in future as new methods of transport and distribution become available. The enhanced connectedness of this part of the region to the UK transport network means that the site will be eminently suitable for strategic scale logistics development. The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Local Industrial Strategy 2019 recognises supporting sectors, which are also strengths of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough economy, including logistics. The site provides an opportunity to create business growth in this sector.

Further work undertaken since the ‘call for sites’ submission has refined the broad location to the site identified on the accompanying drawings. This has a gross area of 168 Ha and capacity work suggests that this will provide for a net developable area of up to 89 Ha. Subject to planning, the site could be opened for development in tandem with completion of the A428 dualling. The site lends itself to delivery over three phases and would be market led.

No answer given

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

The Broad Location presents a number of opportunities to secure vehicular access.


No answer given

Yes (Please give details)

There are no known constraints. The Broad Location is all FZ1. There are SSSI close to the Broad Location at Papworth Wood and Elsworth Wood. Elsworth and Papworth Everard both have Conservation Areas. There are no Listed Buildings within the Broad Location. The Pathfinder Way long distance footpath crosses the Broad Location.

No answer given


The Broad Location is in an area that benefits generally from key utility provision.

Next 6-10 years

The Broad Location is promoted by a willing landowner and is deliverable for development. However, the site will need to be allocated for development through the Greater Cambridge Local Plan process before it will be available for development.

Enquiries received








No uploaded files for public display

Form ID: 40474
Respondent: Mr Jonathan Mills

Land south of Driftwood, Hale Road, Swavesey, Cambridge


Site 40474 map

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Previously developed land with B1(c) lawful use. The site is vacant and available for development.


REFERENCE: S/1563/81/F - Change use of piggery and agricultural workshop to Car Repair Shop REFERENCE: S/0632/09/F - Removal of condition 2 of Planning Application S/1563/81/F Which requires the occupancy of dwelling by Mr and Mrs Smart/ REFERENCE: S/1385/08/LDC - Certificate of lawfulness to demonstrate the agricultural occupancy condition has not been compiled with for a continuous period of at least 10 years REFERENCE; S/2430/07/F - Removal of agricultural and personal occupancy condition (condition 2 of T/APP/5142/C/82/2239 dated 12th April 1984) REFERENCE: S/2062/06/F - Removal of agricultural and personal occupancy condition (condition 2 of T/APP/5142/C/82/2239 dated 12th April 1984) REFERENCE: S/0638/19/FL - Permission in principle application for the demolition of a B1(c) - Light industrial building and erection of up to 2 dwellings. REFERENCE: S/0546/96/F - Mobile home decision: Approved. REFERENCE: S/0461/04/LDC - Certificate of lawfulness for continued residential is (Class C1) and light industrial use including offices and storage. (Class B1(c)) REFERENCE: S/2265/04/LDC - Certificate of lawfulness for continued residential is (Class C1) and light industrial use including offices and storage. (Class B1(c)) REFERENCE: S:1551/93/F - Use of part of existing building for office, showroom and store together with outside storage and parking. REFRENCE: S/1025/19/IP - Permission in principle for demolition of a B1(c) - light industrial building and erection of up to 2 dwellings.

Previously developed land.

Demolition of existing buildings and construction of up to 5 dwellings.

Market and affordable housing , Custom or self build housing

Nothing chosen

The intention to remove the existing buildings, clear the site and construct modest residential scheme will be of significant visual benefit to the setting Castle Hill earth works and the Swavesey Conservation Area.

At a housing density of approx. 30 unit/ha the3 site would be capable of delivering at least 5 units. Dwellings would be most likely detached.

No uploaded files for public display

Yes (Please give details)

Access would be via existing provision from Hale Road which presently services the site.


Yes (Please give details)

The site lies approx. 110m west of castle hill earth works, which is a schedules ancient monument, and lies adjacent to the Swavesey Conservation Area; both are considered heritage assets. An archaeological survey has been undertaken in support of application S/1025/19/IP, a copy of which is submitted in support if the assessment. It demonstrates that matters of archaeology are not a constraint to development of the area of land shared between the above application and the present SHELLA. It is considered that a scheme could be suitable designed to ensure the character and appearance of the Swavesey Conservation area would be pre3served. The site falls almost entirely within Flood Zone 1. A minor area to the south west falls within FZ2(see attached extract from Flood Map for Planning) Any [proposal coming forward would ensure this area remained undeveloped.

Water, Power & Drainage.

Available now

The site is currently not is use and is under the control of a single owner wishing to develop it.


As the site is not currently in use. It could be developed with immediate effect. The site is well related to Swavesey and its amenities and facilities. These include the White Horse Public house and adjacent local shop. Swavesey Primary School and Village College are sited 880m and 1.2km, respectively, to the south of the site. The busway is located less than 980m to the north east, which is accessible on foot or cycle, and provides ready access to the settlements of St Ives, Huntingdon and Cambridge, amongst others, for extensive employment and leisure opportunities.







The site would require demolition of the existing buildings, The application site lies approx. 110m west of Castle Hill earth works, which is a Schedules Ancient Monument. An archaeological evaluation report has been completed for the majority of the site area and demonstrates that matters of archaeology would not be a constraint to development. This could be updated to include additional land, which the present site includes.
